This is the client of the Monitoring service based on Elasticsearch.
- class DIRAC.MonitoringSystem.Client.MonitoringClient.MonitoringClient(**kwargs)
- class MonitoringClient
This class expose the methods of the Monitoring Service
- __init__(**kwargs)
Simple constructor
- addMonitoringRecords(self, monitoringtype, data, **kwargs)
Bulk insert data directly to the given monitoring type.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Automatically created for the service function
- addRecords(self, indexname, monitoringType, data, **kwargs)
It is used to insert data directly to the database… The data will be inserted to the given index.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Automatically created for the service function
- property call
To be removed once we’re sure has been removed
- Type:
- deleteIndex(self, indexName, **kwargs)
It is used to delete an index! Note this is for experienced users!!!
- Parameters:
indexName (str) – name of the index
Automatically created for the service function
- executeRPC(*parms, **kws)
This method extracts some parameters from kwargs that are used as parameter of the constructor or RPCClient. Unfortunately, only a few of all the available parameters of BaseClient are exposed.
- Parameters:
rpc – if an RPC client is passed, use that one
timeout – we can change the timeout on a per call bases. Default is self.timeout
url – We can specify which url to use
- generateDelayedPlot(typeName, reportName, startTime, endTime, condDict, grouping, extraArgs=None, compress=True)
It is used to encode the plot parameters used to create a certain plot.
- Parameters:
typeName (str) – the type of the monitoring
startTime (int) – epoch time, start time of the plot
endTime (int) – epoch time, end time of the plot
condDict (dict) – is the conditions used to gnerate the plot: {‘Status’:[‘Running’],’grouping’: [‘Site’] }
grouping (str) – is the grouping of the data for example: ‘Site’
extraArgs (dict) – epoch time which can be last day, last week, last month
compress (bool) – apply compression of the encoded values.
- Returns:
S_OK(str) or S_ERROR() it returns the encoded plot parameters
- generatePlot(self, reportRequest, **kwargs)
It creates a plots for a given request
- Parameters:
reportRequest (dict) – contains the plot arguments…
Automatically created for the service function
- getClientKWArgs()
Returns a copy of the connection arguments
- getDataForAGivenPeriod(self, typeName, condDict, initialDate, endDate, **kwargs)
Retrieves the history of logging entries for the given component during a given given time period
- Parameters:
typeName (str) – name of the monitoring type
condDict (dict) –
conditions for the query
key -> name of the field
value -> list of possible values
initialDate (str) – Indicates the start of the time period in the format ‘DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm’
endDate (str) – Indicate the end of the time period in the format ‘DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm’
- Returns:
Entries from the database for the given component recorded between the initial and the end dates
Automatically created for the service function
- getLastDayData(self, typeName, condDict, **kwargs)
It returns the data from the last day index. Note: we create daily indexes.
- Parameters:
Automatically created for the service function
- getLimitedData(self, typeName, condDict, size, **kwargs)
Returns a list of records for a given selection.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Up to size entries for the given component from the database
Automatically created for the service function
- getReport(typeName, reportName, startTime, endTime, condDict, grouping, extraArgs=None)
It is used to get the raw data used to create a plot.
- Parameters:
typeName (str) – the type of the monitoring
reportName (str) – the name of the plotter used to create the plot for example: NumberOfJobs
startTime (int) – epoch time, start time of the plot
endTime (int) – epoch time, end time of the plot
condDict (dict) – is the conditions used to gnerate the plot: {‘Status’:[‘Running’],’grouping’: [‘Site’] }
grouping (str) – is the grouping of the data for example: ‘Site’
extraArgs (dict) – epoch time which can be last day, last week, last month
- Rerturn:
- getServer()
Getter for the server url. Useful ?
- httpsClient
alias of
- listReports(self, typeName, **kwargs)
- Parameters:
typeName (str) – monitoring type for example WMSHistory
- Returns:
S_OK([]) or S_ERROR() the list of available plots
Automatically created for the service function
- listUniqueKeyValues(self, typeName, **kwargs)
- Parameters:
typeName (str) – is the monitoring type registered in the Types.
- Returns:
S_OK({key:[]}) or S_ERROR() The key is element of the __keyFields of the BaseType
Automatically created for the service function
- pingDB(self, **kwargs)
We can check, if the db is available.
Automatically created for the service function
- put(self, recordsToInsert, monitoringType, **kwargs)
It is used to insert records to the db.
- Parameters:
Automatically created for the service function
- setServer(url)
Set the server URL used by default
- Parameters:
url – url of the service