- mod:
- synopsis:
request processing task
request processing task to be used inside ProcessTask created in RequesteExecutingAgent
- class DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.private.RequestTask.RequestTask(requestJSON, handlersDict, csPath, agentName, standalone=False, requestClient=None, rmsMonitoring=False)
- class RequestTask
request’s processing task
- __init__(requestJSON, handlersDict, csPath, agentName, standalone=False, requestClient=None, rmsMonitoring=False)
- getHandler(operation)
- return instance of a handler for a given operation type on demand
all created handlers are kept in self.handlers dict for further use
- Parameters:
operation (Operation) – Operation instance
- static getPluginName(pluginPath)
return plugin name
- loadHandler(pluginPath)
Create an instance of requested plugin class, loading and importing it when needed. This function could raise ImportError when plugin cannot be find or TypeError when loaded class object isn’t inherited from BaseOperation class.
- Parameters:
pluginName (str) – dotted path to plugin, specified as in import statement, i.e. “DIRAC.CheesShopSystem.private.Cheddar” or alternatively in ‘normal’ path format “DIRAC/CheesShopSystem/private/Cheddar”
- Returns:
object instance
This function try to load and instantiate an object from given path. It is assumed that:
pluginPath is pointing to module directory “importable” by python interpreter, i.e.: it’s package’s top level directory is in $PYTHONPATH env variable,
the module should consist a class definition following module name,
the class itself is inherited from DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.private.BaseOperation.BaseOperation
If above conditions aren’t meet, function is throwing exceptions:
- Raises:
ImportError – when class cannot be imported
TypeError – when class isn’t inherited from OperationHandlerBase
- setupProxy()
download and dump request owner proxy to file and env
- Returns:
S_OK with name of newly created owner proxy file and shifter name if any
- updateRequest()
put back request to the RequestDB