8. Transformation System
The Transformation System (TS) is used to automatise common tasks related to production activities. Just to make some basic examples, the TS can handle the generation of Simulation jobs, or Data Re-processing jobs as soon as a ‘pre-defined’ data-set is available, or Data Replication to ‘pre-defined’ SE destinations as soon as the first replica is registered in the Catalog.
The lingo used here needs a little explanation: throughout this document the terms “transformation” and “production” are often used to mean the same thing:
A “production” is a transformation managed by the TS that is a “Data Processing” transformation (e.g. Simulation, Merge, DataReconstruction…). A Production ends up creating jobs in the WMS.
A “Data Manipulation” transformation replicates, or remove, data from storage elements. A “Data Manipulation” transformation ends up creating requests in the RMS (Request Management System).
For each high-level production task, the production manager creates a transformation. Each transformation can have different parameters. The main parameters of a Transformation are the following:
Type (e.g. Simulation, DataProcessing, Removal, Replication)
Plugin (Standard, BySize, etc.)
The possibility of having Input Files.
Within the TS a user can (for example):
Generate several identical tasks, differing by few parameters (e.g. Input Files list)
Extend the number of tasks
have one single high-level object (the Transformation) associated to a given production for global monitoring
For very large installations, the submission may be perceived as slow, since there is no use (not yet) of Parametric jobs.
Added in version v6r20p3: Bulk submission of jobs is working for the transformations, so job submission can be sped up considerably.
Several improvements have been made in the TS to handle scalability, and extensibility issues. While the system structure remains intact, “tricks” like threading and caching have been extensively applied.
It’s not possible to use ISB (Input Sandbox) to ship local files as for ‘normal’ Jobs (this should not be considered, anyway, a disadvantage).
8.1. Architecture
The TS is a standard DIRAC system, and therefore it is composed by components in the following categories: Services, DBs, Agents. A technical drawing explaining the interactions between the various components follow.
TransformationManagerHandler: DISET request handler base class for the TransformationDB
TransformationDB: it’s used to collect and serve the necessary information in order to automate the task of job preparation for high level transformations. This class is typically used as a base class for more specific data processing databases. Here below the DB tables:
mysql> use TransformationDB; Database changed mysql> show tables; +------------------------------+ | Tables_in_TransformationDB | +------------------------------+ | AdditionalParameters | | DataFiles | | TaskInputs | | TransformationFileTasks | | TransformationFiles | | TransformationInputDataQuery | | TransformationLog | | TransformationTasks | | Transformations | +------------------------------+
Note that since version v6r10, there are important changes in the TransformationDB, as explained in the release notes (for example the Replicas table can be removed). Also, it is highly suggested to move to InnoDB. For new installations, all these improvements will be installed automatically.
TransformationAgent: it processes transformations found in the TransformationDB and creates the associated tasks, by connecting input files with tasks given a plugin. It’s not useful for MCSimulation type
WorkflowTaskAgent: it takes workflow tasks created in the TransformationDB and it submits to the WMS. Since version v6r13 there are some new capabilities in the form of TaskManager plugins.
RequestTaskAgent: it takes request tasks created in the TransformationDB and submits to the RMS. Both RequestTaskAgent and WorkflowTaskAgent inherits from the same agent, “TaskManagerAgentBase”, whose code contains large part of the logic that will be executed. But, TaskManagerAgentBase should not be run standalone.
MCExtensionAgent: it extends the number of tasks given the Transformation definition. To work it needs to know how many events each production will need, and how many events each job will produce. It is only used for ‘MCSimulation’ type
TransformationCleaningAgent: it cleans up the finalised Transformations
InputDataAgent: it updates the transformation files of active Transformations given an InputDataQuery fetched from the Transformation Service
ValidateOutputDataAgent: it runs few integrity checks prior to finalise a Production.
The complete list can be found in the DIRAC project GitHub repository.
TaskManager: it contains TaskBase, which is inherited by WorkflowTasks and RequestTasks modules, for managing jobs and requests tasks, i.e. it contains classes wrapping the logic of how to ‘transform’ a Task in a job/request. WorkflowTaskAgent uses WorkflowTasks, RequestTaskAgent uses RequestTasks.
TransformationClient: class that contains client access to the transformation DB handler (main client to the service/DB). It exposes the functionalities available in the DIRAC/TransformationHandler. This inherits the DIRAC base Client for direct execution of server functionality
Transformation: it wraps some functionalities mostly to use the ‘TransformationClient’ client
8.2. Configuration
In the Operations/[VO]/[SETUP]/Transformations or Operations/Defaults/Transformations section, Transformation Types must be added
By default, the WorkflowTaskAgent will treat all the DataProcessing transformations and the RequestTaskAgent all the DataManipulation ones
An example of working configuration is give below:
Transformations { DataProcessing = MCSimulation DataProcessing += CorsikaRepro DataProcessing += Merge DataProcessing += Analysis DataProcessing += DataReprocessing DataManipulation = Removal DataManipulation += Replication }
Agents must be configured in the Systems/Transformation/[SETUP]/Agents section
The Transformation Types to be treated by the agent must be configured if and only if they are different from those set in the ‘Operations’ section. This is useful, for example, in case one wants several agents treating different transformation types, e.g.: one WorkflowTaskAgent for DataReprocessing transformations, a second for Merge and MCStripping, etc. Advantage is speedup.
For the WorkflowTaskAgent and RequestTaskAgent some options must be added manually
An example of working configuration is give below, where 2 specific WorkflowTaskAgents, each treating a different subset of transformation types have been added. Also notice the different shifterProxy set by each one.
WorkflowTaskAgent { #Transformation types to be treated by the agent TransType = MCSimulation TransType += DataReconstruction TransType += DataStripping TransType += MCStripping TransType += Merge TransType += DataReprocessing #Task statuses considered transient that should be monitored for updates TaskUpdateStatus = Submitted TaskUpdateStatus += Received TaskUpdateStatus += Waiting TaskUpdateStatus += Running TaskUpdateStatus += Matched TaskUpdateStatus += Completed TaskUpdateStatus += Failed shifterProxy = ProductionManager #Flag to enable task submission SubmitTasks = yes #Flag for checking reserved tasks that failed submission CheckReserved = yes #Flag to enable task monitoring MonitorTasks = yes PollingTime = 120 MonitorFiles = yes } WorkflowTaskAgent-RealData { TransType = DataReconstruction TransType += DataStripping shifterProxy = DataProcessing Module = WorkflowTaskAgent } WorkflowTaskAgent-Simulation { TransType = Simulation TransType += MCSimulation shifterProxy = SimulationProcessing Module = WorkflowTaskAgent } RequestTaskAgent { PollingTime = 120 SubmitTasks = yes CheckReserved = yes MonitorTasks = yes MonitorFiles = yes TaskUpdateStatus = Submitted TaskUpdateStatus += Received TaskUpdateStatus += Waiting TaskUpdateStatus += Running TaskUpdateStatus += Matched TaskUpdateStatus += Completed TaskUpdateStatus += Failed TransType = Removal TransType += Replication }
8.3. Plugins
There are three different types of plugins:
TransformationAgent plugins: these are used to ‘group’ the input files of the tasks according to different criteria.
TaskManager plugins: these are used only by the
to specify the tasks destinations.BodyPlugins: these are used at the moment only by the
and allow to have a complex logic of transforming a task into an RMS Request
8.3.1. TransformationAgent plugins
Standard: group files by replicas (tasks create based on the file location)
BySize: group files until they reach a certain size (Input size in Gb)
ByShare: group files given the share (specified in the CS) and location
Broadcast: take files at the source SE and broadcast to a given number of locations (used for replication)
8.3.2. TaskManager plugins
By default the standard plugin (BySE) sets job’s destination depending on the location of its input data.
One possibility is represented by the ByJobType TaskManager plugin, that allows to specify different rules for site destinations for each JobType. This plugin allows so-called “mesh processing”, i.e. depending on the job type, some sites may become eligible for “helping” other sites to run jobs that normally would only be running at the site where data is located. In order to use the ByJobType plugin, one has to:
Set CS section Operations/Transformations/DestinationPlugin = ByJobType
Set the JobType in the job workflow of the transformation, e.g.:
from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.Transformation import Transformation from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Job import Job t = Transformation() job = Job() ... job.setType('DataReprocessing') t.setBody ( job.workflow.toXML() )
Define the actual rules for each JobType in the CS section Operation/JobTypeMapping, as in the following example:
JobTypeMapping { AutoAddedSites = LCG.CERN.cern AutoAddedSites += LCG.IN2P3.fr AutoAddedSites += LCG.CNAF.it AutoAddedSites += LCG.PIC.es AutoAddedSites += LCG.GRIDKA.de AutoAddedSites += LCG.RAL.uk AutoAddedSites += LCG.SARA.nl AutoAddedSites += LCG.RRCKI.ru DataReconstruction { Exclude = ALL AutoAddedSites = LCG.IN2P3.fr AutoAddedSites += LCG.CNAF.it AutoAddedSites += LCG.PIC.es AutoAddedSites += LCG.GRIDKA.de AutoAddedSites += LCG.RAL.uk AutoAddedSites += LCG.RRCKI.ru Allow { CLOUD.CERN.cern = LCG.CERN.cern, LCG.SARA.nl } } DataReprocessing { Exclude = ALL Allow { LCG.NIKHEF.nl = LCG.SARA.nl LCG.UKI-LT2-QMUL.uk = LCG.RAL.uk LCG.CPPM.fr = LCG.SARA.nl LCG.USC.es = LCG.PIC.es LCG.LAL.fr = LCG.CERN.cern LCG.LAL.fr += LCG.IN2P3.fr LCG.BariRECAS.it = LCG.CNAF.it LCG.CBPF.br = LCG.CERN.cern VAC.Manchester.uk = LCG.RAL.uk } } Merge { Exclude = ALL Allow { LCG.NIKHEF.nl = LCG.SARA.nl } } }
By default, all sites are allowed to do every job
“AutoAddedSites” contains the list of sites allowed to run jobs with files in their local SEs.
If it contains ‘WithStorage’, all sites with an associated local storage will be added automatically.
Sections under “JobTypeMapping” correspond to the different JobTypes one may want to define, e.g.: DataReprocessing, Merge, etc.
For each JobType one has to define:
“Exclude”: the list of sites that will be removed as destination sites (“ALL” for all sites).
Optionally one may redefine the “AutoAddedSites” (including setting it empty)
“Allow”: the list of ‘helpers’, specifying sites helping another site.
For each “helper” one specifies a list of sites that it helps, i.e. if the input data is at one of these sites, the job is eligible to the helper site.
In the example above all sites in “AutoAddedSites” are allowed to run jobs with input files in their local SEs.
For DataReprocessing jobs, jobs having input files at LCG.SARA.nl local SEs can run both at LCG.SARA.nl and at LCG.NIKHEF.nl, etc. For DataReconstruction jobs, jobs will run at the Tier1 where the input data is, except when the data is at CERN or SARA, where they will run exclusively at CLOUD.CERN.cern.
8.3.3. Body plugins
There are 2 straightforward ways to define a body for a data management transformation (see Data management transformations example
a SingleOperation body
a MultiOperation body
These two ways are fairly static and do not allow very dynamic creation of Request. The Body plugins are here to work around that.
You could for example imagine using them to generate a Move
operation instead of a ReplicateAndRegister
operation under arbitrary circumstances within the same transformation.
For explanation on how to do it, please see Create a Body Plugin
8.4. Use-cases
Transformations can have Input Files (e.g. Data-processing transformations), or not (e.g. MC Simulation transformations).
8.4.1. MC Simulation
Generation of many identical jobs which don’t need Input Files and having as varying parameter a variable built from @{JOB_ID}.
WorkflowTaskAgent, MCExtensionAgent (optional)
The WorkflowTaskAgent uses the TaskManager client to transform a ‘Task’ into a ‘Job’.
from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.Transformation import Transformation from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Job import Job j = myJob() ... t = Transformation( ) t.setTransformationName("MCProd") # this must be unique t.setTransformationGroup("Group1") t.setType("MCSimulation") t.setDescription("MC prod example") t.setLongDescription( "This is the long description of my production" ) # mandatory t.setBody ( j.workflow.toXML() ) t.addTransformation() # transformation is created here t.setStatus("Active") t.setAgentType("Automatic")
8.4.2. Data-processing
Generation of identical jobs with varying Input Files.
TransformationAgent, WorkflowTaskAgent, InputDataAgent
Input Files can be attached to a transformation in two ways:
Through a static list of files:
when the transformation is created, all the tasks necessary to treat the list of files are also created
Through a catalog query:
when the transformation is created, all the tasks the tasks necessary to treat the files matching the catalog query are created. As soon as new files matching the catalog query are registered, new tasks are created to treat the new files Using a static list of files
from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.Transformation import Transformation from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Job import Job j = myJob() ... t = Transformation( ) tc = TransformationClient( ) t.setTransformationName("Reprocessing_1") # this must be unique t.setType("DataReprocessing") t.setDescription("repro example") t.setLongDescription( "This is the long description of my reprocessing" ) # mandatory t.setBody ( j.workflow.toXML() ) t.addTransformation() # transformation is created here t.setStatus("Active") t.setAgentType("Automatic") transID = t.getTransformationID() tc.addFilesToTransformation(transID['Value'],infileList) # files are added here Using a catalog query
There are two methods to add Input Files to a transformation through a catalog query:
Using the InputDataQuery Agent
Using the TSCatalog interface (starting from v6r17)
From the user point of view the two methods are equivalent, but the internal behaviour of the TS is different. In the first case, the InputDataQuery agent continuously queries the catalog to look for new files matching the defined query (called ‘InputDataQuery’). In the second case, the files matching the defined query (called ‘FileMask’), are directly added to the transformation through the TSCatalog interface (see RFC 21 for more details). Here below we give an example to create a data-processing transformation for each of these two methods.
Example using the InputDataQuery Agent
from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.Transformation import Transformation from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Job import Job j = myJob() ... t = Transformation( ) tc = TransformationClient( ) t.setTransformationName("Reprocessing_1") # this must be unique t.setType("DataReprocessing") t.setDescription("repro example") t.setLongDescription( "This is the long description of my reprocessing" ) # mandatory t.setBody ( j.workflow.toXML() ) t.addTransformation() # transformation is created here t.setStatus("Active") t.setAgentType("Automatic") tc.createTransformationInputDataQuery(transID['Value'], {'particle': 'proton','prodName':'ConfigtestCorsika','outputType':'corsikaData'}) # files are added here
Example using the TSCatalog interface
Both the TSCatalog and FileCatalog plugins must be configured in the Resources and Operations sections, e.g.:
Operations { Services { Catalogs { CatalogList = DIRACFileCatalog, TSCatalog DIRACFileCatalog { CatalogType = FileCatalog AccessType = Read-Write Status = Active CatalogURL = DataManagement/FileCatalog } TSCatalog { CatalogType = TSCatalog AccessType = Write Status = Active CatalogURL = Transformation/TransformationManager }
import json from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.Transformation import Transformation from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Job import Job j = myJob() ... t = Transformation( ) t.setTransformationName("Reprocessing_1") # this must be unique t.setType("DataReprocessing") t.setDescription("repro example") t.setLongDescription( "This is the long description of my reprocessing" ) # mandatory t.setBody ( j.workflow.toXML() ) mqJson = json.dumps( {'particle':'gamma_diffuse', 'zenith':{"<=": 20}} ) t.setFileMask(mqJson) # catalog query is defined here t.addTransformation() # transformation is created here t.setStatus("Active") t.setAgentType("Automatic")
Transformation Type = ‘DataReprocessing’
If the ‘MonitorFiles’ option is enabled in the agent configuration, failed jobs are automatically rescheduled
8.4.3. Data management transformations
Generation of bulk data removal/replication requests from a fixed file list or as a result of a DFC query.
TransformationAgent, RequestTaskAgent, InputDataAgent (for DFC query)
Requests are then treated by the RMS (see RequestManagement):
Check the logs of RequestExecutingAgent, e.g.:
2014-07-08 08:27:33 UTC RequestManagement/RequestExecutingAgent/00000188_00000001 INFO: request '00000188_00000001' is done
Query the ReqDB to check the requests
Example of data removal
from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.Transformation import Transformation from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient infileList = [] ... t = Transformation( ) tc = TransformationClient( ) t.setTransformationName("DM_Removal") # this must be unique #t.setTransformationGroup("Group1") t.setType("Removal") t.setPlugin("Standard") # not needed. The default is 'Standard' t.setDescription("dataset1 Removal") t.setLongDescription( "Long description of dataset1 Removal" ) # Mandatory t.setGroupSize(2) # Here you specify how many files should be grouped within the same request, e.g. 100 t.setBody ( "Removal;RemoveFile" ) # mandatory (the default is a ReplicateAndRegister operation) t.addTransformation() # transformation is created here t.setStatus("Active") t.setAgentType("Automatic") transID = t.getTransformationID() tc.addFilesToTransformation(transID['Value'],infileList) # files are added here
It’s not needed to set a Plugin, the default is ‘Standard’
It’s mandatory to set the Body, otherwise the default operation is ‘ReplicateAndRegister’
It’s not needed to set a SourceSE nor a TargetSE
This script remove all replicas of each file. We should verify how to remove only a subset of replicas (SourceSE?)
If you add non existing files to a Transformation, you won’t get any particular status, the Transformation just does not progress
Example for Multiple Operations
from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.Transformation import Transformation from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient infileList = [] ... t = Transformation( ) tc = TransformationClient( ) t.setTransformationName("DM_Moving") # Must be unique #t.setTransformationGroup("Moving") t.setType("Moving") t.setPlugin("Standard") # Not needed. The default is 'Standard' t.setDescription("dataset1 Moving") t.setLongDescription( "Long description of dataset1 Moving" ) # Mandatory t.setGroupSize(2) # Here you specify how many files should be grouped within he same request, e.g. 100 transBody = [ ( "ReplicateAndRegister", { "SourceSE":"FOO-SRM", "TargetSE":"TASK:TargetSE" }), ( "RemoveReplica", { "TargetSE":"FOO-SRM" } ), ] t.setBody ( transBody ) # Mandatory t.addTransformation() # Transformation is created here t.setStatus("Active") t.setAgentType("Automatic") transID = t.getTransformationID() tc.addFilesToTransformation(transID['Value'],infileList) # Files are added here
This body will create Requests with 2 operations each. The first element of the tuple is the operation type, the second is a dictionary describing the attributes of the Operation
If a value of an attribute is
, this will resolve into the<something>
attribute of the task dictionary, typically the target SE. Data replication based on catalog query
Example of data replication (file list as a result of a DFC query, example taken from CTA)
from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.Transformation import Transformation from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TransformationClient import TransformationClient t = Transformation( ) tc = TransformationClient( ) t.setTransformationName("DM_ReplicationByQuery1") # this must vary #t.setTransformationGroup("Group1") t.setType("Replication") t.setSourceSE(['CYF-STORM-Disk','DESY-ZN-Disk']) # a list of SE where at least 1 SE is the valid one t.setTargetSE(['CEA-Disk']) t.setDescription("data Replication") t.setLongDescription( "data Replication" ) # mandatory t.setGroupSize(1) t.setPlugin("Broadcast") t.addTransformation() # transformation is created here t.setStatus("Active") t.setAgentType("Automatic") transID = t.getTransformationID() tc.createTransformationInputDataQuery(transID['Value'], {'particle': 'gamma','prodName':'Config_test300113','outputType':'Data','simtelArrayProdVersion':'prod-2_21122012_simtel','runNumSeries':'0'}) # Add files to Transformation based on Catalog Query
8.5. Actions on transformations
Flush: It has a meaning only depending on the plugin used, for example the ‘BySize’ plugin, used e.g. for merging productions, creates a task if there are enough files in input to have at least a certain size: ‘flush’ will make the ‘BySize’ plugin to ignore such requirement. When a transformation is flushed also its replica cache will be re-created (instead of after 24 hours).
Complete: The transformation can be archived by the TransformationCleaningAgent. Archived means that the data produced stay, but not the entries in the TransformationDB
Clean: The transformation is cleaned by the TransformationCleaningAgent: jobs are killed and removed from WMS. Produced and stored files are removed from the Storage Elements, when “OutputDirectories” parameter is set for the transformation.
8.6. HowTos
8.6.1. How to derive a production
Example of use case: when a production is running, and a new version of the application is released, which should substitute the current one. So, the input files are the same, but we want that the input files that have not yet been processed by the current production will be picked up by the new one.
When a new production is derived all Unused files of the parent will be picked up by the derived production. This happens ONLY at the moment of deriving the production, so this process is static. So, in case a production needs to be derived e.g. because of an improved version of the application the procedure should be the following:
Stop the “parent” production.
Create a new duplicate production with the improved application version
Wait for the parent production to have no more files in Assigned
Reset all files in the parent which are NOT in Status Processed (e.g. MaxReset) to Unused
Create a new production and in addition use setInheritedFrom to set the InheritedFrom transformation parameter to inherit the input file statuses:
from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.Transformation import Transformation ... t = Transformation() t.setTransformationName("derived_123") # this must be unique t.setInheritedFrom(123) # create transformation as usual ...
The status of 123 will be changed to status Completing and the new one Active. The files already assigned to the old one, will be processed by the old one. If a job fails, the input file is reset as Unused and will be picked up by the new one.
Important: if the old production has some files already in MaxReset status, then they should be set as Unused, so they will be picked up by the new production.
8.7. Multi VO Configuration
Added in version v6r20p5.
There are two possibilities to configure the agents of the transformation system for the use in a multi VO installation.
Use the same WorkflowTaskAgent and RequestTaskAgents for multiple VOs, no shifterProxy or ShifterCredential must be set for these agents. If neither of those options are set the credentials of the owner of the transformations are used to submit Jobs or Requests.
Use a set of WorkflowTaskAgent and RequestTaskAgent for each VO. This requires that each VO uses a distinct set of Transformation Types, e.g. MCSimulation_BigVO. This allows one to set VO specific shifterProxies. This setup is recommended to create a dedicated WorkflowTaskAgent or RequestTaskAgent for a VO that will create a large number of jobs or requests.
It is possible to mix the two configurations and have one WorkflowTaskAgent treat transformations of many smaller VOs, while installing a dedicated instance for the larger ones:
WorkflowTaskAgent { ... TransType = MCSimulation TransType += MCReconstruction ... #No shifterProxy / ShifterCredentials } WorkflowTaskAgent-BigVO { ... TransType = MCSimulation_BigVO TransType += MCReconstruction_BigVO Module = WorkflowTaskAgent ... #shifterProxy / ShifterCredentials are optional }