
DIRAC Workload Management System utility module to get available memory and processors

DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Utilities.JobParameters.getNumberOfGPUs(siteName=None, gridCE=None, queue=None)

Gets GPUs on a certain CE/queue/node (what the pilot administers)

The siteName/gridCE/queue parameters are normally not necessary.

Tries to find it in this order: 1) from the /Resources/Computing/CEDefaults/GPUs (which is what the pilot might fill up) 2) if not present looks in CS for “NumberOfGPUs” Queue or CE option 3) return 0


Gets the number of processors allowed for the job. This can be used to communicate to your job payload the number of processors it’s allowed to use, so this function should be called from your extension.

If the JobAgent is using “InProcess” CE (which is the default), then what’s returned will basically be the same of what’s returned by the getNumberOfProcessors() function above

DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Utilities.JobParameters.getNumberOfProcessors(siteName=None, gridCE=None, queue=None)

gets the number of processors on a certain CE/queue/node (what the pilot administers)

The siteName/gridCE/queue parameters are normally not necessary.

Tries to find it in this order: 1) from the /Resources/Computing/CEDefaults/NumberOfProcessors (which is what the pilot fills up) 2) if not present looks in CS for “NumberOfProcessors” Queue or CE option 3) if not present but there’s WholeNode tag, look what the WN provides using multiprocessing.cpu_count() 4) return 1