The Request Task Agent takes request tasks created in the TransformationDB and submits to the request management system.
The following options can be set for the RequestTaskAgent.
# Use a dedicated proxy to submit requests to the RMS
shifterProxy =
# Use delegated credentials. Use this instead of the shifterProxy option (New in v6r20p5)
ShifterCredentials =
# Transformation types to be taken into account by the agent. If the option is empty,
# the value is taken from # *Operations/Transformations/DataManipulation*
# with a default of "Replication, Removal"
TransType =
# Location of the transformation plugins
PluginLocation = DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TaskManagerPlugin
# maximum number of threads to use in this agent
maxNumberOfThreads = 15
# Give this option a value if the agent should submit Requests
SubmitTasks = yes
# Status of transformations for which to submit Requests
SubmitStatus = Active,Completing
# Number of tasks to submit in one execution cycle per transformation
TasksPerLoop = 50
# Give this option a value if the agent should update the status of tasks
MonitorTasks =
# Status of transformations for which to monitor tasks
UpdateTasksStatus = Active,Completing,Stopped
# Task statuses considered transient that should be monitored for updates
TaskUpdateStatus = Checking,Deleted,Killed,Staging,Stalled,Matched
TaskUpdateStatus += Scheduled,Rescheduled,Completed,Submitted
TaskUpdateStatus += Assigned,Received,Waiting,Running
# Number of tasks to be updated in one call
TaskUpdateChunkSize = 0
# Give this option a value if the agent should update the status for files
# Status of transformations for which to monitor Files
UpdateFilesStatus = Active,Completing,Stopped
# Give this option a value if the agent should check Reserved tasks
CheckReserved =
# Status of transformations for which to check reserved tasks
CheckReservedStatus = Active,Completing,Stopped
#Time between cycles in seconds
PollingTime = 120
The options SubmitTasks, MonitorTasks, MonitorFiles, and CheckReserved need to be assigned any non-empty value to be activated
Added in version v6r20p5: It is possible to run the RequestTaskAgent without a shifterProxy or ShifterCredentials, in this case the credentials of the authors of the transformations are used to submit the jobs to the RMS. This enables the use of a single RequestTaskAgent for multiple VOs. See also the section about the Multi VO Configuration.
- class DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Agent.RequestTaskAgent.RequestTaskAgent(*args, **kwargs)
An AgentModule to submit requests tasks
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
- am_Enabled()
- am_checkStopAgentFile()
- am_createStopAgentFile()
- am_getControlDirectory()
- am_getCyclesDone()
- am_getMaxCycles()
- am_getModuleParam(optionName)
- am_getOption(optionName, defaultValue=None)
Gets an option from the agent’s configuration section. The section will be a subsection of the /Systems section in the CS.
- am_getPollingTime()
- am_getShifterProxyLocation()
- am_getStopAgentFile()
- am_getWatchdogTime()
- am_getWorkDirectory()
- am_go()
- am_initialize(*initArgs)
Common initialization for all the agents.
This is executed every time an agent (re)starts. This is called by the AgentReactor, should not be overridden.
- am_removeStopAgentFile()
- am_secureCall(functor, args=(), name=False)
- am_setModuleParam(optionName, value)
- am_setOption(optionName, value)
- am_stopExecution()
- beginExecution()
- checkReservedTasks(transDict, clients)
Checking Reserved tasks
- endExecution()
- execute()
The execution method is transformations that need to be processed
- finalize()
graceful finalization
- initialize()
Standard initialize method
- submitTasks(transDict, clients)
Submit the tasks to an external system, using the taskManager provided
- updateFileStatus(transDict, clients)
Update the files status
- updateTaskStatus(transDict, clients)
Updates the task status