
The SiteSEMapping module performs the necessary CS gymnastics to resolve site and SE combinations. These manipulations are necessary in several components.

Assumes CS structure of: /Resources/Sites/<GRIDNAME>/<SITENAME>


Get StorageElement host names (can be more than one depending on the protocol)


seName (str) – name of the storage element


S_OK() with list of hosts or S_ERROR


get all the SE parameters in a list


seName (str) – name of the Storage Element


S_OK() with list of dict with parameters

DIRAC.Core.Utilities.SiteSEMapping.getSESiteMapping(gridName='', withSiteLocalSEMapping=False)

Returns a dictionary of all SEs and their associated site(s), e.g. {‘CERN-RAW’:’’,’CERN-RDST’:’’,…]} Although normally one site exists for a given SE, it is possible over all Grid types to have multiple entries. If gridName is specified, result is restricted to that Grid type. Assumes CS structure of: /Resources/Sites/<GRIDNAME>/<SITENAME>


Determines the associated SEs from the country code

DIRAC.Core.Utilities.SiteSEMapping.getSEsForSite(siteName, withSiteLocalSEMapping=False)

Given a DIRAC site name this method returns a list of corresponding SEs.

DIRAC.Core.Utilities.SiteSEMapping.getSiteSEMapping(gridName='', withSiteLocalSEMapping=False)

Returns a dictionary of all sites and their localSEs as a list, e.g. {‘’:[‘CERN-RAW’,’CERN-RDST’,…]} If gridName is specified, result is restricted to that Grid type.

DIRAC.Core.Utilities.SiteSEMapping.getSitesForSE(storageElement, gridName='', withSiteLocalSEMapping=False)

Given a DIRAC SE name this method returns a list of corresponding sites. Optionally restrict to Grid specified by name.


Get StorageElement host names

  • seNames (list) – possible list of storage element names (if not provided, will use all)

  • plugins (list) – if provided, restrict to a certain list of plugins


S_OK() with list of hosts or S_ERROR

DIRAC.Core.Utilities.SiteSEMapping.isSameSiteSE(se1, se2)

Check if the 2 SEs are at the same site