DIRAC FileCatalog component representing a directory tree with a closure table
- General warning: when we return the number of affected row, if the values did not change
then they are not taken into account, so we might return “Dir does not exist” while it does…. the timestamp update should prevent this to happen, however if you do it several times within 1 second, then there will be no changed, and affected = 0
- class DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.DB.FileCatalogComponents.DirectoryManager.DirectoryClosure.DirectoryClosure(database=None)
Class managing Directory Tree with a closure table
- __init__(database=None)
- changeDirectoryGroup(paths, recursive=False)
Bulk setting of the directory group
- Parameters:
paths (dictionary) – dictionary < lfn : group >
- changeDirectoryMode(paths, recursive=False)
Bulk setting of the directory mode
- Parameters:
paths (dictionary) – dictionary < lfn : mode >
- changeDirectoryOwner(paths, recursive=False)
Bulk setting of the directory owner
- Parameters:
paths (dictionary) – dictionary < lfn : owner >
- countSubdirectories(dirId, includeParent=True)
Count the number of subdirectories
- Parameters:
dirID – id of the directory
includeParent – count itself
- Returns:
- createDirectory(dirs, credDict)
Checking for existence of directories
- exists(lfns)
- existsDir(path)
Check the existence of a directory at the specified path
- Parameters:
path – directory path
- Returns:
S_OK( { ‘Exists’ : False } ) if the directory does not exist S_OK( { ‘Exists’ : True, ‘DirID’ : directory id } ) if the directory exists
- findDir(path, connection=False)
Find directory ID for the given path
- Parameters:
path – path of the directory
- Returns:
S_OK(id) and res[‘Level’] as the depth
- findDirs(paths, connection=False)
Find DirIDs for the given path list
- Parameters:
paths – list of path
- Returns:
S_OK( { path : ID} )
- getAllSubdirectoriesByID(dirIdList)
Get IDs of all the subdirectories of directories in a given list
- Parameters:
dirList – list of dir Ids
- Returns:
S_OK([ unordered dir ids ])
- getChildren(path, connection=False)
Get child directory IDs for the given directory
- getDirectoryCounters(connection=False)
Get the total number of directories
- getDirectoryDump(lfns)
Get the dump of the directories in lfns
- getDirectoryParameters(pathOrDirId)
Get parameters of the given directory
- Parameters:
pathOrDirID – the path or the id of the directory
- Returns:
S_OK(dict), where dict has the following keys: “DirID”, “UID”, “Owner”, “GID”, “OwnerGroup”, “Status”, “Mode”, “CreationDate”, “ModificationDate”
- getDirectoryPath(dirID)
Get directory name by directory ID
- Parameters:
dirID – directory ID
- Returns:
S_OK(dir name), or S_ERROR if it does not exist
- getDirectoryPaths(dirIDList)
Get directory names by directory ID list
- Parameters:
dirIDList – list of dirIds
- Returns:
S_OK( { dirID : dirName} )
- getDirectoryPermissions(path, credDict)
Get permissions for the given user/group to manipulate the given directory
- getDirectoryReplicas(lfns, allStatus=False)
Get replicas for files in the given directories
- getDirectorySize(lfns, longOutput=False, rawFileTables=False, recursiveSum=True)
Get the total size of the requested directories. If longOutput flag is True, get also physical size per Storage Element
- getFileIDsInDirectoryWithLimits(dirID, credDict, startItem=1, maxItems=25)
Get file IDs for the given directory
- getFileLFNsInDirectory(dirID, credDict)
Get file lfns for the given directory or directory list
- getFileLFNsInDirectoryByDirectory(dirIDList, credDict)
Get file LFNs and IDs for the given directory or directory list
- Parameters:
- Returns:
S_OK/S_ERROR with Value dictionary {“DirLFNDict”: dirLfnDict, “IDLFNDict”: idLfnDict} where dirLfnDict has the structure <directory_name>:<list of contained file names>, idLfnDict has structure <fileID>:<LFN>
- getPathIDs(path)
Get IDs of all the directories in the parent hierarchy for a directory specified by its path, including itself
- Parameters:
path – path of the directory
- Returns:
S_OK( list of ids ), S_ERROR if not found
- getPathIDsByID(dirID)
Get IDs of all the directories in the parent hierarchy for a directory specified by its ID, including itself
- Parameters:
dirID – id of the dictionary
- Returns:
S_OK( list of ids )
- getPathPermissions(lfns, credDict)
Get permissions for the given user/group to manipulate the given lfns
- getSubdirectories(path)
Get subdirectories of the given directory
- Parameters:
path – path of the directory
- Returns:
S_OK ( { dirID, depth } )
- getSubdirectoriesByID(dirID, requestString=False, includeParent=False)
Get all the subdirectories of the given directory at a given level
- Parameters:
dirID – id of the directory
requestString – if true, returns an sql query to get the information
includeParent – if true, the parent (dirID) will be included
- Returns:
S_OK ( { dirID, depth } ) if requestString is False S_OK(request) if requestString is True
- getTreeTable()
Get the string of the Directory Tree type
- isDirectory(paths)
Checking for existence of directories
- isEmpty(path)
Find out if the given directory is empty
- Rem: the speed could be enhanced if we were joining the FC_Files and FC_Directory* in the query.
For the time being, it can stay like this
- Parameters:
path – path of the directory
- Returns:
S_OK(true) if there are no file nor directorie, S_OK(False) otherwise
- listDirectory(lfns, verbose=False)
Get the directory listing
- makeDir(path)
- makeDirectories(path, credDict)
Make all the directories recursively in the path. The return value is the dictionary containing all the parameters of the newly created directory
- makeDirectory(path, credDict, status=1)
Create a directory
- Parameters:
path – has to be an absolute path. The parent dir has to exist
credDict – credential dict of the owner of the directory
- Param:
status ????
- Returns:
S_OK (dirID) with a flag res[‘NewDirectory’] to True or False S_ERROR if there is a problem, or if there is no parent
- removeDir(path)
Remove directory
Removing a non existing directory is successful. In that case, DirID is 0
- Parameters:
path – path of the dir
- Returns:
S_OK() and res[‘DirID’] the id of the directory removed
- removeDirectory(dirs, force=False)
Remove an empty directory from the catalog
- setDatabase(database)
- setDirectoryStatus(path, status)
set the directory status