DIRAC FileCatalog component representing a simple directory tree
- class DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.DB.FileCatalogComponents.DirectoryManager.DirectorySimpleTree.DirectorySimpleTree(database=None)
Class managing Directory Tree as a simple self-linked structure with full directory path stored in each node
- __init__(database=None)
- changeDirectoryGroup(paths, recursive=False)
Bulk setting of the directory group
- Parameters:
paths (dictionary) – dictionary < lfn : group >
- changeDirectoryMode(paths, recursive=False)
Bulk setting of the directory mode
- Parameters:
paths (dictionary) – dictionary < lfn : mode >
- changeDirectoryOwner(paths, recursive=False)
Bulk setting of the directory owner
- Parameters:
paths (dictionary) – dictionary < lfn : owner >
- countSubdirectories(dirId, includeParent=True)
- createDirectory(dirs, credDict)
Checking for existence of directories
- exists(lfns)
- existsDir(path)
Check the existence of a directory at the specified path
- findDir(path)
Find directory ID for the given path
- findDirs(paths, connection=False)
Find DirIDs for the given path list
- getChildren(path)
Get child directory IDs for the given directory
- getDirectoryCounters(connection=False)
Get the total number of directories
- getDirectoryDump(lfns)
Get the dump of the directories in lfns
- getDirectoryName(dirID)
Get directory name by directory ID
- getDirectoryParameters(path)
Get the given directory parameters
- getDirectoryPath(dirID)
Get directory name by directory ID
- getDirectoryPermissions(path, credDict)
Get permissions for the given user/group to manipulate the given directory
- getDirectoryReplicas(lfns, allStatus=False)
Get replicas for files in the given directories
- getDirectorySize(lfns, longOutput=False, rawFileTables=False, recursiveSum=True)
Get the total size of the requested directories. If longOutput flag is True, get also physical size per Storage Element
- getFileIDsInDirectoryWithLimits(dirID, credDict, startItem=1, maxItems=25)
Get file IDs for the given directory
- getFileLFNsInDirectory(dirID, credDict)
Get file lfns for the given directory or directory list
- getFileLFNsInDirectoryByDirectory(dirIDList, credDict)
Get file LFNs and IDs for the given directory or directory list
- Parameters:
- Returns:
S_OK/S_ERROR with Value dictionary {“DirLFNDict”: dirLfnDict, “IDLFNDict”: idLfnDict} where dirLfnDict has the structure <directory_name>:<list of contained file names>, idLfnDict has structure <fileID>:<LFN>
- getParent(path)
Get the parent ID of the given directory
- getParentID(dirID)
Get the ID of the parent of a directory specified by ID
- getPathIDs(path)
Get IDs of all the directories in the parent hierarchy
- getPathPermissions(lfns, credDict)
Get permissions for the given user/group to manipulate the given lfns
- getSubdirectoriesByID(dirID, requestString=False, includeParent=False)
Get all the subdirectories of the given directory at a given level
- getTreeTable()
Get the string of the Directory Tree type
- isDirectory(paths)
Checking for existence of directories
- isEmpty(path)
Find out if the given directory is empty
- listDirectory(lfns, verbose=False)
Get the directory listing
- makeDir(path)
- makeDirectories(path, credDict)
Make all the directories recursively in the path. The return value is the dictionary containing all the parameters of the newly created directory
- makeDirectory(path, credDict, status=0)
Create a new directory. The return value is the dictionary containing all the parameters of the newly created directory
- removeDir(path)
Remove directory
- removeDirectory(dirs, force=False)
Remove an empty directory from the catalog
- setDatabase(database)
- setDirectoryStatus(path, status)
set the directory status