This agent syncs CS and pilot files to a web server of your choice
PilotsSyncAgent options
PollingTime = 600
# Directory where the files can be moved. If running on the WebApp, use /opt/dirac/webRoot/www/pilot
SaveDirectory =
# List of locations where to upload the pilot files. Can be https://some.where, or DIRAC SE names.
UploadLocations =
# Set to False (or No, or N) to exclude the master CS from the list of CS servers
IncludeMasterCS = True
- class DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.Agent.PilotSyncAgent.PilotSyncAgent(*args, **kwargs)
Syncs CS and pilot files to a web server of your choice
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
- am_Enabled()
- am_checkStopAgentFile()
- am_createStopAgentFile()
- am_getControlDirectory()
- am_getCyclesDone()
- am_getMaxCycles()
- am_getModuleParam(optionName)
- am_getOption(optionName, defaultValue=None)
Gets an option from the agent’s configuration section. The section will be a subsection of the /Systems section in the CS.
- am_getPollingTime()
- am_getShifterProxyLocation()
- am_getStopAgentFile()
- am_getWatchdogTime()
- am_getWorkDirectory()
- am_go()
- am_initialize(*initArgs)
Common initialization for all the agents.
This is executed every time an agent (re)starts. This is called by the AgentReactor, should not be overridden.
- am_removeStopAgentFile()
- am_secureCall(functor, args=(), name=False)
- am_setModuleParam(optionName, value)
- am_setOption(optionName, value)
- am_stopExecution()
- beginExecution()
- endExecution()
- execute()
- finalize()
- initialize()
Initial settings