Check your installation

If you are here, we suppose you have read the documentation that came before. Specifically:

Within this part we’ll check the basics, and we’ll do few exercises.

Is my installation correctly done?

We will now do few, very simple checks. The first can be done by using the python interactive shell. We suggest you to use the iPython interactive python shell.

Make sure that you are running these commands inside the conda environment that you have created as explained in Editing DIRAC code.

>>> import pyparsing
>>> import MySQLdb
>>> import DIRAC

If you get an ImportError exception, go back to the Editing DIRAC code section, or check the pip install log.

The real basic stuff

Let’s start with the logger:

>>> from DIRAC import gLogger
>>> gLogger.notice('Hello world')
2022-01-07 09:23:34 UTC Framework NOTICE: Hello world

What’s that? It is a singleton object for logging in DIRAC. Needless to say, you’ll use it a lot.

>>>'Hello world')

Why “Hello world” was not printed? Because the logging level is too high:

>>> gLogger.getLevel()

But we can increase it simply doing, for example:

>>> gLogger.setLevel('VERBOSE')
>>>'Hello world')
2022-01-07 09:24:46 UTC Framework INFO: Hello world

In DIRAC, you should not use print. Use the gLogger instead. You will find more details on gLogger in the gLogger documentation.

Let’s continue, and we have a look at the return codes:

>>> from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR

These 2 are the basic return codes that you should use. How do they work?:

>>> S_OK('All is good')
{'OK': True, 'Value': 'All is good'}

>>> S_ERROR('Damn it')
{'Errno': 0, 'Message': 'Damn it', 'OK': False, 'CallStack': ['  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>\n']}

>>> S_ERROR(errno.EPERM, 'But I want to!')
{'Errno': 1, 'Message': 'Operation not permitted ( 1 : But I want to!)', 'OK': False, 'CallStack': ['  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>\n']}

Quite clear, isn’t it? Often, you’ll end up doing a lot of code like that:

result = aDIRACMethod()
if not result['OK']:
    gLogger.error('aDIRACMethod-Fail', "Call to aDIRACMethod() failed with message %s" %result['Message'])
    return result
    returnedValue = result['Value']

Playing with the Configuration Service

Note: please, read and complete Developing stuff that runs before continuing.

We will now play with a dirac.cfg file. For these exercises you can use the dockerized setup.

Try this:

>>> from DIRAC import gConfig
>>> gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Setup')

Where does ‘DeveloperSetup’ come from? Open that dirac.cfg and search for it. Got it? it’s in:

  Setup = DeveloperSetup

Easy, huh? Try to get something else now, still using gConfig.getValue().

So, gConfig is another singleton: it is the guy you need to call for basic interactions with the Configuration Service. If you are here, we assume you already know about the CS servers and layers. More information can be found in the Administration guide. We remind that, for a developer installation, we will work in ISOLATION, so with only the local dirac.cfg

Mostly, gConfig exposes get type of methods:

>>> from DIRAC import gConfig
>>> gConfig.get
gConfig.getConfigurationTree(       gConfig.getOptions(                 gConfig.getOptionsDictRecursively(  gConfig.getServersList(
gConfig.getOption(                  gConfig.getOptionsDict(             gConfig.getSections(                gConfig.getValue(

for example, try:

>>> gConfig.getOptionsDict('/DIRAC')

In the next section we will modify a bit the dirac.cfg file. Before doing that, have a look at it. It’s important what’s in there, but for the developer installation it is also important what it is NOT there. We said we will work in isolation. So, it’s important that this file does not contain any URL to server infrastructure (at least, not at this level: later, when you will feel more confortable, you can add some).

A very important option of the cfg file is “DIRAC/Configuration/Server”: this option can contain the URL(s) of the running Configuration Server. But, as said, for doing development, this option should stay empty.

Getting a Proxy

We assume that you have already your public and private certificates key in $HOME/.globus. Then, do the following:

$ dirac-proxy-init

You should get something like:

$ dirac-proxy-init
Generating proxy...
Enter Certificate password:
DN /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=fstagni/CN=693025/CN=Federico Stagni is not registered

This is because DIRAC still doesn’t know you exist. You should add yourself to the CS. For example, I had add the following section:

      DN = /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=fstagni/CN=693025/CN=Federico Stagni
      CA = /DC=ch/DC=cern/CN=CERN Trusted Certification Authority
      Email =

All the info you want and much more in:

$ openssl x509 -in usercert.pem -text

Now, it’s time to issue again:

$ dirac-proxy-init
Generating proxy...
Enter Certificate password:
User fstagni has no groups defined

So, let’s add the groups within the /Registry section:

    Users = fstagni

You can keep playing with it (e.g. adding some properties), but for the moment this is enough.