Module holding function(s) creating the pilot wrapper.
This is a DIRAC-free module, so it could possibly be used also outside of DIRAC installations.
The main client of this module is the SiteDirector, that invokes the functions here more or less like this:
pilotFilesCompressedEncodedDict = getPilotFilesCompressedEncodedDict(pilotFiles)
localPilot = pilotWrapperScript(pilotFilesCompressedEncodedDict,
- DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Utilities.PilotWrapper.getPilotFilesCompressedEncodedDict(pilotFiles, proxy=None)
- this function will return the dictionary of pilot files namesencodedCompressedContent
that we are going to send
- DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Utilities.PilotWrapper.pilotWrapperScript(pilotFilesCompressedEncodedDict=None, pilotOptions='', pilotExecDir='', envVariables=None, location='', CVMFS_locations=None)
Returns the content of the pilot wrapper script.
The pilot wrapper script is a bash script that invokes the system python. Linux only.
- Parameters:
pilotFilesCompressedEncodedDict (dict) – this is a possible dict of name:compressed+encoded content files. the proxy can be part of this, and of course the pilot files
pilotOptions (string) – options with which to start the pilot
pilotExecDir (string) – pilot execution directory
envVariables (dict) – dictionary of environment variables
location (string) – location where to get the pilot files
CVMFS_locations (list) – optional CVMFS locations of where to get the pilot files
- Returns:
content of the pilot wrapper
- Return type: