Making DIRAC releases

This section is describing the procedure to follow by release managers when preparing new DIRAC releases (including patches).

The new code and patch contribution are made in the form of Github Pull Request. The PR’s should be first reviewed by the release managers as well as by other developers to possibly spot evident problems. The PRs are also reviewed by automated tools, like GitHub Actions. After the review the PR can be merged using the Github tools. After that the remote release branch is in the state ready to be tagged with the new version.


The release manager needs to:

  • be aware of the DIRAC repository structure and branching.

  • have push access to the “release” repository, so the one on GitHub (being part of the project “owners”)

The release manager of DIRAC should:

  1. Verify if new version of DIRACOS/2 is needed

  2. Create the release(s)

  3. make basic verifications

  4. deploy the py2 DIRAC tarballs

  5. verify that the py3 release is created, and is on pypi

  6. propagate to CVMFS

0. Verify if new version of DIRACOS/2 is needed

Code in open Pull Requests might be dependent from a new version of DIRACOS (and/or DIRACOS2). Do verify for that before proceeding.

1. Creating the release(s)

The procedure consists of several steps:

  • Merge Pull Requests

  • Propagate patches to downstream release

  • Make release notes

  • Tag release branches with release version tags

  • Update the state of release and integration branches in the central repository

  • Update DIRAC software project description

  • Build and upload release tar files

Release notes

Release notes are contained in the release.notes file. Each release version has a dedicated section in this file, for example:


CHANGE: Let update the config, even if the Pilot info is not in the CS

The section title as taken into the square brackets. Change notes are collected per subsystem denoted by a name starting with *. Each change record starts with one of the follow header words: FIX:, BUGFIX:, CHANGE:, NEW: for fixes, bug fixes, small changes and new features correspondingly.

Release notes for the given branch should be made in this branch.

The release notes for a given branch can be obtained with the docs/Tools/ script:

$ python docs/Tools/ --branches <branch> [<branch2>...] --date <dateTheLastTagWasMade> [--openPRs]

Working with code and tags

For simplicity and reproducibility, you can start from a fresh copy in a clean directory. This means that, you may want to start by moving to a temporary directory and issue the following:

$ mkdir $(date +"20%y%m%d") && cd $(date +"20%y%m%d")

which will create a clean directory with today’s date. We then clone the DIRAC repository and rename the created “origin” remote in “release”:

$ git clone
$ cd DIRAC
$ git remote rename origin release

Propagating patches

There are a few DIRAC extensions, e.g. WebAppDIRAC. The procedure described below applies to all of them. Make sure that you apply the procedure starting with the DIRAC extensions.

In the DIRAC Development Model several release branches can coexist in production. This means that patches applied to older branches must be propagated to the newer release branches. This is done in the local Git repository of the release manager. Let’s take an example of a patch created against release branch rel-7r1 while the new release branch rel-v7r2 is already in production. This can be accomplished by the following sequence of commands, which will bring all the changes from the central repository including all the release branches. We now create local branch from the the remote one containing the patch. Release notes must be updated to create a new section for the new patch release describing the new changes. Now we can make a local branch corresponding to a downstream branch and merge the commits from the patches:

$ git checkout -b rel-v7r1 release/rel-v7r1
$ vim release.notes

We can now start merging PRs, directly from GitHub. At the same time we edit the release notes to reflect what has been merged (please see the note below about how to edit this file). Once finished, save the file. Then, modify the files of the root directory and define the version also there. Then we commit the changes (those done to release.notes and and update the current repository:

$ git commit -a  # this will commit the changes we made to the release notes in rel-v7r1 local branch
$ git fetch release  # this will bring in the updated release/rel-v7r1 branch from the github repository
$ git rebase --no-ff release/rel-v7r1  # this will rebase the current rel-v7r1 branch to the content of release/rel-v7r1

You can now proceed with pushing, and check the tests:

$ git push release rel-v7r1  # we push to the rel-v7r1 branch too.

From the previous command, note that due to the fact that we are pushing a branch named rel-v7r1 to the release repository, where it already exists a branch named rel-v7r1, the local branch will override the remote one.

Now, before performing any further step, you should go to GitHub Actions (GA) and check the result of the workflows that are running on the pushed rel-v7r1 branch.

If everything is fine, you can tag:

$ git tag -a v7r1p37 -m "v7r1p37"  # this will create an annotated tag, from the current branch, in the local repository
$ git push release v7r1p37  # we push to the *release* repository (so to GitHub-hosted one) the tag just created

All the patches must now be also propagated to the upper branches. In this example we are going through, we are supposing that it exists rel-v7r2 branch, from which we already derived production tags. We then have to propagate the changes done to rel-v7r1 to rel-v7r2. Note that if even the patch was made to an upstream release branch, the subsequent release branch must also receive a new patch release tag. Multiple patches can be add in one release operation.:

$ git checkout -b rel-v7r2 release/rel-v7r2
$ git merge release/rel-v7r1

This may result in merge conflicts, which should be resolved “by hand”. One typical conflict is about the content of the release.notes file.

From now on, the process will look very similar to what we have already done for creating tag v7r1p37. We should then repeat the process for v7r2:

$ vim release.notes
$ vim

Merge PRs (if any), then save the files above. Then:

$ git commit -a  # this will commit the changes we made to the release notes in rel-v7r2 local branch
$ git fetch release  # this will bring in the updated release/rel-v7r2 branch from the github repository
$ git rebase --no-ff release/rel-v7r2  # this will rebase the current rel-v7r2 branch to the content of release/rel-v7r2
$ git push release rel-v7r2  # we push to the *release* remote the tag just created, and the rel-v7r2 branch.

Now, check GA and if everything is fine:

$ git tag v7r2p8  # this will create a tag, from the current branch, in the local repository
$ git push v7r2p8  # we push to the *release* remote the tag just created

The master branch of DIRAC always contains the latest stable release. If this corresponds to rel-v7r2, we should make sure that this is updated:

$ git push release rel-v7r2:master

Repeat the process for every “upper” release branch. When the release branch of the latest stable version is changed, i.e. from rel-v7r2 to rel-v7r3, the URL of the CI status badge in the README should be edited.

The integration branch is also receiving new features to go into the next release. The integration branch also contains the releases.cfg file, which holds all the versions of DIRAC together with the dependencies among the different packages.

From the integration branch we also do all the tags of pre-release versions, that can be then installed with standard tools on test DIRAC servers.

The procedure for creating pre-releases is very similar to creating releases:

$ vim release.notes
$ vim
$ vim releases.cfg  # add the created tags (all of them, releases and pre-releases)

Merge all the PRs targeting integration that have been approved (if any), then save the files above. Then:

$ git commit -a
$ git fetch release
$ git rebase --no-ff release/integration
$ git push release integration

Wait for tests on GA to complete and then:

$ git tag v7r3-pre9
$ git push v7r3-pre9

2. Making basic verifications

All unit and integration tests are automatically run by GitHub Actions

GitHub actions also runs on all the Pull Requests, so if for all the PRs merged GitHub Actions didn’t show any problem, there’s a good chance (but NOT the certainty) that the created tags are also sane.

From version v7r2, python3 releases are automatically created (again, by GitHub Actions) when a tag is pushed, and should be found on pypi.

3. Deploying python2 DIRAC tarballs

Once the release and integration branches are tagged and pushed, the new release and pre-release versions are properly described in the release.cfg file in the integration branch and also pushed to the central repository, the tar archives containing the new codes can be created.

For releasing python2 DIRAC, you need to be in an environment where Sencha cmd has been installed and extjs is downloaded. There’s a Docker image that contains all the above dependencies. It can be found in GitHub package registry or in docker hub: (
diracgrid/dirac-distribution (

The image is rebuilt once per week based on this Dockerfile in

Pull it and run inside the dirac-distribution command:

$ docker pull diracgrid/dirac-distribution
$ python3 -r v7r2p8

The above works also for DIRAC extensions, in this case just remember to specify the project name, e.g.:

$ python3 --release v10r2p11 --project LHCb

You can also pass the releases.cfg to use via command line using the -relcfg switch. dirac-distribution will generate a set of tarballs, release notes in html and md5 files.

In the end of its execution, the dirac-distribution will print out a command that can be used to upload generated release files to a predefined repository (see DIRAC Projects).

You can then run this Jenkins check If it passes, it’s time to advertise that new releases have been created. Use the DIRAC google forum.

4. Propagating to CVMFS [INCOMPLETE]

There’s a Docker image that contains all the needed dependencies. It can be found in GitHub package registry or in docker hub: (
diracgrid/dirac-cvmfs (

The image is rebuilt once per week based on this Dockerfile

Pull it and …

$ docker pull diracgrid/dirac-cvmfs

–> to be expanded