Module for managing the installation of DIRAC components: MySQL, DB’s, NoSQL DBs, Services, Agents, Executors
It only makes use of defaults in LocalInstallation Section in dirac.cfg
The Following Options are used:
/DIRAC/Setup: Setup to be used for any operation
/LocalInstallation/InstanceName: Name of the Instance for the current Setup (default /DIRAC/Setup)
/LocalInstallation/LogLevel: LogLevel set in "run" script for all components installed
/LocalInstallation/Host: Used when build the URL to be published for the installed
service (default: socket.getfqdn())
/LocalInstallation/Database/User: (default Dirac)
/LocalInstallation/Database/Password: (must be set for SystemAdministrator Service to work)
/LocalInstallation/Database/RootUser: (default root)
/LocalInstallation/Database/RootPwd: (must be set for SystemAdministrator Service to work)
/LocalInstallation/Database/Host: (must be set for SystemAdministrator Service to work)
/LocalInstallation/Database/Port: (default 3306)
/LocalInstallation/NoSQLDatabase/Host: (must be set for SystemAdministrator Service to work)
/LocalInstallation/NoSQLDatabase/Port: (default 9200)
/LocalInstallation/NoSQLDatabase/User: (default '')
/LocalInstallation/NoSQLDatabase/Password: (not strictly necessary)
/LocalInstallation/NoSQLDatabase/SSL: (default True)
The setupSite method (used by the dirac-setup-site command) will use the following info:
/LocalInstallation/Systems: List of Systems to be defined for this instance
in the CS (default: Configuration, Framework)
/LocalInstallation/Databases: List of MySQL Databases to be installed and configured
/LocalInstallation/Services: List of System/ServiceName to be setup
/LocalInstallation/Agents: List of System/AgentName to be setup
/LocalInstallation/WebPortal: Boolean to setup the Web Portal (default no)
/LocalInstallation/ConfigurationMaster: Boolean, requires Configuration/Server to be given
in the list of Services (default: no)
/LocalInstallation/PrivateConfiguration: Boolean, requires Configuration/Server to be given
in the list of Services (default: no)
If a Controller Configuration Server is being installed the following Options can be used:
/LocalInstallation/ConfigurationName: Name of the Configuration (default: Setup )
/LocalInstallation/AdminUserName: Name of the Admin user (default: None )
/LocalInstallation/AdminUserDN: DN of the Admin user certificate (default: None )
/LocalInstallation/AdminUserEmail: Email of the Admin user (default: None )
/LocalInstallation/AdminGroupName: Name of the Admin group (default: dirac_admin )
/LocalInstallation/HostDN: DN of the host certificate (default: None )
/LocalInstallation/VirtualOrganization: Name of the main Virtual Organization (default: None)
- class DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.ComponentInstaller.ComponentInstaller
- __init__()
- addCfgToComponentCfg(componentType, systemName, component, cfg)
Add some extra configuration to the local component cfg
- addDatabaseOptionsToCS(gConfig_o, systemName, dbName, mySetup=None, overwrite=False)
Add the section with the database options to the CS
- addDefaultOptionsToCS(gConfig_o, componentType, systemName, component, extensions, mySetup=None, specialOptions={}, overwrite=False, addDefaultOptions=True)
Add the section with the component options to the CS
- addDefaultOptionsToComponentCfg(componentType, systemName, component, extensions)
Add default component options local component cfg
- addOptionToDiracCfg(option, value)
Add Option to dirac.cfg
- addSystemInstance(systemName, compInstance, mySetup=None, myCfg=False)
Add a new system self.instance to dirac.cfg and CS
- addTornadoOptionsToCS(gConfig_o)
Add the section with the component options to the CS
- checkComponentModule(componentType, system, module)
Check existence of the given module and if it inherits from the proper class
- checkComponentSoftware(componentType, system, component, extensions)
Check the component software
- execCommand(timeout, cmd)
Execute command tuple and handle Error cases
- execMySQL(cmd, dbName='mysql', localhost=False)
Execute MySQL Command
- getAvailableDatabases(extensions=None)
Find all databases defined
- getAvailableESDatabases(extensions)
Find the ES DBs definitions, by introspection.
This method makes a few assumptions: - the files defining modules interacting with ES DBs are found in the xyzSystem/DB/ directories - the files defining modules interacting with ES DBs are named (e.g. - the modules define ES DBs classes with the same name of the module (e.g. class MonitoringDB()) - the classes are inheriting from the ElasticDB module (e.g. class MonitoringDB(ElasticDB))
Result should be something like:
{'MonitoringDB': {'Type': 'ES', 'System': 'Monitoring', 'Extension': ''}, 'ElasticJobParametersDB': {'Type': 'ES', 'System': 'WorkloadManagement', 'Extension': ''}}
- Parameters:
extensions (list) – list of DIRAC extensions
- Returns:
dict of ES DBs
- getAvailableSQLDatabases(extensions)
Find the sql files
- Parameters:
extensions (list) – list of DIRAC extensions
- Returns:
dict of MySQL DBs
- getComponentCfg(componentType, system, component, compInstance, extensions, specialOptions={}, addDefaultOptions=True)
Get the CFG object of the component configuration
- getComponentModule(system, component, compType)
Get the component software module
- getDatabaseCfg(system, dbName, compInstance)
Get the CFG object of the database configuration
- getDatabases()
Get the list of installed databases
- getInfo()
- getInstalledComponents()
Get the list of all the components (services, agents, executors) installed on the system in the runit directory
- getLogTail(system, component, length=100)
Get the tail of the component log file
- getMySQLPasswords()
Get MySQL passwords from local configuration or prompt
- getMySQLStatus()
Get the status of the MySQL database installation
- getOverallStatus(extensions)
Get the list of all the components (services, agents, executors) set up for running with runsvdir in startup directory
- getSetupComponents()
Get the list of all the components (services, agents, executors) set up for running with runsvdir in startup directory
- getSoftwareComponents(extensions)
Get the list of all the components (services, agents, executors) for which the software is installed on the system
- getStartupComponentStatus(componentTupleList)
Get the list of all the components (services, agents, executors) set up for running with runsvdir in startup directory
- installComponent(componentType, system, component, extensions, componentModule='', checkModule=True)
Install runit directory for the specified component
- installDatabase(dbName)
Install requested DB in MySQL server
- installPortal()
Install runit directories for the Web Portal
- installTornado()
Install runit directory for the tornado, and add the configuration of the required service
- loadDiracCfg()
Read again defaults from dirac.cfg
- printOverallStatus(rDict)
Print in nice format the return dictionary from self.getOverallStatus
- printStartupStatus(rDict)
Print in nice format the return dictionary from self.getStartupComponentStatus (also returned by self.runsvctrlComponent)
- removeComponentOptionsFromCS(system, component, mySetup=None)
Remove the section with Component options from the CS, if possible
- removeDatabaseOptionsFromCS(gConfig_o, system, dbName, mySetup=None)
Remove the section with database options from the CS, if possible
- resultIndexes(componentTypes)
- runsvctrlComponent(system, component, mode)
Execute runsvctrl and check status of the specified component
- setMySQLPasswords(root='', dirac='')
Set MySQL passwords
- setupComponent(componentType, system, component, extensions, componentModule='', checkModule=True)
Install and create link in startup
- setupPortal()
Install and create link in startup
- setupSite(scriptCfg, cfg=None)
Setup a new site using the options defined
- setupTornadoService(system, component, extensions, componentModule='', checkModule=True)
Install and create link in startup
- uninstallComponent(system, component, removeLogs)
Remove startup and runit directories
- uninstallDatabase(gConfig_o, dbName)
Remove a database from DIRAC
- unsetupComponent(system, component)
Remove link from startup