- class DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Client.JobState.JobManifest.JobManifest(manifest='')
- __init__(manifest='')
- check()
Check that the manifest is OK
- clearDirty()
- createSection(secName, contents=False)
- dumpAsCFG()
- dumpAsJDL()
- getAsCFG()
- getOption(varName, defaultValue=None)
Get a variable from the job manifest
- getOptionList(section='')
Get a list of variables in a section of the job manifest
- getSection(secName)
- getSectionList(section='')
Get a list of sections in the job manifest
- isDirty()
- isOption(opName)
Check if it is a valid option
- load(dataString)
Auto discover format type based on [ .. ] of JDL
- loadCFG(cfgString)
Load job manifest from CFG format
- loadJDL(jdlString)
Load job manifest from JDL format
- remove(opName)
- setDirty()
- setOption(varName, varValue)
Set a var in job manifest
- setOptionsFromDict(varDict)
- setSectionContents(secName, contents)