Utilities to help Computing Element Queues manipulation
- DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Utilities.QueueUtilities.computeQueueCPULimit(queueDict)
Evaluate the CPU limit of the queue according to the Glue convention
- DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Utilities.QueueUtilities.generateQueueHash(queueDict)
Generate a hash of the queue description
- DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Utilities.QueueUtilities.getQueuesResolved(siteDict, queueCECache, gridEnv=None, setup=None, workingDir='', checkPlatform=False, instantiateCEs=False)
Get the list of relevant CEs (what is in siteDict) and their descriptions. The main goal of this method is to return a dictionary of queues
- DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Utilities.QueueUtilities.matchQueue(jobJDL, queueDict, fullMatch=False)
Match the job description to the queue definition
- DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Utilities.QueueUtilities.resolveTags(ceDict, queueDict)
Tags & RequiredTags defined on the Queue level and on the CE level are concatenated. This also converts them from a string to a list if required.
- DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Utilities.QueueUtilities.setAdditionalParams(ceDict, queueDict)
Some parameters can be defined on the CE level and are inherited by all Queues
- DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Utilities.QueueUtilities.setPlatform(ceDict, queueDict)
Set platform according to CE parameters if not defined