System Administrator Console

The System Administrator Console (SAC) is the interface which allows a system administrator to connect to any DIRAC server which is running a SystemAdministrator service. This interface allows to perform all the system maintenance tasks remotely.

Starting SAC

The SAC is invoked using dirac-admin-sysadmin-cli command for a given DIRAC server, for example:

dirac-admin-sysadmin-cli --host

This starts a special shell with a number of commands defined. There is a help available to see the the list of commands and get info about particular commands:>help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
add   execfile  install  restart  show   stop
exec  exit      quit     set      start  update>help set

        Set the host to be managed


          set host <hostname>

Getting information

The following command shows information about the host setup and currently used DIRAC software and extensions: >show info

Setup: LHCb-Certification
DIRAC version: v5r12-pre9
LHCb version v5r11p10
LHCbWeb version v1r1

One can look up details of the software installed with the following command:>show software

{'Agents': {'Configuration': ['CE2CSAgent', 'UsersAndGroups'],
            'DataManagement': ['TransferAgent',

It will show all the components for which the software is available on the host, so these components can be installed and configured for execution. The information is grouped by component type ( Agents or Services ) and by system. See below for how to setup the DIRAC components for running.

The status of the installed components can be obtained like:> show status

   System                      Name                         Type         Setup    Installed Runit    Uptime    PID
ResourceStatus               ResourceStatus               service        SetUp    Installed Down    2532910        0
WorkloadManagement           SandboxStore                 service        SetUp    Installed Run        8390    20510
WorkloadManagement           JobMonitoring                service        SetUp    Installed Run        8390    20494

The output of the command shows for each component its system, name and type as well as the status information:

  • Setup status shows if the component is set up for running on the host. It can take two values: SetUp/NotSetup ;

  • Installed status shows if the component is installed on the host. This means that it is configured to run with Runit system

Show setup command allows administrators to know which components, Services and Agents are setup up in the host: >show setup
{'Agents': {'Configuration': ['CE2CSAgent'],
            'WorkloadManagement': ['JobHistoryAgent',
 'Services': {'Accounting': ['ReportGenerator',
              'Configuration': ['Server'],
              'Framework': ['BundleDelivery',
              'RequestManagement': ['RequestManager'],
              'WorkloadManagement': ['JobMonitoring',

SAC also allow which databases are installed: >show database
MySQL root password:

            DataLoggingDB : Not installed
        SandboxMetadataDB : Installed
                    JobDB : Installed
            FileCatalogDB : Installed
         TransformationDB : Not installed
             JobLoggingDB : Installed
            UserProfileDB : Installed

Show the status of the MySQL server: >show mysql

                 FlushTables : 1
                  OpenTables : 47
         NumberOfSlowQueries : 0
           NumberOfQuestions : 24133
                      UpTime : 15763
             NumberOfThreads : 13
               NumberOfOpens : 203
            QueriesPerSecond : 1.530

Is also possible to check logs for services and agents using SAC:>show log WorkloadManagement JobMonitoring
2011-03-16 14:28:15 UTC WorkloadManagement/JobMonitoring  INFO: Sending records to security log service...
2011-03-16 14:28:15 UTC WorkloadManagement/JobMonitoring  INFO: Data sent to security log service
2011-03-16 14:29:15 UTC WorkloadManagement/JobMonitoring  INFO: Sending records to security log service...
2011-03-16 14:29:15 UTC WorkloadManagement/JobMonitoring  INFO: Data sent to security log service

It is possible to check the history of installed components in DIRAC with show installations:

[]> show installations

  Num          Host                   Name                    Module                 System            Type        Installed on      Uninstalled on
|  1  |  | InstalledComponentsDB  | InstalledComponentsDB  |     Framework      |     DB     | 01-06-2015 16:12 |                  |
|  2  |  |  ComponentMonitoring   |  ComponentMonitoring   |     Framework      |  service   | 01-06-2015 16:12 |                  |
|  3  |  |         Server         |         Server         |   Configuration    |  service   | 01-06-2015 16:12 |                  |
|  4  |  |  SystemAdministrator   |  SystemAdministrator   |     Framework      |  service   | 01-06-2015 16:12 |                  |

Accepted parameters by show installations:

  • list: Changes the display mode of the results

  • current: Show only the components that are still installed

  • -n <name>: Show only installations of the component with the given name

  • -h <host>: Show only installations in the given host

  • -s <system>: Show only installations of components from the given system

  • -m <module>: Show only installations of the given module

  • -t <type>: Show only installations of the given type

  • -itb <date>: Show installations made before the given date (‘dd-mm-yyyy’)

  • -ita <date>: Show installations made after the given date (‘dd-mm-yyyy’)

  • -utb <date>: Show installations of components uninstalled before the given date (‘dd-mm-yyyy’)

  • -uta <date>: Show installations of components uninstalled after the given date (‘dd-mm-yyyy’)

Managing DIRAC services and agents

Using SAC the installation of DIRAC components (DBs, Services, Agents) and MySQL Server can be done.


install mysql
install db <database>
install service <system> <service>
install agent <system> <agent>

To install MySQL server: >install mysql
Installing MySQL database, this can take a while ...
MySQL Dirac password:
MySQL: Already installed

Installation of Databases for services can be added: >install db PilotAgentsDB
Adding to CS WorkloadManagement/PilotAgentsDB
Database PilotAgentsDB from EELADIRAC/WorkloadManagementSystem installed successfully

Addition of new services: >install service WorkloadManagement PilotManager
service WorkloadManagement_PilotManager is installed, runit status: Run

Addition of new agents: >install agent Configuration CE2CSAgent
agent Configuration_CE2CSAgent is installed, runit status: Run

The SAC can also be used to start services or agents or database server.


start <system|*> <service|agent|*>
start mysql

For example, start a service: >start WorkloadManagement PilotManager

WorkloadManagement_PilotManager started successfully, runit status:

WorkloadManagement_PilotManager : Run

Restart services or agents:

restart <system|*> <service|agent|*>

Restarting all the services and agents: >restart *
All systems are restarted, connection to SystemAdministrator is lost

Restarting a specific service or agent: >restart WorkloadManagement PilotManager

WorkloadManagement_PilotManager started successfully, runit status:

WorkloadManagement_PilotManager : Run

Stop services or agents or database server:

stop <system|*> <service|agent|*>
stop mysql

Stop all the services and agents: >stop *

Stop a specific service or agent: >stop WorkloadManagement PilotManager

WorkloadManagement_PilotManager stopped successfully, runit status:

WorkloadManagement_PilotManager : Down

Updating the DIRAC installation

The SAC allows to update the software on the target host to a given version.


update <version>

For example:

$ dirac-admin-sysadmin-cli --host
DIRAC Root Path = /home/vanessa/DIRAC-v5r12 >update v5r12p7
Software update can take a while, please wait ...
Software successfully updated.
You should restart the services to use the new software version. >restart *
All systems are restarted, connection to SystemAdministrator is lost >quit

If the administrator needs to continue working with SAC, it must be started again.