DIRAC class to execute Agents
Agents are the active part any any DIRAC system, they execute in a cyclic manner looking at the state of the system and reacting to it by taken appropriated actions
All DIRAC Agents must inherit from the basic class AgentModule
In the most common case, DIRAC Agents are executed using the dirac-agent command. dirac-agent accepts a list positional arguments. These arguments have the form: [DIRAC System Name]/[DIRAC Agent Name] dirac-agent then: - produces a instance of AgentReactor - loads the required modules using the AgentReactor.loadAgentModules method - starts the execution loop using the AgentReactor.go method
Agent modules must be placed under the Agent directory of a DIRAC System. DIRAC Systems are called XXXSystem where XXX is the [DIRAC System Name], and must inherit from the base class AgentModule
- class DIRAC.Core.Base.AgentReactor.AgentReactor(baseAgentName)
Main interface to DIRAC Agents. It allows to : - define a Agents modules to be executed - define the number of cycles to execute - steer the execution
Agents are declared via: - loadAgentModule(): for a single Agent - loadAgentModules(): for a list of Agents
The number of cycles to execute for a defined Agent can be set via: - setAgentModuleCyclesToExecute()
The execution of the Agents is done with: - runNumCycles(): to execute an additional number of cycles - go():
During the execution of the cycles, each of the Agents can be signaled to stop by creating a file named “stop_agent” in its Control Directory.
- __init__(baseAgentName)
- go()
Main method to control the execution of all configured Agents
- loadAgentModules(modulesList, hideExceptions=False)
Load all modules required in moduleList
- runNumCycles(agentName=None, numCycles=1)
Run all defined agents a given number of cycles
- setAgentModuleCyclesToExecute(agentName, maxCycles=1)
Set number of cycles to execute for a given agent (previously defined)