Utilities for Transformation system
- class DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.Utilities.PluginUtilities(plugin='Standard', transClient=None, dataManager=None, fc=None, debug=False, transID=None)
Utility class used by plugins
- __init__(plugin='Standard', transClient=None, dataManager=None, fc=None, debug=False, transID=None)
Setting defaults
- clearCachedFileSize(lfns)
Utility function
- closerSEs(existingSEs, targetSEs, local=False)
Order the targetSEs such that the first ones are closer to existingSEs. Keep all elements in targetSEs
- createTasksBySize(lfns, replicaSE, fileSizes=None, flush=False)
Split files in groups according to the size and create tasks for a given SE
- getExistingCounters(normalise=False, requestedSites=[])
- getPluginParam(name, default=None)
Get plugin parameters using specific settings or settings defined in the CS Caution: the type returned is that of the default value
- groupByReplicas(files, status)
Generates tasks based on the location of the input data
- Parameters:
fileReplicas (dict) –
- {‘/this/is/at.1’: [‘SE1’],
’/this/is/at.12’: [‘SE1’, ‘SE2’], ‘/this/is/at.2’: [‘SE2’], ‘/this/is/at_123’: [‘SE1’, ‘SE2’, ‘SE3’], ‘/this/is/at_23’: [‘SE2’, ‘SE3’], ‘/this/is/at_4’: [‘SE4’]}
- groupBySize(files, status)
Generate a task for a given amount of data
- isSameSE(se1, se2)
Check if 2 SEs are indeed the same.
- Parameters:
se1 – name of the first StorageElement
se2 – name of the second StorageElement
- Returns:
True/False if they are considered the same. See
- isSameSEInList(se1, seList)
Check if an SE is the same as any in a list
- logDebug(message, param='')
logger helper
- logError(message, param='')
logger helper
- logException(message, param='', lException=False)
logger helper
- logInfo(message, param='')
logger helper
- logVerbose(message, param='')
logger helper
- logWarn(message, param='')
logger helper
- static seParamtoList(inputParam)
to list.- Parameters:
inputParam – can be string, list, or string representation of list
- Returns:
- setParameters(params)
Set the transformation parameters and extract transID
- uniqueSEs(ses)
return a list of SEs that are not physically the same
- DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.Utilities.getActiveSEs(seList, access='Write')
Utility function - uses the StorageElement cached status
- DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.Utilities.getFileGroups(fileReplicas, groupSE=True)
Group files by set of SEs
- Parameters:
fileReplicas (dict) –
- {‘/this/is/at.1’: [‘SE1’],
’/this/is/at.12’: [‘SE1’, ‘SE2’], ‘/this/is/at.2’: [‘SE2’], ‘/this/is/at_123’: [‘SE1’, ‘SE2’, ‘SE3’], ‘/this/is/at_23’: [‘SE2’, ‘SE3’], ‘/this/is/at_4’: [‘SE4’]}
If groupSE == False, group by SE, in which case a file can be in more than one element
- DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.Utilities.isArchive(se)
Is the SE an archive
- DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.Utilities.isFailover(se)
Is the SE a failover SE
- DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.Utilities.sortExistingSEs(lfnSEs, lfns=None)
Sort SEs according to the number of files in each (most first)
- DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.Utilities.sortSEs(ses)
Returnes an ordered list of SEs, disk first