POOL XML Catalog Class This class handles simple XML-based File Catalog following the POOL project schema. It presents a DIRAC generic File Catalog interface although not complete and with several extensions
- class DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.PoolXMLCatalog.PoolFile(dom=None)
A Pool XML File Catalog entry
@author A.Tsaregorodtsev
- __init__(dom=None)
- addLfn(lfn)
Adds one LFN
- addPfn(pfn, pfntype=None, se=None)
Adds one PFN
- dump()
Dumps the contents to the standard output
- getLfns()
Retrieves all the LFNs
- getPfns()
Retrieves all the PFNs
- toXML(metadata)
Output the contents as an XML string
- class DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.PoolXMLCatalog.PoolXMLCatalog(xmlfile='')
A Pool XML File Catalog
- __init__(xmlfile='')
PoolXMLCatalog constructor.
Constructor takes one of the following argument types: xml string; list of xml strings; file name; list of file names
- addFile(fileTuple)
Add one or more files to the catalog
- addLfnByGuid(guid, lfn, pfn, se, pfntype)
Add LFN for a given GUID - not standard
- addPfnByGuid(lfn, guid, pfn, pfntype=None, se=None)
Add PFN for a given GUID - not standard
- addReplica(replicaTuple)
This adds a replica to the catalogue The tuple to be supplied is of the following form:
where master = True or False
- analyseCatalog(dom)
Create the catalog from a DOM object
Creates the contents of the catalog from the DOM XML object
- dump()
Dump catalog
Dumps the contents of the catalog to the std output
- exists(lfn)
Check for the given LFN existence
- flush()
Flush the contents of the catalog to a file
Flushes the contents of the catalog to a file from which the catalog was instanciated or which was set explicitely with setBackend() method
- getFileByGuid(guid)
Get PoolFile object by GUID
- getGuidByLfn(lfn)
Get GUID for a given LFN
- getGuidByPfn(pfn)
Get GUID for a given PFN
- getLfnsByGuid(guid)
Get LFN for a given GUID
- getLfnsList()
Get list of LFNs in catalogue.
- getName()
Get the catalog type name
- getPfnsByGuid(guid)
Get replicas for a given GUID
- getPfnsByLfn(lfn)
Get replicas for a given LFN
- getTypeByPfn(pfn)
Get Type for a given PFN
- removeFileByGuid(guid)
Remove file for a given GUID
- removeFileByLfn(lfn)
Remove file for a given LFN
- setBackend(fname)
Set the backend file name
Sets the name of the file which will receive the contents of the catalog when the flush() method will be called
- toXML(metadata=False)
Convert the contents into an XML string