7. Large Scale DataManagement with the Transformation System

7.1. Pre-Requisite

You should:

7.2. Tutorial Goal

The aim of the tutorial is to demonstrate how large scale data management operations (removals, replications, etc.) can be achieved using the Transformation System. By the end of the tutorial, you will be able to:

  • Submit simple transformation for manipulating a given list of files

  • Have transformations automatically fed thanks to metadata

  • Write your own plugin for the TransformationSystem

The transformations can be monitored and controlled with the Transformation Monitor in the WebApp when you use the dirac_prod group.

7.4. Creating a Transformation with a DIRAC Command

This section is to be performed as diracuser with a proxy in dirac_prod group.

First we need to create some files and upload them to StorageElementOne:

[diracuser@dirac-tuto ~]$ for ID in {1..10}; do echo "MyContent $ID" > File_${ID} ; dirac-dms-add-file /tutoVO/data/Trans_01/File_${ID} File_${ID} StorageElementOne ; done

Then we create the list of LFNs we just uploaded:

[diracuser@dirac-tuto ~]$ dirac-dms-find-lfns Path=/tutoVO/data/Trans_01 > trans01.lfns

The easiest way to create a transformation to replicate files is by using the dirac-transformation-replication command:

[diracuser@dirac-tuto ~]$ dirac-transformation-replication 0 StorageElementTwo --Plugin Broadcast --Enable
Created transformation NNN
Successfully created replication transformation

This created transformation with the unique transformation ID NNN (e.g., 1).

By default this transformation uses Metadata information to obtain the input files using the InputDataAgent. Instead we can also just add files manually with the dirac-transformation-add-files command and using the list we created previously, replace NNN by the ID of the transformation that was just created:

[diracuser@dirac-tuto ~]$ dirac-transformation-add-files NNN trans01.lfns
Successfully added 10 files

Now we have to wait until the TransformationAgent runs again and creates a Task for each of the files. Once the tasks are created, the RequestTaskAgent creates a request out of each task, which is then processed in the RequestExecutingAgent of the RMS.

7.5. Creating a Transformation with a Script

In this step we want to remove the replicas of our files from StorageElementOne, for this purpose we have to write a script that creates a removal transformation:

 1 #!/bin/env python
 3 # set up the DIRAC configuration, parse command line arguments
 4 from DIRAC import gLogger, S_OK, S_ERROR
 5 from DIRAC.Core.Base.Script import Script
 6 Script.parseCommandLine()
 8 from DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.Transformation import Transformation
10 # create a Transformation instance
11 myTrans = Transformation()
13 # transformation names need to be unique
14 uniqueIdentifier = "Trans1"
15 transformationName = "RemoveReplicas_%s" % uniqueIdentifier
16 myTrans.setTransformationName(transformationName)
18 # describe what the transformation will do
19 description = "Remove replicas from StorageElementOne"
20 myTrans.setDescription(description)
21 myTrans.setLongDescription(description)
23 # 'Replication' type means we do data management
24 myTrans.setType('Removal')
26 # group transformations that belong together, these can be selected in the WebApp
27 transGroup = "myRemovals"
28 myTrans.setTransformationGroup(transGroup)
30 # groupSize defines the number of files each request will treat
31 groupSize = 1
32 myTrans.setGroupSize(groupSize)
34 # the transformation plugin defines which input files are treated, and how they are grouped, for example
35 plugin = 'Broadcast'
36 myTrans.setPlugin(plugin)
38 # the 'body' of the transformation, defines a list of Request Operations
39 # that are executed in order for each file added to the transformation
40 targetSE = 'StorageElementOne'
41 transBody = [("RemoveReplica", {"TargetSE": targetSE})]
43 myTrans.setBody(transBody)
45 res = myTrans.setTargetSE(targetSE)
46 if not res['OK']:
47   gLogger.error("TargetSE not valid: %s" % res['Message'])
48   exit(1)
50 res = myTrans.addTransformation()
51 if not res['OK']:
52   gLogger.error("Failed to add the transformation: %s" % res['Message'])
53   exit(1)
55 # now activate the transformation
56 myTrans.setStatus('Active')
57 myTrans.setAgentType('Automatic')
58 transID = myTrans.getTransformationID()['Value']
59 gLogger.notice('Created RemoveReplica transformation: %r' % transID)
60 exit(0)

When we execute the script, the transformation is created with the ID MMM (e.g. 2):

[diracuser@dirac-tuto ~]$ python createRemoval.py
Created transformation MMM
Created RemoveReplica transformation: MMML

To remove a replica from StorageElementOne, we just have to add files to this transformation:

[diracuser@dirac-tuto ~]$ dirac-transformation-add-files MMM /tutoVO/data/Trans_01/File_10
Successfully added 1 files

And then wait again for the TransformationAgent, RequestTaskAgent, RequestExecutingAgent chain to complete.

After a short while, you should see that the folder /opt/dirac/storageElementOne/tutoVO/data/Trans_01/, no longer contains File_10.

7.6. Using Metadata Queries to Add Files to Transformations

Adding files manually to transformations can be useful, but if we want to automatically add files to transformations we can make use of metadata queries in combination with the InputDataAgent, which executes the queries and adds new files to the corresponding transformation.

To benefit from metadata query, we first have to create a metadata key, and add the key to a directory. These operations can be done with the dirac-dms-filecatalog-cli:

[diracuser@dirac-tuto ~]$ dirac-dms-filecatalog-cli
Starting FileCatalog client

File Catalog Client $Revision: 1.17 $Date:

FC:/$ ls -l
drwxrwxr-x 0 ciuser dirac_user 0 2019-05-06 14:30:36 tutoVO

In the dirac-dms-filecatalog-cli, like in the other DIRAC CLIs you can use help and help <command> to see information about the available commands.

Initially there are no metadata keys defined:

FC:/$ meta show
      FileMetaFields : {}
 DirectoryMetaFields : {}

We now create in integer directory metadata called TransformationID:

FC:/$ meta index -d TransformationID int
Added metadata field TransformationID of type int
FC:/$ meta show
      FileMetaFields : {}
 DirectoryMetaFields : {'TransformationID': 'INT'}

Let’s add the TransformationID=1 to the files we uploaded earlier:

FC:/$ meta set /tutoVO/data/Trans_01/ TransformationID 1
/tutoVO/data/Trans_01 {'TransformationID': '1'}

You can see the metadata set for a given diretory with the meta get command, and you can use the find command inside the dirac-dms-filecatalog-cli to search for files with metadata:

FC:/$ meta get /tutoVO/data/Trans_01/
  !TransformationID : 1
FC:/$ find / TransformationID=1
Query: {'TransformationID': 1}
QueryTime 0.00 sec

Now let us create another directory, and set a different metadata value, before we create another transformation including an inputdata query:

FC:/$ mkdir /tutoVO/data/Trans_02/
Successfully created directory: /tutoVO/data/Trans_02
FC:/$ meta set /tutoVO/data/Trans_02/ TransformationID 2
/tutoVO/data/Trans_02 {'TransformationID': '2'}
FC:/$ meta get /tutoVO/data/Trans_02/
   !TransformationID : 2

Now upload some files to this folder:

[diracuser@dirac-tuto ~]$ for ID in {1..10}; do echo "MyContent $ID" > File_${ID} ; dirac-dms-add-file /tutoVO/data/Trans_02/File_${ID} File_${ID} StorageElementOne ; done

We can also use the command dirac-dms-find-lfns to search for files with given metadata:

[diracuser@dirac-tuto ~]$ dirac-dms-find-lfns Path=/ TransformationID=2

Now we create a transformation, which uses the metadata to pick up the files:

[diracuser@dirac-tuto ~]$  dirac-transformation-replication 2 StorageElementTwo --Plugin=Broadcast --Enable
Created transformation LLL
Successfully created replication transformation

In fact the command dirac-transformation-replication already uses metadata, the first argument is the value for the TransformationID metadata. Now we have to wait for the InputDataAgent, TransformationAgent, RequestTaskAgent, RequestExecutingAgent chain to run its course.

In the log file of the InputDataAgent in /opt/dirac/pro/runit/Transformation/InputDataAgent/log/current eventually this line should appear:

<SomeDate> Transformation/InputDataAgent INFO: 10 files returned for transformation LLL from the metadata catalog

You may add some more files to /tutoVO/data/Trans_02/ and see them appearing in your transformation:

[diracuser@dirac-tuto ~]$ for ID in {11..20}; do echo "MyContent $ID" > File_${ID} ; dirac-dms-add-file /tutoVO/data/Trans_02/File_${ID} File_${ID} StorageElementOne ; done

7.6.1. InputDataQuery in the Script

To add the metadata query functionality to our createRemoval.py script from above, we just need to insert a couple of lines

44metaQuery = {'TransformationID': 2}

Adapt the script by inserting the lines and changing the uniqueIdentifier and execute it:

[diracuser@dirac-tuto ~]$ python createRemoval.py
Created transformation JJJ
Created RemoveReplica transformation: JJJL

7.7. Conclusion

You now have all the knowledge to perform DataManagement in DIRAC with the TransformationSystem.

To learn how to extend the system by creating new transformation plugins, please see how to Create a TransformationAgent Plugin and Create a Body Plugin