FileManager for … ?
- class DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.DB.FileCatalogComponents.FileManager.FileManagerPs.FileManagerPs(database=None)
- __init__(database=None)
- addFile(lfns, credDict, connection=False)
Add files to the catalog
- Parameters:
lfns (dict) – dict{ lfn : info}. ‘info’ is a dict containing PFN, SE, Size and Checksum the SE parameter can be a list if we have several replicas to register
- addFileAncestors(lfns, connection=False)
Add file ancestors to the catalog
- addReplica(lfns, connection=False)
Add replica to the catalog
- changeFileGroup(lfns)
Get set the group for the supplied files
- Parameters:
lfns – dictionary < lfn : group >
newGroup (int/str) – optional new group/groupID the same for all the supplied lfns
- changeFileMode(lfns)
“ Set the mode for the supplied files
- Parameters:
lfns – dictionary < lfn : mode >
newMode (int) – optional new mode the same for all the supplied lfns
- changeFileOwner(lfns)
Set the owner for the supplied files
- Parameters:
lfns – dictionary < lfn : owner >
newOwner (int/str) – optional new user/userID the same for all the supplied lfns
- countFilesInDir(dirId)
Count how many files there is in a given Directory
- Parameters:
dirID – directory id
- Returns:
S_OK(value) or S_ERROR
- exists(lfns, connection=False)
Determine whether a file exists in the catalog
- getDirectoryReplicas(dirID, path, allStatus=False, connection=False)
This is defined in the FileManagerBase but it relies on the SEManager to get the SE names. It is good practice in software, but since the SE and Replica tables are bound together in the DB, I might as well resolve the name in the query
Get the replicas for all the Files in the given Directory
- getFileAncestors(lfns, depths, connection=False)
- getFileCounters(connection=False)
Get a number of counters to verify the sanity of the Files in the catalog
- getFileDescendents(lfns, depths, connection=False)
- getFileIDsInDirectory(dirID, requestString=False)
- Get a list of IDs for all the files stored in given directories or their
- getFileMetadata(lfns, connection=False)
Get file metadata from the catalog
- getFileSize(lfns, connection=False)
Get file size from the catalog
- getFilesInDirectory(dirID, verbose=False, connection=False)
- getLFNForGUID(guids, connection=False)
Returns the lfns matching given guids
- getPathPermissions(paths, credDict, connection=False)
Get the permissions for the supplied paths
- getReplicaCounters(connection=False)
Get a number of counters to verify the sanity of the Replicas in the catalog
- getReplicaStatus(lfns, connection=False)
Get replica status from the catalog
- getReplicas(lfns, allStatus, connection=False)
Get file replicas from the catalog
- getReplicasByMetadata(metaDict, path, allStatus, credDict, connection=False)
Get file replicas for files corresponding to the given metadata
- getSEDump(seNames)
Return all the files at a given SE, together with checksum and size
- Parameters:
seName – list of StorageElement names
- Returns:
S_OK with list of tuples (SEName, lfn, checksum, size)
- isFile(lfns, connection=False)
Determine whether a path is a file in the catalog
- removeFile(lfns, connection=False)
- removeReplica(lfns, connection=False)
Remove replica from catalog
- setDatabase(database)
- setFileGroup(path, gname)
Set the file group
- setFileMode(path, mode)
Set the file mode
- setFileOwner(path, owner)
Set the file owner
- setFileStatus(lfns, connection=False)
Get set the group for the supplied files
- setReplicaHost(lfns, connection=False)
Set replica host in the catalog
- setReplicaStatus(lfns, connection=False)
Set replica status in the catalog