
DIRAC Workload Management System Client class encapsulates all the methods necessary to communicate with the Workload Management System

class DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Client.WMSClient.WMSClient(jobManagerClient=None, sbRPCClient=None, sbTransferClient=None, useCertificates=False, timeout=600, delegatedDN=None, delegatedGroup=None)

Bases: object

Class exposing the following jobs methods:

submit kill delete remove reschedule reset

__init__(jobManagerClient=None, sbRPCClient=None, sbTransferClient=None, useCertificates=False, timeout=600, delegatedDN=None, delegatedGroup=None)

WMS Client constructor

Here we also initialize the needed clients and connections

deleteJob(jobID, force=False)

Delete job(s) (set their status to DELETED) from the WMS Job database. jobID can be an integer representing a single DIRAC job ID or a list of IDs

property jobManager
killJob(jobID, force=False)

Kill running job. jobID can be an integer representing a single DIRAC job ID or a list of IDs


Fully remove job(s) from the WMS Job database. jobID can be an integer representing a single DIRAC job ID or a list of IDs


Reschedule job(s) in WMS Job database. jobID can be an integer representing a single DIRAC job ID or a list of IDs


Reset job(s) in WMS Job database. jobID can be an integer representing a single DIRAC job ID or a list of IDs

submitJob(jdl, jobDescriptionObject=None)

Submit one job specified by its JDL to WMS.

The JDL may actually be the desciption of a parametric job, resulting in multiple DIRAC jobs submitted to the DIRAC WMS