User Data
Users are managing their data in the distributed computing environment by uploading it to and downloading it from the Storage Elements, replicating files to have redundant copies. The data is accessed from the user jobs, and new data files are created while the job execution. All the files are registered in the File Catalog to be easily discoverable. The basic DIRAC commands to manipulate data are described in this section.
File upload
The initial data file upload to the Grid Storaget Element is performed by the following example command:
$ dirac-dms-add-file <LFN> <FILE PATH> <SE> [<GUID>]
where <LFN> is the Logical File Name which will uniquely identify the file on the Grid. <FILE PATH> is the full or relative path to the local file to be uploaded. <SE> is the name of the Storage Element where the file will be uploaded. Optionally <GUID> - unique identifier - can be provided. For example:
$ dirac-dms-add-file /dirac/user/u/username/user.file user.file DIRAC-USER
will upload local file user.file to the DIRAC-USER Storage Element. The file will be registered in the File Catalog with the LFN /dirac/user/u/username/user.file
File download
To download a file from the Grid Storage Element one should do:
$ dirac-dms-get-file <LFN>
giving the file LFN as the command argument. This will discover the file on the Grid and will download the file to the local current directory.
File replication
To make another copy of the file on a new Storage Element, the following command should be executed:
$ dirac-dms-replicate-lfn <LFN> <SE>
This will make a new copy of the file specified by its LFN to the SE Storage Element. For example:
$ dirac-dms-replicate-lfn /dirac/user/u/username/user.file DIRAC-USER
You can see all the replicas of the given file by executing:
$ dirac-dms-lfn-replicas <LFN>
Finding Storage Elements
You can find all the Storage Elements available in the system by:
$ dirac-dms-show-se-status
This will show the Storage Elements together with their current status which will help you to decide which ones you can use.
Data in user jobs
To access data files from the user jobs and make the system save the files produced in the jobs on the Grid, the job description should contain InputData and OutputData parameters. In case of using job JDL description, the JDL can look like the following:
Executable = "/bin/cp";
Arguments = "my_data.file my_data.copy";
InputData = {"/dirac/user/a/atsareg/my_data.file"};
StdOutput = "std.out";
StdError = "std.err";
OutputSandbox = {"std.out","std.err","my.copy"};
OutputData = {"my_data.copy"};
OutputSE = "DIRAC-USER";
CPUTime = 10;
For this job execution the input data file with LFN /dirac/user/a/atsareg/my_data.file will be put into the working directory of the user executable. The job will produce a new data file my_data.copy which will be uploaded to the DIRAC-USER Storage Element and registered with LFN (example) /dirac/user/a/atsareg/0/19/my_data.copy. The LFN is constructed using the standard DIRAC user LFN convention ( /<vo>/user/<initial>/<username>/ ) and the job ID to avoid clashes of files with the same name coming from different jobs.