===================== Web Portal User guide ===================== The DIRAC Web portal is a user friendly interface allowing users to interact with the DIRAC services. It can be easily extended by particular VO or it can be integrated into some other portal. Terms: ------- **Application** A web page called application in the new portal, for example: Monitoring, Accounting, Production Management. **Desktop** It is a container of different applications. Each application opens in a desktop. The desktop is your working environment. **State** The State is the actual status of an application or a desktop. The State can be saved and it can be reused. A saved State can be shared within the VO or between users. **Theme** It is a graphical appearance of the web portal. DIRAC provides two themes: Desktop and Tab themes. Both themes provide similar functionalities. The difference is the way of how the applications are managed. The "**Desktop theme**" is similar to Microsoft Windows. It allows to work with a single desktop. The "**Tab theme**" is similar to web browser. Each desktop is a tab. The users can work with different desktops at the same time. Concepts: --------- Two protocols are allowed: **http** and **https**. **http** protocol is very restricted. It only allows to access limited functionalities. It is recommended to the site administrators. The state of applications or desktops can not be saved. **https** protocol allows to access all functionalities of DIRAC depending on your role (DIRAC group). The state of the application is not saved in the **URL**. The URL only contains the name of application or desktop. For example: `https://lhcb-portal-dirac.cern.ch/DIRAC/s:LHCb-Production/g:lhcb_prmgr/?view=tabs&theme=Grey&url_state=1|AllPlots` **Format of the URL** * Tab theme: Format of the URL when the Tab theme is used: #. https://: protocol #. lhcb-portal-dirac.cern.ch/DIRAC/: host. #. s:LHCb-Production: DIRAC setup. #. g:lhcb_prmgr : role #. view=tabs : it is the theme. It can be **desktop** and **tabs**. #. theme=Grey: it is the look and feel. #. &url_state=1: it is desktop or application. #. AllPlots : it is the desktop name. the default desktop is **Default**. #. The state is a desktop: AllPlots #. The state is an application: *LHCbDIRAC.LHCbJobMonitor.classes.LHCbJobMonitor:AllUserJobs,* For example: desktop and application: AllPlots,*LHCbDIRAC.LHCbJobMonitor.classes.LHCbJobMonitor:AllUserJobs,* * Desktop theme For example: `https://lhcb-portal-dirac.cern.ch/DIRAC/s:LHCb-Production/g:lhcb_prmgr/?view=desktop&theme=Grey&url_state=1|AllPlots` #. https://: protocol #. lhcb-portal-dirac.cern.ch/DIRAC/: host. #. s:LHCb-Production: DIRAC setup. #. g:lhcb_prmgr : role #. view=desktop : it is the theme. It can be **desktop** and **tabs**. #. theme=Grey: it is the look and feel. #. &url_state=1: it is desktop state. It can be 0 or 1. #. The state is a desktop: url_state=1|AllPlots #. The state is an application: url_state=0|LHCbDIRAC.LHCbJobMonitor.classes.LHCbJobMonitor:statename:0:0:1440:725:0:0,0,-1,-1,-1,-1 **Note:** If you have a state saved under Desktop theme, you can open using Tab theme. This works the other way round as well. A video tutorial is available at `https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKBpED0IyLc` link. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 TabTheme/index DesktopTheme/index