This action posts the status change to a Slack channel It uses Slack Webhooks. Also compatible with Mattermost, which is an open source alternative to Slack. To create a webhook URL refer the following :
Add the webhook URL to dirac.cfg at Operations/[]/ResourceStatus/Config/Slack
- Operations/
- Defaults/
- ResourceStatus/
Even if using Mattermost,the URL is still to be placed at Operations/[]/ResourceStatus/Config/Slack and not Operations/[]/ResourceStatus/Config/Mattermost
- class DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.PolicySystem.Actions.SlackAction.SlackAction(name, decisionParams, enforcementResult, singlePolicyResults, clients=None, url=None)
Action that sends a brief Slack Message.
- __init__(name, decisionParams, enforcementResult, singlePolicyResults, clients=None, url=None)
- run()
Checks it has the parameters it needs and tries to send an sms to the users that apply.