Job Information
- class DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Utilities.JobInfo.JobInfo(jobID, status, tID, tType=None)
hold information about jobs
- __init__(jobID, status, tID, tType=None)
- allFilesAssigned()
Check if all input files are assigned.
- allFilesExist()
Check if all files exists, if there are no output files, return False.
- allFilesMissing()
Check if all files are missing, if not output files, return False
- allFilesProcessed()
Check if all input files are processed.
- allInputFilesExist()
check if all input files exists
- allInputFilesMissing()
check if all input files are missing
- allTransFilesDeleted()
Check if all input files are deleted in the Transformation System.
- checkErrorCount()
Check if any file is above Operations/Transformations/FilesMaxResetCounter error count.
- checkFileExistence(success)
check if input and outputfile still exist
- cleanOutputs(tInfo)
remove all job outputs
- getJobInformation(diracAPI, jobMon, jdlOnly=False)
Get all the information for the job.
The InputData, TaskID, OutputData can either be taken from properly filled JDL or
inputData from jobMonitor getInputData
TaskID from the name of The job via jobMonitor getJobAttribute JobName
ProductionOutputData: from jobMonitor getJobParameter ProductionOutputData
This would be faster if we could do bulk calls for all of these
- getTaskInfo(tasksDict, lfnTaskDict, withInputTypes)
extract the task information from the taskDict
- setInputDeleted(tInfo)
mark input file as Deleted
- setInputMaxReset(tInfo)
mark input file as MaxReset
- setInputProcessed(tInfo)
mark input file as Processed
- setInputUnused(tInfo)
mark input file as Unused
- setJobDone(tInfo)
mark job as done in wms and transformationsystem
- setJobFailed(tInfo)
mark job as failed in wms and transformationsystem
- someFilesMissing()
check if some files are missing and therefore some files exist
- someInputFilesMissing()
check if some input files are missing and therefore some files exist
- exception DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Utilities.JobInfo.TaskInfoException(message)
Exception when the task info is not recoverable
- __init__(message)
- add_note()
Exception.add_note(note) – add a note to the exception
- args
- with_traceback()
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.