
Ping the given DIRAC Service


dirac-framework-ping-service [options] ... <URL|System/Service|System> Service


URL:             URL of the service to ping (instead of System and Service)
System/Service:  Full component name (ie: WorkloadManagement/Matcher)
System:          Name of the DIRAC system (ie: WorkloadManagement)
Service:         Name of the DIRAC service (ie: Matcher) (optional)


$ dirac-framework-ping-service WorkloadManagement PilotManager
{'OK': True,
 'Value': {'cpu times': {'children system time': 0.0,
                         'children user time': 0.0,
                         'elapsed real time': 8778481.7200000007,
                         'system time': 54.859999999999999,
                         'user time': 361.06999999999999},
           'host uptime': 4485212L,
           'load': '3.44 3.90 4.02',
           'name': 'WorkloadManagement/PilotManager',
           'service start time': datetime.datetime(2011, 2, 21, 8, 58, 35, 521438),
           'service uptime': 85744,
           'service url': 'dips://dirac.in2p3.fr:9171/WorkloadManagement/PilotManager',
           'time': datetime.datetime(2011, 3, 14, 11, 47, 40, 394957),
           'version': 'v5r12-pre9'},
 'rpcStub': (('WorkloadManagement/PilotManager',
              {'delegatedDN': '/O=GRID-FR/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=CPPM/CN=Vanessa Hamar',
               'delegatedGroup': 'dirac_user',
               'skipCACheck': True,
               'timeout': 120}),