
StderrBackend wrapper

class DIRAC.Resources.LogBackends.StderrBackend.StderrBackend(backendParams=None, backendFilters=None)

Bases: AbstractBackend

StderrBackend is used to create an abstraction of the handler and the formatter concepts from logging. Here, we gather a StreamHandler object and a BaseFormatter.

  • StreamHandler is from the standard logging library: it is used to write log messages in a desired stream so it needs a name: here it is stderr.

  • ColorBaseFormatter is a custom Formatter object, created for DIRAC in order to get the appropriate display with color. You can find it in FrameworkSystem/private/standardLogging/Formatter

__init__(backendParams=None, backendFilters=None)

Initialization of the backend. _handler and _formatter can be custom objects. If it is the case, you can find them in FrameworkSystem/private/standardLogging/Formatter or Handler.

  • handlerType – handler object from ‘logging’. Ex: StreamHandler(), FileHandler()…

  • formatterType – the name of a formatter object from logging. Ex: BaseFormatter

  • backendParams (dict) – parameters to set up the backend

  • backendFilters (list) – list of different instances of ‘logging.Filter’.

  • level (str) – level of the handler


the handler


Configure the level of the handler associated to the backend. Make sure the handler has been created before calling the method.


level (int) – a level