This is the guy that actually modifies the content of the CS
- class DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.private.Modificator.Modificator(rpcClient=False, commiterId='unknown')
- __init__(rpcClient=False, commiterId='unknown')
- commit()
- copyKey(originalKeyPath, newKey)
- createSection(sectionPath)
- dumpToFile(filename)
- existsOption(optionPath)
- existsSection(sectionPath)
- getCFG()
- getComment(sectionPath)
- getDictRootedAt(relpath='', root='')
Gives the configuration rooted at path in a Python dict. The result is a Python dictionary that reflects the structure of the config file.
- getHistory(limit=0)
- getOptions(sectionPath)
- getOptionsDict(sectionPath)
Gives the options of a CS section in a Python dict with values as lists
- getSections(sectionPath)
- getValue(optionPath)
- getVersionDiff(fromDate, toDate)
- loadCredentials()
- loadFromBuffer(data)
- loadFromFile(filename)
- loadFromRemote()
- mergeFromCFG(cfg)
- mergeFromFile(filename)
- mergeSectionFromCFG(sectionPath, cfg)
- mergeWithServer()
- removeOption(optionPath)
- removeSection(sectionPath)
- renameKey(path, newName)
- rollbackToVersion(version)
- setComment(entryPath, value)
- setOptionValue(optionPath, value)
- setRPCClient(rpcClient)
- showCurrentDiff()
- sortAlphabetically(path, ascending=True)
- updateGConfigurationData()