5.3. RMS Components
All the components described here MUST be installed in order to have a working RMS. The exception is the ReqProxy, which is optional.
5.3.1. RequestDB
This DB hosts the various RMS objects. No special configuration
5.3.2. ReqManager
This is the service in front of the DB. It has the following special configuration options:
: (default 0 minutes) if not 0, this is the constant retry delay we add when putting a Request back to the DB
5.3.3. RequestExecutingAgent
The RequestExecutingAgent (REA) is in charge of executing the Requests.It will fetch requests from the database, and process them in parallel (using ProcessPool
), using the proxy of the user that created the Request (this means the machine on which the REA runs must have enough privileges).
A Request will be fetched from the DB, and all its operation executed in turns. The execution stops either because everything is done, or because there is an error, or because we delegated the work to FTS.
At the end of the execution, if the Request comes from a job, we set the job to (Done, Request Done), providing its previous status was (Completed, Pending Request). If the request fails, the job will stay in this status (uncool…).
The RequestExecutingAgent is one of the few that can be duplicated. There are protections to make sure that a Request is only processed by one REA at the time.
Configuration options are described here
. Retry strategy
Operations are normally retried several times in case they fail. There is a delay between each execution, depending on the case:
If the option
is set in the ReqManager, then we apply that oneIf one of the StorageElement (source or target) is banned, then we wait 1 hour (except if the SE is always banned, then we fail the Operation)
Otherwise the delay increases following a logarithmic scale with the number of attempts
5.3.4. CleanReqDBAgent
This agent cleans the DB from old Requests in final state.
Configuration options are described here
5.3.5. ReqProxy
The ReqProxy service is used as a failover for the ReqManager. A client will first attempt to send a Request to the ReqManager, but if it fails for whatever reason (service or DB down), it will send it to one of the ReqProxy. The ReqProxy will then store the Request on the local disk of the machine, and will periodically attempt to forward the Request to the ReqManager until it succeeds.
It is not mandatory to have ReqProxy, but highly recommended.
The only specific configuration option is for the URLs section, where it should be ReqProxyURLs, instead of ReqProxy