========= Tab theme ========= In this section a detailed description of the Tab theme is presented: - `Main panel`_ - `Menu structure`_ - `Manage application and desktop`_ - `Share application and desktop`_ - `Settings panel`_ Main panel ---------- The main panel consists of two widget: 1. Menu 2. Desktop .. image:: images/maintab.png :scale: 30 % :alt: Tab theme main view. :align: center **Menu** It contains three main menu: .. image:: images/menus.png :scale: 50 % :alt: main menus :align: center #. It is the Intro panel #. It is the Main panel #. You can found more information about DIRAC. The default is 2. You can change by clicking on the icons. **Desktop** It is a container which contains various applications on different desktops. Menu structure -------------- Menu consists of two widgets: #. Desktops&Applications #. Settings .. image:: images/menustructure.png :scale: 50 % :alt: menu structure :align: right **Desktop&Applications** You can manage your applications and desktops. The menu structure: * Web : it contains external links * Tools : You can found DIRAC specific applications. * Applications: You can found DIRAC and VO specific applications. * OldPortal: It is link to the old portal. * DIRAC it is an external link to DIRAC portal * My Desktops it is contains all saved desktops. You can see a **Default** desktop which contains all applications which belongs to the **Default** desktop. * Shared: It contains all Shared desktops and applications. Manage application and desktop ------------------------------ You can manage the state of applications and desktops by by clicking to the following menu. .. image:: images/managemenuitems.png :scale: 50 % :alt: Applications and more :align: center **Desktop** The Desktop menu item contains: * New Desktop: You can create an empty desktop. * Save: You can save the desktop * Save As you can duplicate your desktop. * Delete You can delete different desktops. If you click on the delete menu item, a pop up window will appear: .. image:: images/delete.png :scale: 50 % :alt: Delete menu :align: center You can select the desktops to be deleted. **Application** The Application menu item contains: * Save * Save As * Delete These menu items have the same functionalities as the Desktop menu items. **Context menu** You have another possibility to manage applications and desktops. You have to right click on the application/desktop what you want to modify. .. image:: images/contextmenu.png :scale: 50 % :alt: Context menu :align: center You have few additional menu items: * Make public: Used to make public an application/desktop to everyone. * Share desktop: Used to share the desktop within a specific user. * Share application: Used to share the application within a specific user. * Make private: revoke the access to the desktop/application. * Switch to presenter view: The applications will be open in a single desktop. * Switch to tab view: The applications opened in different tabs. **Presenter view** The application which belongs to a desktop will be opened in a single tab. You can change the layout of the desktop using the buttons in the right corner of the panel (The buttons are in the red rectangle). .. image:: images/presenterview.png :scale: 30 % :alt: Presenter view :align: center **Tab view** The applications within a desktop will be opened in different tab. .. image:: images/tabview.png :scale: 30 % :alt: Tab view :align: center In the right corner of the Tab theme you can see two icons. *First icon* You can access to a specific application by clicking on the first icon. This is very useful when you have lot of application open in a desktop. .. image:: images/tabmenu.png :scale: 30 % :alt: Tab menu :align: center *Second icon* You can write help to the current application. .. image:: images/helpmenu.png :scale: 30 % :alt: Help menu :align: center Share application and desktop ----------------------------- The applications/desktops can be shared. You can share an application/desktop by right click on the application/desktop what you want to share (more information above in the `Manage application and desktop`_). **Share an application/desktop** You have to do the following steps to share an application/desktop: #. right click on the desktop/application what you want to share. #. choose the menu item: Share desktop or Share Application. #. copy the text (for example: desktop|zmathe|lhcb_prmgr|JobMonitorAll) and click OK on the pop up window: #. send the text (desktop|zmathe|lhcb_prmgr|JobMonitorAll) to the person .. image:: images/share.png :scale: 50 % :alt: Share message box. :align: center **Load a shared application or desktop** You have to use the *State Loader* menu item: .. image:: images/stateloader.png :scale: 50 % :alt: State loader. :align: center The State Loader widget is the following: .. image:: images/loader.png :scale: 50 % :alt: Loader. :align: center You have to provide the Shared State (for example: desktop|zmathe|lhcb_prmgr|JobMonitorAll) and a name (for example: newName). You have tree different way to load a shared state: #. Load #. Create Link #. Load & Create Link **Load** If you click on Load, you load the shared desktop/application to you desktop. The name of the application will be the provided name. For example: newName. .. image:: images/loaddesktop.png :scale: 30 % :alt: Loaded desktop. :align: center **Create Link** This save the application/desktop *Shared* menu item. Which mean it keeps a pointer(reference) to the original desktop/application. This will not load the application/desktop into your desktop. .. image:: images/createlink.png :scale: 50 % :alt: Create link. :align: center **Load & Create Link** The desktop/application will be loaded to your desktop and it is saved under the **Shared** menu item. **Delete shared applications/desktops** You have to click on the menu `Manage application and desktop`_ and then select application or desktop depending what you want to delete. For example: Let's delete the **newName** shared desktop. .. image:: images/deletelink.png :scale: 50 % :alt: Delete link. :align: center You have to select what you want to delete state or a link. As it is a shared desktop what we want to delete we have to select *Links*. You have to click on the Delete button. Settings panel -------------- In the settings panel you can set up your portal. You have to click on the **Settings** widget: .. image:: images/settings.png :scale: 50 % :alt: Settings. :align: center .. image:: images/settingspanel.png :scale: 50 % :alt: Settings panel. :align: center You can define the following: * Group you can change the role * Setup: you can switch between different setups. * Theme you can change the look and feel and also you can switch between Tab and Desktop themes. We have 3 look and feels: #. Grey it is the default #. Neptune #. Classic You can automatically change the applications using *Automatic tab change* Note: After you set it you have to save the desktop. Consequently, you can not have automatic tab change in the *Default* desktop. **Grey** .. image:: images/grey.png :scale: 30 % :alt: Grey look and feel. :align: center **Neptune** .. image:: images/neptune.png :scale: 30 % :alt: Neptune look and feel. :align: center **Classic** .. image:: images/classic.png :scale: 30 % :alt: Classic look and feel. :align: center