Systems / WorkloadManagement / <INSTANCE> / JobWrapper - Sub-subsection
The Job Wrapper Class is instantiated with arguments tailored for running a particular job. The JobWrapper starts a thread for execution of the job and a Watchdog Agent that can monitor progress.
The options used to configure JobWrapper are showed in the table below:
Name |
Description |
Example |
BufferLimit |
Size limit of the buffer used for transmission between the WN and DIRAC server |
BufferLimit = 10485760 |
CleanUpFlag |
Boolean |
CleanUpFlag = True |
DefaultCatalog |
Default catalog where must be registered the output files if this is not defined by the user FileCatalog define DIRAC file catalog |
DefaultCatalog = FileCatalog |
DefaultCPUTime |
Default CPUTime expressed in seconds |
DefaultCPUTime = 600 |
DefaultErrorFile |
Name of default error file |
DefaultErrorFile = std.err |
DefaultOutputFile |
Name of default output file |
DefaultOutputFile = std.out |
DefaultOutputSE |
Default output storage element |
DefaultOutputSE = IN2P3-disk |
MaxJobPeekLines |
Maximum number of output job lines showed |
MaxJobPeekLines = 20 |
OutputSandboxLimit |
Limit of sandbox output expressed in MB |
OutputSandboxLimit = 10 |