TornadoClient is equivalent of the RPCClient but in HTTPS. Usage of TornadoClient is the same as RPCClient, you can instantiate TornadoClient with complete url (https://host:port/System/Component) or just “System/Component”. Like RPCClient you can use all method defined in your service, your call will be automatically transformed in RPC.
It also exposes the same interface for receiving file as the TransferClient.
Main changes:
KeepAliveLapse is removed, requests library manages it itself.
nbOfRetry (defined as private attribute) is removed, requests library manage it itself.
Underneath it uses HTTP POST protocol and JSON. See HTTPS Services with Tornado for details
from DIRAC.Core.Tornado.Client.TornadoClient import TornadoClient
myService = TornadoClient("Framework/MyService")
myService.doSomething() #Returns S_OK/S_ERROR
- class DIRAC.Core.Tornado.Client.TornadoClient.TornadoClient(serviceName, **kwargs)
Client for calling tornado services Interface is based on RPCClient interface
- KW_DELEGATED_DN = 'delegatedDN'
- KW_DELEGATED_GROUP = 'delegatedGroup'
- KW_EXTRA_CREDENTIALS = 'extraCredentials'
- KW_IGNORE_GATEWAYS = 'ignoreGateways'
- KW_KEEP_ALIVE_LAPSE = 'keepAliveLapse'
- KW_PROXY_CHAIN = 'proxyChain'
- KW_PROXY_LOCATION = 'proxyLocation'
- KW_PROXY_STRING = 'proxyString'
- KW_SETUP = 'setup'
- KW_SKIP_CA_CHECK = 'skipCACheck'
- KW_TIMEOUT = 'timeout'
- KW_USE_ACCESS_TOKEN = 'useAccessToken'
- KW_USE_CERTIFICATES = 'useCertificates'
- KW_VO = 'VO'
- __init__(serviceName, **kwargs)
- Parameters:
serviceName – URL of the service (proper uri or just System/Component)
useCertificates – If set to True, use the server certificate
timeout – Timeout of the call (default 600 s)
setup – Specify the Setup
VO – Specify the VO
delegatedDN – Not clear what it can be used for.
delegatedGroup – Not clear what it can be used for.
ignoreGateways – Ignore the DIRAC Gatways settings
proxyLocation – Specify the location of the proxy
proxyString – Specify the proxy string
proxyChain – Specify the proxy chain
skipCACheck – Do not check the CA
keepAliveLapse – Duration for keepAliveLapse (heartbeat like) (now managed by requests)
- executeRPC(method, *args)
Calls a remote service
- Parameters:
method (str) – remote procedure name
args – list of arguments
- Returns:
decoded response from server, server may return S_OK or S_ERROR
- getDestinationService()
Returns the url the service.
- getServiceName()
Returns the name of the service, if you had given a url at init, returns the URL.
- receiveFile(destFile, *args)
Equivalent of
In practice, it calls the remote method streamToClient and stores the raw result in a file
- Parameters:
destFile – file (or path) where to store the result
args – list of arguments
- Returns:
- sendFile(filename, fileID)
Equivalent of
In practice, it calls the remote method streamFromClient and transfers the file as a string type value
- Parameters:
filename (str) – file (or path) where to store the result
fileID (any) – tuple if file identifiers
- Returns:
S_OK/S_ERROR result of the remote RPC call
- DIRAC.Core.Tornado.Client.TornadoClient.executeRPCStub(rpcStub)
Playback a stub # Copy-paste from DIRAC.Core.DISET.RPCClient with RPCClient changed into TornadoClient