
DIRAC DirectoryTree base class

class DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.DB.FileCatalogComponents.DirectoryManager.DirectoryTreeBase.DirectoryTreeBase(database=None)

Bases: object

changeDirectoryGroup(paths, recursive=False)

Bulk setting of the directory group


paths (dictionary) – dictionary < lfn : group >

changeDirectoryMode(paths, recursive=False)

Bulk setting of the directory mode


paths (dictionary) – dictionary < lfn : mode >

changeDirectoryOwner(paths, recursive=False)

Bulk setting of the directory owner


paths (dictionary) – dictionary < lfn : owner >

countSubdirectories(dirId, includeParent=True)
createDirectory(dirs, credDict)

Checking for existence of directories


Check the existence of the directory path

findDir(path, connection=False)

Find directory ID for the given path

findDirs(paths, connection=False)

Find DirIDs for the given path list

getChildren(path, connection=False)

Get the total number of directories


Get the dump of the directories in lfns


Get the given directory parameters


Get directory name by directory ID

getDirectoryPermissions(path, credDict)

Get permissions for the given user/group to manipulate the given directory

getDirectoryReplicas(lfns, allStatus=False)

Get replicas for files in the given directories

getDirectorySize(lfns, longOutput=False, rawFileTables=False, recursiveSum=True)

Get the total size of the requested directories. If longOutput flag is True, get also physical size per Storage Element

  • longOutput (bool) – if True, also fetches the physical size per SE

  • rawFileTables (bool) – if True, uses the File table instead of the pre-computed values

  • recursiveSum (bool) – if True (default), takes into account subdirectories

getFileIDsInDirectoryWithLimits(dirID, credDict, startItem=1, maxItems=25)

Get file IDs for the given directory

getFileLFNsInDirectory(dirID, credDict)

Get file lfns for the given directory or directory list

getFileLFNsInDirectoryByDirectory(dirIDList, credDict)

Get file LFNs and IDs for the given directory or directory list

  • dirIDList (list) – List of directory IDs

  • credDict (dict) – dictionary of user credentials


S_OK/S_ERROR with Value dictionary {“DirLFNDict”: dirLfnDict, “IDLFNDict”: idLfnDict} where dirLfnDict has the structure <directory_name>:<list of contained file names>, idLfnDict has structure <fileID>:<LFN>

getPathPermissions(lfns, credDict)

Get permissions for the given user/group to manipulate the given lfns

getSubdirectoriesByID(dirID, requestString=False, includeParent=False)

Get all the subdirectories of the given directory at a given level


Get the string of the Directory Tree type


Checking for existence of directories


Find out if the given directory is empty

listDirectory(lfns, verbose=False)

Get the directory listing

makeDirectories(path, credDict)

Make all the directories recursively in the path. The return value is the dictionary containing all the parameters of the newly created directory

makeDirectory(path, credDict, status=0)

Create a new directory. The return value is the dictionary containing all the parameters of the newly created directory

removeDirectory(dirs, force=False)

Remove an empty directory from the catalog

setDirectoryStatus(path, status)

set the directory status