TaskManager contains TaskBase, which is inherited by WorkflowTasks and RequestTasks modules, for managing jobs and requests tasks
- class DIRAC.TransformationSystem.Client.TaskManager.TaskBase(transClient=None, logger=None)
The other classes inside here inherits from this one.
- __init__(transClient=None, logger=None)
- getSubmittedFileStatus(_fileDicts)
To make sure the method is implemented in the derived class
- getSubmittedTaskStatus(_taskDicts)
To make sure the method is implemented in the derived class
- prepareTransformationTasks(_transBody, _taskDict, owner='', ownerGroup='', ownerDN='', bulkSubmissionFlag=False)
To make sure the method is implemented in the derived class
- submitTasksToExternal(_task)
To make sure the method is implemented in the derived class
- submitTransformationTasks(_taskDict)
To make sure the method is implemented in the derived class
- updateDBAfterTaskSubmission(taskDict)
Sets tasks status after the submission to “Submitted”, in case of success
- updateTransformationReservedTasks(_taskDicts)
To make sure the method is implemented in the derived class