Developing new web application

The new DIRAC web framework provides many facilities to develop and test web applications. This framework loads each application:

  • in a separate window, and these windows can be arranged at the desktop area by means of resizing, moving and pinning.

  • in a separate tab and these tabs can be customized.

In this tutorial we are going to explain the ways of developing and testing

new applications. Before you start this tutorial, it is desirable that you have some experience with programming in Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS scripting, client-server communication (such as AJAX and web sockets) and sufficient knowledge in object-oriented programming. If you are not familiar with some of the web technologies, or there has been a while since you used those technologies, please visit the W3CSchool web site. There, you can find tutorials that you can use to learn or to refresh your knowledge for web-programming. As well we suggest to read Setup Eclipse section.

Each application consists of two parts:

  • Client side (CS): Builds the user interface and communicates with the web server in order to get necessary data and show it appropriately.

  • Server side (SS): Provides services to the client side run in browser.

The folder structure of the server side web installation is as follows:

<Module name such as DIRAC, LHCbDIRAC, WebAppDIRAC>
└── WebApp
    ├── handler
    │   # Server side implementations of the framework and all the applications
    │   └──
    ├── static
    │   # Content that can be loaded by the client side such as JavaScript files, images and css files
    │   └── <Module name such as DIRAC, LHCbDIRAC, WebAppDIRAC>
    │       # Client side implementation of each application
    │       ├── Application
    │       └── Application 2
    └── template
        # Templates used by the files in the handler folder

In order to explain how to develop an application, we will go step by step creating an example one. We will name it MyApp.

Server side

Each application server side logic is implemented in one Python file. The name of the file is formed by appending the word Handler to the name of the application. In the case of the application we want to build, the name of the Python file should be MyAppHandler. This file has to be located into the handler folder.

Be aware that If this file is not defined in the folder, the application is not going to appear in the main menu.

This file defines a Python class responsible for all server side functionality of MyApp. The class has to extends WebHandler class which is the base class for all server side applications handling clients requests. The starting definition of this class is as follows:

from WebAppDIRAC.Lib.WebHandler import WebHandler

class MyAppHandler(WebHandler):

For each type of client request there must be an entry point i.e. a method that will be invoked when a clients’ requests arrive at the server. Lets say that the URL of the requested method is MyApp/getData. Therefore the name of the class is MyAppHandler and the name of the method within the class will be web_getData. This means that if you want a method to be accessible in the application class you have to put the prefix web_ to the name of the method.

from WebAppDIRAC.Lib.WebHandler import WebHandler

class MyAppHandler(WebHandler):
  def web_getData(self):

In order to send back response to the client, we can use the write method of the WebHandler class. This method whenever invoked, sends to the client the value given as a parameter. If the value is of type dictionary, then the dictionary is converted to JSON string before it is sent back to the client.

The server handles all requests one-by-one which means that the server does not handle the next request until the current one is finished. This mechanism becomes a bottleneck if one request lasts longer and increases the response time for each subsequent request waiting in the server queue until the previous one has finished. Thus the server provides a way how to asynchronously handle clients’ requests and mitigate this obstacle. Read the asynchronous handling mechanisms wiki for further information.

Any other method that is not an entry point, can have any arbitrary name satisfying the rules of the Python programming language.

Usually the clients requests come with parameters that contain data. In order to access a parameter, you have to use the following expression:


or in a full example:

def web_ping(self):
  pingValue = self.request.arguments["ping_val"][0]
  self.write({"pong_val": pingValue})

Every parameter value is enclosed by a list by default so the 0-index stands for taking the value out of the list.

Client side

The CS side consists of files needed for rendering the UI and communicating with the server side. Technologies used are JavaScript with ExtJS4.x, HTML and CSS. The files of the CS are located into the static/<Module name folder such as DIRAC, LHCbDIRAC, WebAppDIRAC> folder and are organized as follows:

├── build
│   # Compiled version of the files contained in the classes folder
├── classes
|   └── MyApp.js
│       # Javascript that defines the main ExtJS class representing the application on the client side.
├── overrides
│   # Code which is used for overriding ExtJS classes, typically used for applying bug fixes to the SDK itself.
│   # See
├── css
|   └── MyApp.css
│       # CSS needed by some of the components of the application.
│       # Its existence is mandatory but it can be left empty.
└── images
    # Images and icons needed by this application

The most important part of all files and folders is the file that contains the main ExtJS class representing the application on the client side (in our case that is MyApp.js).

This file defines a ExtJS class responsible for all client side functionality of MyApp. This class extends Ext.dirac.core.Module class which is the base class for all applications. The starting definition of this class is as follows:

Ext.define('DIRAC.MyApp.classes.MyApp', {
  extend: 'Ext.dirac.core.Module',
  requires: [],

When extending the base class, there are some mandatory methods to be implemented within the derived class:

  • initComponent: this method is called by the constructor of the application. In this method you can set up the title of the application, its width and height, its maximized state, starting position on the screen and the icon css class. Here it is suitable to set up the layout of the entire application. For further information regarding ExtJS component layouts refer to the Ext JS documentation and the official examples.

  • buildUI: this method is used to build the user interface. Usually this is done by instantiating ExtJS widgets. These instances are added to the application in a way prescribed by the layout which is defined in the initComponent method. This method is called after all the CSS files regarding this application have been successfully loaded.

  • getStateData: The DIRAC web framework provides a generic way to save and load states of an application. This method is not mandatory, and it can be overridden by a new implementation in the application class. Whenever the user saves an application state, this method is called in order to take the data defining the current state of the application. The data has to be a JavaScript object.

  • loadState(data): When we want to load a state, this method is being called. As an argument the framework provides the data that have been saved previously for that state.

The framework already defines handlers for some events related to the windows instances in which the applications are loaded. However there are cases when the developer would like to define some additional actions that have to be executed when those events appear.

In order to access the window object containing the instance of an application, you can use the method getContainer().

For example, suppose we have an image shown inside an application. Suppose we want to resize the image whenever the window gets resized. So the code that we need in order to support this functionality is as follows (in the following code this refers to the application object):

this.getContainer().__dirac_resize = function(oWindow, iWidth, iHeight, eOpts) {
    this.__oprResizeImageAccordingToWindow(image, oWindow);

DIRAC reserved variables and constants

The DIRAC web framework provides a set of global variables and constants. These constants and variables can be accessed anywhere in the code.

  • GLOBAL.APP: A reference to the main object representing the entire framework. The most important references provided by this reference are as follows:

    • GLOBAL.APP.desktop: A reference to the desktop object

    • GLOBAL.APP.SM: A reference to the state management object responsible for saving, loading, managing active state, creating and loading user interface forms related to the state management.

    • GLOBAL.APP.CF: A reference to the object providing common functions that can be used by applications.

  • GLOBAL.BASE_URL: Base URL that has to be used when requesting a service from the server.

  • GLOBAL.EXTJS_VERSION: The version of the ExtJS library

  • GLOBAL.MOUSE_X: The X coordinate of the mouse cursor relative to the top left corner of the presentation area of the browser.

  • GLOBAL.MOUSE_Y: The Y coordinate of the mouse cursor relative to the top left corner of the presentation area of the browser.

  • GLOBAL.IS_IE: An indicator whether the browser embedding the system is Internet Explorer or not.

  • GLOBAL.USER_CREDENTIALS: A reference to an object containing the user credentials.

  • GLOBAL.STATE_MANAGEMENT_ENABLED: An indicator whether the state management is available or not.

Useful web components

When building the client side, you can use some additional components that are not part of the standard ExtJS set of components. These components were especially designed for the framework and the applications and can be found in <Module name folder such as DIRAC, LHCbDIRAC, WebAppDIRAC>/WebApp/static/core/js/utils:

  • DiracBoxSelect: This component looks like the standard combo-box component, but provides more functionality. Main features: supporting of multichecking, searching through the options, and making negation of the selection. You can see an example of this component within the left panel of the JobMonitor application.

  • DiracFileLoad: Whenever you want to load an extra JavaScript file or CSS file, but also you want to define a callback upon successful loading of the file, this is the right component for doing this.

  • DiracToolButton: This component represents a small squared button providing possibility to define menu. This button is suitable for buttons that should take small space in cases such as headers of others components. You can see an example of this component at the header of left panel of the JobMonitor.

Making MyApp application

The application we named MyApp is going to present some simple functionality. It is going to contain two visual parts: one with textarea and two buttons, and another part showing grid with some data generated on the server. When first button gets clicked, the value of the textarea is sent to the server and brought back to the client. When the second button gets clicked an information for a service called by the server is shown in the textarea.

  1. First we are going to create the SS side of the MyApp. Go to the [root]/handler and create a file named This file will define the class whose instances will serve the MyApp client. The class will provide two services:

  • web_getData: this method will provide random data for the grid

  • web_echoValue: this method will return the same value that was sent together with the user request

  • web_getServiceInfo: this method will return some information about some service called from the server side. The information returned by the service is sent back to the client and shown in a textarea.

The code:

from WebAppDIRAC.Lib.WebHandler import WebHandler
from DIRAC.Core.Base.Client import Client
import random

class MyAppHandler(WebHandler):
              The main class inherits from WebHandler
              AUTH_PROPS is constant containing (a list of) properties the client
              requesting a service has to have in order to use this class.
      AUTH_PROPS = "authenticated"

              Entry-point method for data returned to the grid
      def web_getData(self):
              data = self.__generateRandomData()
              self.write({"result": data})

              Entry-point method to echo a value sent by the client
      def web_echoValue(self):
              value = self.request.arguments["value"][0]
              self.write({"value": value})

              Entry-point method to get service information.
              This method presents how to asynchronously support
              the clients requests on the server side.
      def web_getServiceInfo(self):
              RPC = Client(url="WorkloadManagement/JobMonitoring")
              result = yield self.threadTask(
              self.finish({"info": str(result['Value'])})

              Private method to generate random data.
              This method cannot be called directly by the client
              i.e. it is not an entry point
      def __generateRandomData(self):
              data = []
              for n in range(50):
              return data
  1. Now we have to create the folder structure for the CS. The main folder of the MyApp application have to be located in a namespace folder. Let name that namespace folder DIRAC and place it in the [root]/static/ folder.

├── handler
|   └──
└── static
    └── DIRAC
        └── MyApp
            ├── build
            ├── classes
            ├── overrides
            ├── css
            └── images

Next, the folder MyApp should be created in the DIRAC folder together with four new sub-folders, as mentioned in the explanation before: build, classes, css, and images folder.

  1. After we finished creating the folder structure, we have to create some mandatory files as explained before. In the [root]/static/DIRAC/MyApp/classes create the file MyApp.js file. Similarly, create the file MyApp.css in the [root]/static/DIRAC/MyApp/css folder.

  2. Open the MyApp.js. Here we have to define the main class representing the client side of the application. First we are going to code the frame of the class:

Ext.define('DIRAC.MyApp.classes.MyApp', {
  extend : 'Ext.dirac.core.Module',
  requires :[],

As explained before, first we have to be implement the initComponent and the buildUI methods.

initComponent : function() {

    var me = this;

    //setting the title of the application
    me.launcher.title = "My First Application";
    //setting the maximized state
    me.launcher.maximized = false;

    //since the maximized state is set to false, we have to set the width and height of the window
    me.launcher.width = 500;
    me.launcher.height = 500;

    //setting the starting position of window, loading the application      me.launcher.x = 0;
    me.launcher.y = 0;

    //setting the main layout of this application. In this case that is the border layout
    Ext.apply(me, {
        layout : 'border',
        bodyBorder : false,
        defaults : {
            collapsible : true,
            split : true

    //at the end we call the initComponent of the parent ExtJS class


buildUI : function() {

    var me = this;

            Creating the left panel.
            Pay attention that the region config property is set up to west
            which means that the panel will take the
            left side of the available area.
    me.leftPanel = new Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
        title : 'Text area',
        region : 'west',
        width : 250,
        minWidth : 230,
        maxWidth : 350,
        bodyPadding : 5,
        autoScroll : true,
        layout : {
            type : 'vbox',
            align : 'stretch',
            pack : 'start'

    //creating the textarea
    me.textArea = new Ext.create('Ext.form.field.TextArea', {
        fieldLabel : "Value",
        labelAlign : "top",
        flex : 1

    //embedding the textarea into the left panel

            Creating the docked menu with a button
            to send the value from the textarea to the server


    //creating a button with a click handler
    me.btnValue = new Ext.Button({

        text : 'Echo the value',
        margin : 1,
        handler : function() {

                    url : GLOBAL.BASE_URL + 'MyApp/echoValue',
                    params : {
                            value: me.textArea.getValue()
                    scope : me,
                    success : function(response) {

                            var me = this;
                            var response = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
                            alert("THE VALUE: "+response.value);

        scope : me

    // creating a button with a click handler
    me.btnRPC = new Ext.Button({

        text : 'Service info',
        margin : 1,
        handler : function() {

                    url : GLOBAL.BASE_URL + 'MyApp/getServiceInfo',
                    params : {
                    scope : me,
                    success : function(response) {

                            var me = this;
                            var response = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText);


        scope : me

    //creating the toolbar and embedding the button as an item
    var oPanelToolbar = new Ext.toolbar.Toolbar({
        dock : 'bottom',
        layout : {
            pack : 'center'
        items : [me.btnValue, me.btnRPC]

            Docking the toolbar at the bottom side of the left panel

            Creating the store for the grid
            This object stores the data.
    me.dataStore = new{

        proxy : {
            type : 'ajax',
            url : GLOBAL.BASE_URL + 'MyApp/getData',
            reader : {
                type : 'json',
                root : 'result'
            timeout : 1800000
        fields : [{
                    name : 'value',
                    type : 'int'
        autoLoad : true,
        pageSize : 50,


            Creating the grid object.
            Pay attention that the region config property is set up to center
            which means that the grid will take the rest of the available area.
            Also we set the store config property to refer to the store object
            we created previously.
    me.grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
        region : 'center',
        store : me.dataStore,
        header : false,
        columns : [{
            header : 'Value',
            sortable : true,
            dataIndex : 'value',
            align : 'left'

            Embedding the panel and the grid within the working area of the application
  1. Throughout all the code, especially in the method buildUI, there are several components created in order to structure the user interface. Therefore, you have to append all the classes used within the DIRAC.MyApp.classes.MyApp requires definition. In our case the list of requires would look like:

requires:   ['Ext.panel.Panel', 'Ext.form.field.TextArea', 'Ext.Button', 'Ext.toolbar.Toolbar', '', 'Ext.grid.Panel']
  1. In order to have the application within the list of applications, you have to edit DIRAC configuration file dirac.cfg located into the root. There you have to add new registration line within the /WebApp/Schema/Applications section:

  1. Now you can test the application. Before testing the application restart the server in order to enable the application within the main menu.

Debugging an application

In order to debug an application, a debugging tools are needed to be used. In Firefox you can install and use the Firebug toolset which can be also used in Chrome but in a light version.

In Chrome you can use developer tools.

DIRAC web framework provides two modes of working regarding the CS. One is the development mode, which means that the JavaScripts are loaded as are, so that they can be easily debugged. The other mode is the production mode where JavaScripts are minimized and compiled before loaded. Those JavaScripts are lighter in memory but almost useless regarding the debugging process.

In order to set up the production mode, you have to set the DevelopMode parameter into the /WebApp configuration section as shown as follows (by default this parameter is set to True):

Before you can use the compiled version of the JavaScript files, you have to compiled them first. For this reason you have to execute the python script dirac-webapp-compile from the dirac-distribution docker image.

Inheritance of applications

The inheritance of an application is done in both SS and CS. In this case let suppose that we want to inherit the MyApp application. Let name this new application MyNewApp.

The procedure for creating a new application is the same one as explained in the previous section.

When creating the python file, the Python class, namely DIRAC.MyNewApp.classes.MyNewApp, has to inherit from DIRAC.MyApp.classes.MyApp. Be aware that before you can inherit, firstly you have to import the parent file. The code would look like as follows:

from WebAppDIRAC.WebApp.handler.MyAppHandler import MyAppHandler
import random

class MyNewAppHandler(MyAppHandler):

  AUTH_PROPS = "authenticated"

When creating the main JavaScript file, in this case named MyNewApp.js, there are two parts that differ from the obvious development. First of all, the ExtJS class to be developed, namely DIRAC.MyNewApp.classes.MyNewApp has to extend DIRAC.MyApp.classes.MyApp instead of Ext.dirac.core.Module.

Next, when defining the buildUI method, first of all the parent buildUI has to be called before any other changes take place.

User credentials and user properties

For some functionalities of the applications you have to distinguish between various kind of users. For example, in the configuration manager, the whole configuration can be browsed, but also it can be managed and edited. The management functionality shall be allowed only for the users that have the property of CSAdministrator.

On the client side, these properties of a user can be accessed via the variable. On the server side the list of user properties is contained in self.getSessionData().properties. So in the case of configuration manager, at the client side we use the following code:

if (("properties" in GLOBAL.USER_CREDENTIALS) && (Ext.Array.indexOf(, "CSAdministrator") != -1)) { ...

At the server side of configuration manager we did a method to check whether an user is a configuration manager or not:

def __authorizeAction(self):
  data = SessionData().getData()
  isAuth = False
  if "properties" in data["user"]:
    if "CSAdministrator" in data["user"]["properties"]:
      isAuth = True
  return isAuth

Be aware that sometimes properties list is not part of the credentials object so it can be checked first for its existence before it can be used.

Using predefined widgets

DIRAC framework provides already implemented widgets which can be found under (WebApp/static/core/js/utils).

Create your first example

We already prepared a simple example using predefined widgets named ExampleApp that can be found on github.

NOTE: Please make sure that your application will compile. For this you should run:

docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/shared -w /shared diracgrid/dirac-distribution / -D /shared/src -n WebAppDIRAC