3.2. Dirac File Catalog

The DIRAC File Catalog (DFC) is a full replica and metadata catalog integrated to DIRAC. It has a very modular structure, allowing for several backends. The interaction with the backend is handled by Managers in such a way that the interface exposed to the users remains always the same.

There are two main sets of managers:

  • the historical ones, offering the full range of functionalities and used by most VO

  • and the LHCb ones, where a subsets of the functionalities related to user defined metadata are not tested, but optimized for scaling and consistency. Any VO could of course use it.

The DFC can be used also as a Metadata catalog. Metadata is the information describing the user data in order to easily select the data sets of interest for user applications. In the DIRAC File Catalog metadata can be associated with any directory. It is important that subdirectories are inheriting the metadata of their parents, this allows to reduce the number of the stored metadata values. Some metadata variables can be declared as indexes. Only indexed metadata can be used in data selections. One can declare ancestor files for a given file. This is often needed in order to keep track of the derived data provenance path.

3.2.1. Installation

The installation and configuration procedure changes slightly between the historical managers and the LHCb ones.

The list of components you need to have installed is:

  • FileCatalogDB: if you want the standard managers, you should use FileCatalogDB.sql, but FilecatalogWithFkAndPsDB.sql if you want the LHCb ones

  • FileCatalogHandler: just the interface to the DB

3.2.2. FileCatalogDB

No special configuration there.

3.2.3. FileCatalogHandler

All the configuration of the DFC takes place there.

  • DatasetManager: default DatasetManager Manager for the dataset

  • DefaultUmask: default 0775 Umask in octal

  • DirectoryManager: default DirectoryLevelTree Manager for the Directories

  • DirectoryMetadata: default DirectoryMetadata Manager for the directory metadata

  • FileManager: default FileManager Manager for the files

  • FileMetadata: default FileMetadata Manager for the file metadata

  • GlobalReadAccess: default True. If set to True, anyone can read anything

  • LFNPFNConvention: default Strong.

  • ResolvePFN: default True. Deprecated

  • SecurityManager: default NoSecurityManager. Manager for authentication

  • SecurityPolicy : if SecurityManager = PolicyBasedSecurityManager, path to the policy to use

  • SEManager: default SEManagerDB. Managers for the strage elements

  • UniqueGUID: default False. If True, the GUID has to be unique through the namespace

  • UserGroupManager: default UserAndGroupManagerDB. Managers for groups and users

  • ValidFileStatus: default [AprioriGood,Trash,Removing,Probing]. Status that are valid for Files

  • ValidReplicaStatus: default [AprioriGoodTrashRemovingProbing]. Status that are valid for Replicas

  • VisibleFileStatus: default [AprioriGood]. By default, only files in this status are returned

  • VisibleReplicaStatus: default [AprioriGood] By default, only replicas in this status are returned

In order to use the LHCb handler you should:

  • FileManager = FileManagerPs

  • DirectoryManager = DirectoryClosure

  • UniqueGUID = True

  • SecurityManager = PolicyBasedSecurityManager

  • SecurityPolicy = DIRAC/DataManagementSystem/DB/FileCatalogComponents/SecurityPolicies/VOMSPolicy

3.2.4. Security Manager

This manager takes care of the access permissions in the DFC. There are several of them:

  • NoSecurityManager: offer yourself to whatever treatment the world reserves you

  • DirectorySecurityManager: only look at directories for permissions

  • FullSecurityManager:

  • DirectorySecurityManagerWithDelete: same as DirectorySecurityManager but consider the parent’s directory write bit for removal

  • PolicyBasedSecurityManager: based on plugins. It will evaluate the permissions based on the path, the identity doing the request, and the action itself on a per method bases. Currently, only the VOMSPolicy exists in DIRAC.

The VOMSPolicy (VOMSPolicy) implements a 3-level posix permission (directory-file-replica), and groups the dirac group using their VOMS roles. Basically, if the owner does not match, the groups are used. But the group doing the request and the one owning the file do not need to be the same: it is enough if they share the same VOMS role.

3.2.5. LFN PFN convention