
Resource Usage

class DIRAC.Resources.Computing.BatchSystems.TimeLeft.ResourceUsage.ResourceUsage(batchSystemName, jobID, parameters)

Bases: object

Resource Usage is an abstract class that has to be implemented for every batch system used by DIRAC to get the resource usage of a given job. This information can then be processed by other modules (e.g. getting the time left in a Pilot)

__init__(batchSystemName, jobID, parameters)

Standard constructor


Returns S_OK with a dictionary that can contain entries:

  • CPU: the CPU time consumed since the beginning of the execution for current slot (seconds)

  • CPULimit: the CPU time limit for current slot (seconds)

  • WallClock: the wall clock time consumed since the beginning of the execution for current slot (seconds)

  • WallClockLimit: the wall clock time limit for current slot (seconds)

  • Unit: indicates whether the Batch System allocates resources with limited CPU time and/or wallclock time Unit can take the following values: ‘CPU’, ‘WallClock’ or ‘Both’.


dict such as {CPU, CPULimit, WallClock, WallClockLimit, Unit}