
This module implements the default behavior for the FTS3 system for TPC and source SE selection

class DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.private.FTS3Plugins.DefaultFTS3Plugin.DefaultFTS3Plugin(vo=None)

Bases: object

” Default FTS3 plugin.

For the TPC selection, it returns the list configured in the CS. For the source SE selection, it calls DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.private.FTS3Utilities.selectUniqueRandomSource()

It is used to document what are the requirements for a real TPC plugin. It is a good idea for your plugin to inherit from this one if you only want to change one specific behavior.

Such plugins are meant to alter the TPC protocols list that an FTS3 job will use to transfer between two SEs, and possibly make a smart selection of the source SE.

They are called by DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.FTS3Operation.FTS3Operation

The class name must be “<PluginName>FTS3Plugin”


The plugin is instanciated once per FTS3Operation, so it is a good place to do global initialization


vo (str) – Virtual Organization

inferFTSActivity(ftsOperation, rmsRequest, rmsOperation)

This will try to find which FTS activity should be applied to the FTS3Operation.

If nothing can be found, it will return None.

Note that this is only called if there is no hardcoded Activity in the RMS Operation Arguments.

selectSourceSE(ftsFile, replicaDict, allowedSources)

For a given FTS3file object, select a source.

Note that the replicaDict may already have been filtered (for example, only active replicas are taken into account), so if you want to do exotic things, you may want to recheck the replicas

The allowedSources is what comes from the RMS, so possibly from the TS. So up to you to ignore it or not

In this default implementation, we only consider the allowed sources and the active replicas, preferably on disk (already filtered in replicaDict) and return a random choice

  • ftsFiles – list of FTS3File object

  • replicaDict – list of replicas for the file

  • allowedSources – list of allowed sources


one SE name


ValueError – in case the plugin cannot select a sourceSE

selectTPCProtocols(ftsJob=None, sourceSEName=None, destSEName=None, **kwargs)

This method has to return an ordered list of protocols that will be used by the source/dest StorageElements to agree on a common TPC protocol.

There are two ways to invoke the plugin. Either with an FTS3Job instance, or with specific parameters.

The FTS3Job object passed as parameter can be used to make a choice based on various parameters.

Specific parameters are passed when there is access to an FTS3Job already, like in the __needsMultiHopStaging function of FTS3Operation.

Thus, it is possible that there is not enough information to make a decision without the FTS3Job. In that case, it is up to the plugin to decide whether to return the best possible answer or to raise a ValueError exception

In this default implementation, we just return the preference list that we have in the CS

  • ftsJobFTS3Job that will submit the transfer

  • sourceSEName – Name of the source StorageElement

  • destSEName – Name of the destination StorageElement


an ordered TPC protocols list


ValueError – in case the plugin cannot select a protocol with the given info