The PilotCommand class is a command class to know about present pilots efficiency.
- class DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Command.PilotCommand.PilotCommand(args=None, clients=None)
Pilot “master” Command.
- __init__(args=None, clients=None)
- doCache()
To be extended/replaced by real commands
- doCommand()
Real commands don’t need to extende/replace this method, which is called by clients.
What is done here is the following: if self.masterMode is set to True, then the “doMaster()” method is called. if not, then the doCache() method is called, and if this returns an object this is returned, and otherwise the “doNew” method is called.
- doMaster()
To be extended/replaced by real commands
- doNew(masterParams=None)
To be extended/replaced by real commands
- returnERROR(s_obj)
Overwrites S_ERROR message with command name, much easier to debug
- returnSObj(s_obj)
Overwrites S_ERROR message with command name, much easier to debug