Storage Factory Class - creates instances of various Storage plugins from the Core DIRAC or extensions
This Class has three public methods:
getStorageName(): Resolves links in the CS to the target SE name.
- getStorage(): This creates a single storage stub based on the parameters passed in a dictionary.
This dictionary must have the following keys: ‘StorageName’,’PluginName’,’Protocol’ Other optional keys are ‘Port’,’Host’,’Path’,’SpaceToken’
- getStorages() This takes a DIRAC SE definition and creates storage stubs for the protocols found in the CS.
By providing an optional list of protocols it is possible to limit the created stubs.
- class DIRAC.Resources.Storage.StorageFactory.StorageFactory(useProxy=False, vo=None)
- __init__(useProxy=False, vo=None)
- getStorage(parameterDict, hideExceptions=False)
This instantiates a single storage for the details provided and doesn’t check the CS.
- getStorageName(initialName)
- getStorages(storageName, protocolSections=None, hideExceptions=False)
Get an instance of a Storage based on the DIRAC SE name based on the CS entries CS
- Parameters:
storageName – is the DIRAC SE name i.e. ‘CERN-RAW’
protocolSections – is an optional list of protocols if a sub-set is desired i.e [‘SRM2’,’SRM1’]
- Returns:
dictionary containing storage elements and information about them