The TimeLeft utility allows to calculate the amount of CPU time left for a given batch system slot. This is essential for the ‘Filling Mode’ where several VO jobs may be executed in the same allocated slot.
- The prerequisites for the utility to run are:
Plugin for extracting information from local batch system
Scale factor for the local site.
With this information the utility can calculate in normalized units the CPU time remaining for a given slot.
- class DIRAC.Resources.Computing.BatchSystems.TimeLeft.TimeLeft.TimeLeft
This generally does not run alone
- __init__()
Standard constructor
- getScaledCPU(processors=1)
Returns the current CPU Time spend (according to batch system) scaled according to /LocalSite/CPUNormalizationFactor
- getTimeLeft(cpuConsumed=0.0, processors=1)
Returns the CPU Time Left for supported batch systems. The CPUConsumed is the current raw total CPU.
- DIRAC.Resources.Computing.BatchSystems.TimeLeft.TimeLeft.runCommand(cmd, timeout=120)
Wrapper around systemCall to return S_OK(stdout) or S_ERROR(message)