.. _dirac-operations-dms: Operations / DataManagement ================================= * IgnoreMissingInFC (False): when removing a file/replica, trigger an error if the file is not on the SE * UseCatalogPFN (True): when getting replicas with the DataManager, use the url stored in the catalog. If False, recalculate it * SEsUsedForFailover ([]): SEs or SEGroups to be used as failover storages * SEsNotToBeUsedForJobs ([]): SEs or SEGroups not to be used as input source for jobs * SEsUsedForArchive ([]): SEs ir SEGroups to be used as Archive * ForceSingleSitePerSE (True): return an error if an SE is associated to more than 1 site * RegistrationProtocols (['srm', 'dips']): list of the possible protocols to be used to generate a SURL stored in the FileCatalog * ThirdPartyProtocols (['srm']): list of the possible protocols to be used in replications * AccessProtocols (['srm', 'dips']): list of the possible protocols to be used to perform the read operations and to get the space occupancy. Overwritten at the level of a StorageElement configuration. * WriteProtocols (['srm', 'dips']): list of the possible protocols to be used to perform the write and remove operations. Overwritten at the level of a StorageElement configuration. * AllowUserReplicaManagement (False): if set to True, clients without the FileCatalogManagement property can use the dirac-dms-remove-catalog-* commands to manipulate the file catalog. * FTSVersion (FTS2): version of FTS to use. Possibilities: FTS3 or FTS2 (deprecated) * FTSPlacement section: - FTS3 section: - ServerPolicy (Random): policy to choose between FTS3 servers (Random, Sequence, Failover) Read :ref:`multiProtocol` for more details on the meanings of RegistrationProtocols, ThirdPartyProtocols, AccessProtocols, and WriteProtocols