10.2.11. Installing VMDIRAC Introduction

VMDIRAC has now been merged into the main DIRAC release (as of v7r3/7.3). It consists of the following parts:

VirtualMachineDB (Database) - This is the database that stores the details of each VM managed by VMDIRAC. There should be one instance of this on your system.

CloudDirector (Agent) - This is analogous to the core DIRAC SiteDirector. It inspects the TaskQueues, works out if there are any compatible jobs waiting (without existing VMs) for cloud resources and starts VM instances as needed. The VM details are stored in the database for future reference. You need at least one CloudDirector, for multi community/VO services, it’s advisable to have one CloudDirector per community.

VirtualMachineManager (Service) - This service provides the virtual machine life-cycle management interface; the CLI tools contact this service to list/kill running VMs. It also has an inbuilt thread that will inspect existing VMs, tidying up any that are stopped or haven’t reported back for a long time.

VirtualMachineMonitor (Agent) - This agent monitors the health of the current VM it is running on an reports it back to the VirtualMachineManager. It should not be installed on the central DIRAC instance, but started in the cloud VM instances themselves. This lets the VirtualMachineManager know that the instance is still alive and also handles stopping the instance after any tasks/jobs have finished.

VMDIRAC WebApp Extention - This WebApp plugin adds an extra VirtualMachines tab to the usual DIRAC webinterface for summarising the contents of the database. Install VMDIRAC

On a DIRAC server (generally collocated with the other WorkloadManagement system components), configure and install the extra components:

  • Resource configuration

    In the configuration add the User/Password information to connect to the Cloud endpoint. Also you should put a valid path for the host certificate, e.g.:

                User = xxxx
                Password = xxxx
                HostCert = /opt/dirac/etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem
                HostKey = /opt/dirac/etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem
                CreatePublicIP = True
  • Install the following components:

    • DB: VirtualMachineDB

    • Service: WorkloadManagement_VirtualMachineManager

    • Agent: WorkloadManagement_CloudDirector Setup for using cloudinit and Pilot3 Using OpenStack with an application credential

  • The user must have access to the OpenStack cloud and be allowed to start up instances.

  • Login to the cloud webinterface with your account.

  • Go to the identity -> Application credentials panel

  • Create a new credential with any name, no expire and no roles selected

  • Copy the ID and secret strings somewhere safe for a moment

  • Put the ID and string into a new file on the DIRAC server running the CloudDirectors in the following format (one line, separated by a space): <ID> <Secret>

  • Make sure the file is owned by the user running dirac and has 0600 permissions.

  • Add the location of this file to the Resource Settings. OpenStack Resource Configuration

On the OpenStack Resource you will need the following:

  • user account

  • user’s ssh key uploaded to the OpenStack server: Associated with the instance for debugging. This key is user specific, not project specific.

  • flavour (ID or name)

  • image (ID or name)

  • network (ID or name)

      Name = [ExampleName]
      # must be unique, use e.g. hostname of the OpenStack webinterface
      CE = [hostname.example.ac.uk]
          # assuming your cloud is using a standard CA
          CAPath = /etc/pki/tls/cert.pem
          # list your favourite VOs here
          VO = gridpp
          VO += lz
          NetworkID = [network uuid]
          Network = [name_of_network]
          CEType = OpenStack
          MaxInstances = [maximum number of instances]
          AuthURL = [https://keystone.example.ac.uk:5000/v3]
          Appcred = [path to appcred file created earlier]
          # this might be optional
          CVMFSProxy = http://[your cvmfs proxy cache]:3128
            [image name, e.g. CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud-1905]
              ImageID = [image uuid]
              FlavorName = [flavour name]
              # this is currently a dummy value
              Platform = [DIRACPlatForm]
          OSKeyName = [ssh key name of the OpenStack user]
          Tenant = [Openstack Project Name]
          CEType = Cloud
          Architecture = x86_64
            [image name]
              maxCPUTime = 24000000
    } Configuration - other examples

  • In the CS Resources section, configure the cloud endpoint as in this example

            CE =
                CEType = Cloud
                ex_security_groups = default
                ex_force_auth_url =
                ex_force_service_region = LUPM-CLOUD
                # This is the max number of VM instances that will be running in parallel
                # Each VM can have multiple cores, each one executing a job
                MaxInstances = 4
                ex_force_auth_version = 3.x_password
                ex_tenant_name = dirac
                ex_domain_name = msfg.fr
                networks = dirac-net
                # This is the public key previously uploaded to the Cloud provider
                # It's needed to ssh connect to VMs
                keyname = cta_cloud_lupm
                # If this option is set, public IP are assigned to VMs
                # It's needed to ssh connect to VMs
                ipPool = ext-net
                # It can be a public or a private image
                  ImageID = 35403255-f5f1-4c61-96dc-e59678942c6d
                  FlavorName = m1.medium
  • CS Operation section

          GenericCloudGroup = cta_genpilot
          GenericCloudUser = arrabito
          user_data_commands = vm-bootstrap
          user_data_commands += vm-bootstrap-functions
          user_data_commands += vm-pilot
          user_data_commands += vm-monitor-agent
          user_data_commands += pilotCommands.py
          user_data_commands += pilotTools.py
          user_data_commands += power.sh
          user_data_commands += parse-jobagent-log
          user_data_commands += dirac-pilot.py
          user_data_commands += save-payload-logs
          # url from which command scripts are downloaded. Usually the url of the web server
          user_data_commands_base_url = http://cta-dirac.in2p3.fr/DIRAC/defaults
          Project = CTA
          Version = v1r40
  • CS Registry section

    The host where VMDIRAC is installed and the certificate of which is used for the VMs, it should have these 2 properties set (as in the example below):

    • Properties = GenericPilot (needed to make pilots running on the VM matching jobs in the TaskQueue)

    • Properties = VmRpcOperation (needed by the VirtualMachineMonitorAgent running on the VM to be authorized to send Heartbeats to the VirtualMachineManager service)

          DN = /DC=org/DC=terena/DC=tcs/C=ES/ST=Barcelona/L=Bellaterra/O=Institut de Fisica dAltes Energies/CN=dcta-agents01.pic.es
          CA = /C=NL/ST=Noord-Holland/L=Amsterdam/O=TERENA/CN=TERENA eScience SSL CA 3
          Properties = FullDelegation
          Properties += CSAdministrator
          Properties += ProxyManagement
          Properties += SiteManager
          Properties += Operator
          Properties += JobAdministrator
          Properties += CSAdministrator
          Properties += TrustedHost
          Properties += GenericPilot
          Properties += VmRpcOperation
    } Install VMDIRAC WebApp

  • The VirtualMachines panel is now included in the main WebApp release.

  • If using the old (non cloudinit) bootstrap, you must Create sym links for the old bootstrap scripts:

    $ ll /opt/dirac/webRoot/www/defaults/bootstrap
    total 0
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 dirac dirac 76 Feb 21 08:50 parse-jobagent-log -> /opt/dirac/pro/DIRAC/WorkloadManagementSystem/Utilities/CloudBootstrap/parse-jobagent-log
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 dirac dirac 66 Feb 21 08:52 power.sh -> /opt/dirac/pro/DIRAC/WorkloadManagementSystem/CloudBootstrap/power.sh
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 dirac dirac 75 Feb 21 08:52 save-payload-logs -> /opt/dirac/pro/DIRAC/WorkloadManagementSystem/CloudBootstrap/save-payload-logs
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 dirac dirac 70 Feb 21 11:47 vm-bootstrap -> /opt/dirac/pro/DIRAC/WorkloadManagementSystem/CloudBootstrap/vm-bootstrap
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 dirac dirac 80 Feb 21 08:52 vm-bootstrap-functions -> /opt/dirac/pro/DIRAC/WorkloadManagementSystem/CloudBootstrap/vm-bootstrap-functions
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 dirac dirac 74 Feb 21 08:53 vm-monitor-agent -> /opt/dirac/pro/DIRAC/WorkloadManagementSystem/CloudBootstrap/vm-monitor-agent
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 dirac dirac 66 Feb 21 08:53 vm-pilot -> /opt/dirac/pro/DIRAC/WorkloadManagementSystem/CloudBootstrap/vm-pilot