
FileManager (add doc here)

class DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.DB.FileCatalogComponents.FileManager.FileManager.FileManager(database=None)

Bases: FileManagerBase

addFile(lfns, credDict, connection=False)

Add files to the catalog


lfns (dict) – dict{ lfn : info}. ‘info’ is a dict containing PFN, SE, Size and Checksum the SE parameter can be a list if we have several replicas to register

addFileAncestors(lfns, connection=False)

Add file ancestors to the catalog

addReplica(lfns, connection=False)

Add replica to the catalog


Get set the group for the supplied files

  • lfns – dictionary < lfn : group >

  • newGroup (int/str) – optional new group/groupID the same for all the supplied lfns


“ Set the mode for the supplied files

  • lfns – dictionary < lfn : mode >

  • newMode (int) – optional new mode the same for all the supplied lfns


Set the owner for the supplied files

  • lfns – dictionary < lfn : owner >

  • newOwner (int/str) – optional new user/userID the same for all the supplied lfns


Count how many files there is in a given Directory


dirID (int) – directory id


S_OK(value) or S_ERROR

exists(lfns, connection=False)

Determine whether a file exists in the catalog

getDirectoryReplicas(dirID, path, allStatus=False, connection=False)

Get the replicas for all the Files in the given Directory

  • dirID (int) – ID of the directory

  • path (unused) – useless

  • allStatus (bool) – whether all replicas and file status are considered If False, take the visibleFileStatus and visibleReplicaStatus values from the configuration

getFileAncestors(lfns, depths, connection=False)

Get a number of counters to verify the sanity of the Files in the catalog

getFileDescendents(lfns, depths, connection=False)
getFileIDsInDirectory(dirID, requestString=False)
Get a list of IDs for all the files stored in given directories or their


  • dirID (int or list[int]) – single directory ID or a list of directory IDs

  • requestString (bool) – if True return result as a SQL SELECT string


list of file IDs or SELECT string

getFileMetadata(lfns, connection=False)

Get file metadata from the catalog

getFileSize(lfns, connection=False)

Get file size from the catalog

getFilesInDirectory(dirID, verbose=False, connection=False)
getLFNForGUID(guids, connection=False)

Returns the lfns matching given guids

getPathPermissions(paths, credDict, connection=False)

Get the permissions for the supplied paths


Get a number of counters to verify the sanity of the Replicas in the catalog

getReplicaStatus(lfns, connection=False)

Get replica status from the catalog

getReplicas(lfns, allStatus, connection=False)

Get file replicas from the catalog

getReplicasByMetadata(metaDict, path, allStatus, credDict, connection=False)

Get file replicas for files corresponding to the given metadata


Return all the files at a given SE, together with checksum and size


seName – list of storageElement names


S_OK with list of tuples (SEName, lfn, checksum, size)

isFile(lfns, connection=False)

Determine whether a path is a file in the catalog

removeFile(lfns, connection=False)
removeReplica(lfns, connection=False)

Remove replica from catalog


Repair FC_FileInfo table by adding missing records as compaired to the FC_Files table

setFileGroup(path, gname)

Set the file group

  • path (str, int or list[int]) – file path as a string or int or list of ints or select statement

  • gname (str or int) – new group as a string or int gid

setFileMode(path, mode)

Set the file mode

  • path (str, int or list[int]) – file path as a string or int or list of ints or select statement

  • mode (int) – new mode

setFileOwner(path, owner)

Set the file owner

  • path (str, int or list[int]) – file path as a string or int or list of ints or select statement

  • owner (str or int) – new user as a string or int uid

setFileStatus(lfns, connection=False)

Get set the group for the supplied files

setReplicaHost(lfns, connection=False)

Set replica host in the catalog

setReplicaStatus(lfns, connection=False)

Set replica status in the catalog