- class DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.WorkflowTasks.WorkflowTasks(transClient=None, logger=None, submissionClient=None, jobMonitoringClient=None, outputDataModule=None, jobClass=None, opsH=None, destinationPlugin=None, owner=None, ownerGroup=None)
Handles jobs
- __init__(transClient=None, logger=None, submissionClient=None, jobMonitoringClient=None, outputDataModule=None, jobClass=None, opsH=None, destinationPlugin=None, owner=None, ownerGroup=None)
Generates some default objects. jobClass is by default “DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Job.Job”. An extension of it also works: VOs can pass in their job class extension, if present
- getOutputData(paramDict)
Get the list of job output LFNs from the provided plugin
- getSubmittedFileStatus(fileDicts)
Check the status of a list of files and return the new status of each LFN
- getSubmittedTaskStatus(taskDicts)
Check the status of a list of tasks and return lists of taskIDs for each new status
- prepareTransformationTasks(transBody, taskDict, owner='', ownerGroup='', bulkSubmissionFlag=False)
- Prepare tasks, given a taskDict, that is created (with some manipulation) by the DB
jobClass is by default “DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Job.Job”. An extension of it also works.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
S_OK/S_ERROR with updated taskDict
- submitTaskToExternal(job)
Submits a single job (which can be a bulk one) to the WMS.
- submitTasksToExternal(_task)
To make sure the method is implemented in the derived class
- submitTransformationTasks(taskDict)
Submit the tasks
- updateDBAfterTaskSubmission(taskDict)
Sets tasks status after the submission to “Submitted”, in case of success
- updateTransformationReservedTasks(taskDicts)
To make sure the method is implemented in the derived class