Manage Proxies

This is part of DIRAC Web Portal project. For the description of the DIRAC Web Portal basic functionality look here.


Manage Proxies provide information about User Proxies currently managed by the DIRAC Framework System. Users have a different proxy for each group than him.her belong. This pages shows all the details associated to each user proxy.


The information is deployed in the main panel in a form of a table. The columns available in this page are:


User nickname following DIRAC nomenclature.


User certificate distinguish name.


DIRAC user group associated with the proxy.


Date until user certificate is valid.

You can choose to display the proxies by group or grouping by field choosing them in the menu, activated by pressing on a menu button.


The only operation than the user can perform over proxies is to delete them. The user can select one or more proxies into the main panel or using the top bar check box to select all of them, and after click in the delete button.

Also is available the option select none proxy.