
Creating a proxy.


dirac-proxy-init [options] ...


-v  --valid <value>          : Valid HH:MM for the proxy. By default is 24 hours
-g  --group <value>          : DIRAC Group to embed in the proxy
-b  --strength <value>       : Set the proxy strength in bytes
-l  --limited                : Generate a limited proxy
-t  --strict                 : Fail on each error. Treat warnings as errors.
-S  --summary                : Enable summary output when generating proxy
-C  --Cert <value>           : File to use as user certificate
-K  --Key <value>            : File to use as user key
-u  --out <value>            : File to write as proxy
-x  --nocs                   : Disable CS check
-p  --pwstdin                : Get passwd from stdin
-i  --version                : Print version
-j  --noclockcheck           : Disable checking if time is ok
-r  --rfc                    : Create an RFC proxy, true by default, deprecated flag
-L  --legacy                 : Create a legacy non-RFC proxy
-U  --upload                 : Upload a long lived proxy to the ProxyManager (deprecated, see --no-upload)
-N  --no-upload              : Do not upload a long lived proxy to the ProxyManager
-M  --VOMS                   : Add voms extension


$ dirac-proxy-init -g dirac_user -t --rfc

Enter Certificate password::