Class that contains client access to the JobManager handler.
- class DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Client.JobManagerClient.JobManagerClient(url=None, **kwargs)
JobManagerClient sets url for the JobManagerHandler.
- __init__(url=None, **kwargs)
Sets URL for JobManager handler
- Parameters:
self – self reference
url – url of the JobManagerHandler
kwargs – forwarded to the Base Client class
- property call
To be removed once we’re sure has been removed
- Type:
- confirmBulkSubmission(self, jobIDs, **kwargs)
Confirm the possibility to proceed with processing of the jobs specified by the jobIDList
- Parameters:
jobIDs (list) – list of job IDs
- Returns:
S_OK(list)/S_ERROR() – confirmed job IDs
Automatically created for the service function
- deleteJob(self, jobIDs, force, **kwargs)
Delete jobs specified in the jobIDs list
- Parameters:
jobIDs (list) – list of job IDs
- Returns:
Automatically created for the service function
- executeRPC(*parms, **kws)
This method extracts some parameters from kwargs that are used as parameter of the constructor or RPCClient. Unfortunately, only a few of all the available parameters of BaseClient are exposed.
- Parameters:
rpc – if an RPC client is passed, use that one
timeout – we can change the timeout on a per call bases. Default is self.timeout
url – We can specify which url to use
- getClientKWArgs()
Returns a copy of the connection arguments
- getMaxParametricJobs(self, **kwargs)
Get the maximum number of parametric jobs
- Returns:
Automatically created for the service function
- getServer()
Getter for the server url. Useful ?
- httpsClient
alias of
- killJob(self, jobIDs, force, **kwargs)
Kill jobs specified in the jobIDs list
- Parameters:
jobIDs (list) – list of job IDs
- Returns:
Automatically created for the service function
- removeJob(self, jobIDs, **kwargs)
Completely remove a list of jobs, also from TaskQueueDB, and including its JobLogging info. Only authorized users are allowed to remove jobs.
- Parameters:
jobIDs (list) – list of job IDs
- Returns:
S_OK()/S_ERROR() – confirmed job IDs
Automatically created for the service function
- rescheduleJob(self, jobIDs, **kwargs)
Reschedule a single job. If the optional proxy parameter is given it will be used to refresh the proxy in the Proxy Repository
- Parameters:
jobIDs (list) – list of job IDs
- Returns:
S_OK()/S_ERROR() – confirmed job IDs
Automatically created for the service function
- resetJob(self, jobIDs, **kwargs)
Reset jobs specified in the jobIDs list
- Parameters:
jobIDs (list) – list of job IDs
- Returns:
Automatically created for the service function
- setServer(url)
Set the server URL used by default
- Parameters:
url – url of the service
- submitJob(self, jobDesc, **kwargs)
Submit a job to DIRAC WMS. The job can be a single job, or a parametric job. If it is a parametric job, then the parameters will need to be unpacked.
- Parameters:
jobDesc (str) – job description JDL (of a single or parametric job)
- Returns:
S_OK/S_ERROR, a list of newly created job IDs in case of S_OK.
Automatically created for the service function