Command Reference

In this subsection all commands are collected:



Decode Accounting plot URLs


dirac-accounting-decode-fileid [options] ... URL [URL]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


URL:  encoded URL of a DIRAC Accounting plot


Command line administrative interface to DIRAC Accounting DataStore Service


dirac-admin-accounting-cli [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help



Add resources from the BDII database for a given VO


dirac-admin-add-resources [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-V  --vo <value>             : Virtual Organization
-D  --dry                    : Dry run
-C  --ce                     : Process Computing Elements
-H  --host <value>           : use this url for information querying
    --onecore                : Add Single Core Queues for each MultiCore Queue, set RequiredTag for those Queues


Adds or modify a shifter, in the operations section of the CS


dirac-admin-add-shifter [options] ... ShifterRole UserName DIRACGroup

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


ShifterRole:  Name of the shifter role, e.g. DataManager
UserName:     A user name, as registered in Registry section
DIRACGroup:   DIRAC Group, e.g. diracAdmin (the user has to have this role)


Add a new DIRAC SiteName to DIRAC Configuration, including one or more CEs. If site is already in the CS with another name, error message will be produced. If site is already in the CS with the right name, only new CEs will be added.


dirac-admin-add-site [options] ... DIRACSiteName GridSiteName CE [CE]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


DIRACSiteName:  Name of the site for DIRAC in the form GRID.LOCATION.COUNTRY (ie:
GridSiteName:   Name of the site in the Grid (ie: CERN-PROD)
CE:             Name of the CE to be included in the site (ie:


$ dirac-admin-add-site IN2P3-Site


Check configuration options against the defaults in the ConfigTemplate.cfg files.

This script can help to discover discrepancies in the configuration:

- Typos in option names
- Removed options
- Missing authorization settings

This script should be run by dirac administrators after major updates.


dirac-admin-check-config-options [options] -[MAUO] [-S <system>]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-S  --system <value>         : Systems to check, by default all of them are checked
-M  --modified               : Show entries which differ from the default
-A  --added                  : Show entries which do not exist in ConfigTemplate
-U  --missingSection         : Show sections which do not exist in the current configuration
-O  --missingOption          : Show options which do not exist in the current configuration


Sort site names at CS in “/Resources” section. Sort can be alphabetic or by country postfix in a site name. Alphabetic sort is default (i.e.,,


dirac-admin-sort-cs-sites [options] ... Section [Section]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-C  --country                : Sort site names by country postfix (i.e.,,
-R  --reverse                : Reverse the sort order


Section:  Name of the subsection in '/Resources/Sites/' for sort (i.e. LCG DIRAC) (optional)


$ dirac-admin-sort-cs-sites -C CLOUDS DIRAC
sort site names by country postfix in '/Resources/Sites/CLOUDS' and '/Resources/Sites/DIRAC' subsection


Synchronize VOMS user data with the DIRAC Registry


dirac-admin-voms-sync [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-V  --vo <value>             : VO name
-D  --dryRun                 : Dry run


Command line interface to DIRAC Configuration Server


dirac-configuration-cli [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


Dump DIRAC Configuration data


dirac-configuration-dump-local-cache [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-f  --file <value>           : Dump Configuration data into <file>
-r  --raw                    : Do not make any modification to the data


Script that emulates the behaviour of a shell to edit the CS config.


dirac-configuration-shell [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help



This is a script to launch DIRAC agents. Mostly internal.


dirac-agent [options] ... Agent [Agent]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


Agent:  specify which agent to run


Script converts the user certificate in the p12 format into a standard .globus usercert.pem and userkey.pem files. Creates the necessary directory, $HOME/.globus, if needed. Backs-up old pem files if any are found.


dirac-cert-convert [options] ... P12

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


P12:  user certificate in the p12


Main script to write dirac.cfg for a new DIRAC installation and initial download of CAs and CRLs

if necessary.

To be used by VO specific scripts to configure new DIRAC installations.

Additionally all options can all be passed inside a .cfg file, see the –cfg option.

The following options are recognized:


Setup and ConfigurationServer(Gateway) is mandatory options.

As in any other script command line option take precedence over .cfg files passed as arguments. The combination of both is written into the installed dirac.cfg.

Notice: It will not overwrite exiting info in current dirac.cfg if it exists.


$ dirac-configure -d
                  -S LHCb-Development
                  -C 'dips://'
                  -W 'dips://'


dirac-configure [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


    --login=                 : Set DIRAC authorization endpoint
-S  --Setup <value>          : Set <setup> as DIRAC setup
-e  --Extensions <value>     : Set <extensions> as DIRAC extensions
-C  --ConfigurationServer <value>  : Set <server> as DIRAC configuration server
-I  --IncludeAllServers      : include all Configuration Servers
-n  --SiteName <value>       : Set <sitename> as DIRAC Site Name
-N  --CEName <value>         : Determiner <sitename> from <cename>
-V  --VO <value>             : Set the VO name
-W  --gateway <value>        : Configure <gateway> as DIRAC Gateway for the site
-U  --UseServerCertificate   : Configure to use Server Certificate
-H  --SkipCAChecks           : Configure to skip check of CAs
-D  --SkipCADownload         : Configure to skip download of CAs
-M  --SkipVOMSDownload       : Configure to skip download of VOMS info
-A  --Architecture <value>   : Configure /Architecture=<architecture>
-L  --LocalSE <value>        : Configure LocalSite/LocalSE=<localse>
-F  --ForceUpdate            : Force Update of cfg file (i.e. dirac.cfg) (otherwise nothing happens if dirac.cfg already exists)
-O  --output <value>         : output configuration file


$ dirac-configure -d
                  -S LHCb-Development
                  -C 'dips://'
                  -W 'dips://'


This is a script to launch DIRAC executors


dirac-executor [options] ... executor [executor]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


executor:  specify which executor to run


Generate a single CA file with all the PEMs


dirac-generate-cas [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


Generate a single CRLs file


dirac-generate-crls [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


Report info about local DIRAC installation


dirac-info [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-v  --version                : print version of current DIRAC installation
-p  --platform               : print platform of current DIRAC installation


$ dirac-info

Option                 Value
Setup                  Dirac-Production
ConfigurationServer    dips://
Installation path      /opt/dirac/versions/v7r2-pre33_1613239204
Installation type      client
Platform               Linux_x86_64_glibc-2.17
VirtualOrganization    dteam
User DN                /DC=org/DC=ugrid/O=people/O=BITP/CN=Andrii Lytovchenko
Proxy validity, secs   0
Use Server Certificate Yes
Skip CA Checks         No
DIRAC version          v7r2-pre33


Create a new DB in the MySQL server


dirac-install-db [options] ... DB [DB]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


DB:  Name of the Database


Do the initial installation of a DIRAC Web portal


dirac-install-web-portal [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help




This is a script to launch DIRAC services. Mostly internal.


dirac-service [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


Initial installation and configuration of a new DIRAC server (DBs, Services, Agents, Web Portal,…)


dirac-setup-site [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-e  --exitOnError            : flag to exit on error of any component installation


usage: [-h]

Print version of current DIRAC installation


dirac-version [option]


$ dirac-version


-h, --help  show this help message and exit



Enable using one or more Storage Elements


dirac-admin-allow-se [options] ... seGroupList [seGroupList]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-r  --AllowRead              :      Allow only reading from the storage element
-w  --AllowWrite             :      Allow only writing to the storage element
-k  --AllowCheck             :      Allow only check access to the storage element
-v  --AllowRemove            :     Allow only remove access to the storage element
-a  --All                    :     Allow all access to the storage element
-m  --Mute                   :      Do not send email
-S  --Site <value>           :      Allow all SEs associated to site


seGroupList:  list of SEs or comma-separated SEs


$ dirac-admin-allow-se M3PEC-disk


Ban one or more Storage Elements for usage


dirac-admin-ban-se [options] ... seGroupList [seGroupList]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-r  --BanRead                :      Ban only reading from the storage element
-w  --BanWrite               :      Ban writing to the storage element
-k  --BanCheck               :      Ban check access to the storage element
-v  --BanRemove              :     Ban remove access to the storage element
-a  --All                    :     Ban all access to the storage element
-m  --Mute                   :      Do not send email
-S  --Site <value>           :      Ban all SEs associate to site (note that if writing is allowed, check is always allowed)


seGroupList:  list of SEs or comma-separated SEs


$ dirac-admin-ban-se M3PEC-disk


Show storage quotas for specified users or for all registered users if nobody is specified


dirac-admin-user-quota [options] ... User [User]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


User:  list of SEs or comma-separated SEs (optional)


$ dirac-admin-user-quota
Username       |     Quota (GB)
atsareg        |           None
msapunov       |           None
vhamar         |           None


Upload a file to the grid storage and register it in the File Catalog


dirac-dms-add-file [options] ... LFN Path SE [GUID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-f  --force                  : Force overwrite of existing file


LFN:      Logical File Name
Path:     Local path to the file
SE:       DIRAC Storage Element
GUID:     GUID to use in the registration (optional)



$ dirac-dms-add-file LFN:/formation/user/v/vhamar/Example.txt Example.txt DIRAC-USER
{'Failed': {},
 'Successful': {'/formationes/user/v/vhamar/Example.txt': {'put': 0.70791220664978027,
                                                           'register': 0.61061787605285645}}}


Get metadata for the given file specified by its Logical File Name or for a list of files contained in the specifed file


dirac-dms-catalog-metadata [options] ... <LocalFile|LFN> Catalog [Catalog]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


LocalFile:  Path to local file containing LFNs
LFN:        Logical File Names
Catalog:    file catalog plug-ins (optional)


$ dirac-dms-catalog-metadata /formation/user/v/vhamar/Example.txt
FileName                                     Size        GUID                                     Status   Checksum
/formation/user/v/vhamar/Example.txt         34          EDE6DDA4-3344-3F39-A993-8349BA41EB23     1        eed20d47


Change status of replica of a given file or a list of files at a given Storage Element


dirac-dms-change-replica-status [options] ... <LocalFile|LFN> SE status

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


LocalFile:  Path to local file containing LFNs
LFN:        Logical File Name
SE:         Storage Element
status:     status


Clean the given directory or a list of directories by removing it and all the contained files and subdirectories from the physical storage and from the file catalogs.


dirac-dms-clean-directory [options] ... <LocalFile|LFN>

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


LocalFile:  Path to local file containing LFNs
LFN:        Logical File Name


$ dirac-dms-clean-directory /formation/user/v/vhamar/newDir
Cleaning directory /formation/user/v/vhamar/newDir ...  OK


Create and put Requests to archive files.

List of operations

  1. Optionally replicate files to SourceSE

  2. ArchiveFiles: Create a tarball from input files, upload tarball to TarballSE

  3. ReplicateAndRegister Tarball to TargetSE

  4. Optionally: Add LFNs to an ArchiveSE

  5. Optionally: Check for Tarball Migration

  6. Remove all other replicas for these files, or remove all files

  7. Remove original replica of Tarball

Will copy all the respective files and place them in to tarballs. Then the tarballs are migrated to another storage element. Once the file is migrated to tape the original files will be removed. Optionally the original files can be registered in a special archive SE, so that their metadata is preserved.

Related Options

This script only works if the ArchiveFiles and CheckMigration RequestHandlers are configured. To prevent submission of broken requests the script needs to be enabled in the Operations section of the CS

  • Operations/DataManagement/ArchiveFiles/Enabled=True

Default values for any of the command line options can also be set in the CS

  • Operations/DataManagement/ArchiveFiles/ArchiveSE

  • Operations/DataManagement/ArchiveFiles/TarballSE

  • Operations/DataManagement/ArchiveFiles/SourceSE

  • Operations/DataManagement/ArchiveFiles/MaxFiles


dirac-dms-create-archive-request [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-A  --ArchiveSE <value>      : SE for registering archive files at
-I  --TarballSE <value>      : SE to initially upload tarball
-P  --Path <value>           : LFN path to folder, all files in the folder will be archived
-N  --Name <value>           : Name of the Tarball, if not given: Path_Tars/Path_N.tar will be used to store tarballs
-L  --List <value>           : File containing list of LFNs to archive, requires Name to be given
    --MaxFiles=              : Maximum number to put in one tarball: Default 2000
    --MaxSize=               : Maximum number of Bytes to put in one tarball: Default 2147483648
-S  --SourceSE <value>       : Where to remove the LFNs from
-T  --TargetSE <value>       : Where to move the Tarball to
-M  --ReplicateTarball       : Replicate the tarball
-C  --CheckMigration         : Ensure the tarball is migrated to tape before removing any files or replicas
-D  --RemoveReplicas         : Remove Replicas from non-ArchiveSE
-U  --RemoveFiles            : Remove Archived files completely
-R  --RegisterDescendent     : Register the Tarball as a descendent of the archived LFNs
    --AllowReplication       : Enable first replicating to Source-SE
    --SourceOnly             : Only treat files that are already at the Source-SE
-X  --Execute                : Put Requests, else dryrun


Create and put Requests to move files.

List of operations:

#. ReplicateAndRegister LFNs
#. Check for Migration
#. Remove all other replicas for these files


dirac-dms-create-moving-request [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-L  --List <value>           : File containing list of LFNs to move
-P  --Path <value>           : LFN path to folder, all files in the folder will be moved
-S  --SourceSE <value>       : Where to remove the LFNs from
-T  --TargetSE <value>       : Where to move the LFNs to
-N  --Name <value>           : Name of the Request
-C  --CheckMigration         : Ensure the LFNs are migrated to tape before removing any replicas
-X  --Execute                : Put Requests, else dryrun


Create a DIRAC RemoveReplica|RemoveFile request to be executed by the RMS


dirac-dms-create-removal-request [options] ... SE LFN [LFN]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


SE:   StorageElement|All
LFN:  LFN or file containing a List of LFNs


Get the size of the given file or a list of files


dirac-dms-data-size [options] ... <LocalFile|LFN> LFN [LFN]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-u  --Unit <value>           :    Unit to use [default GB] (MB,GB,TB,PB)


LocalFile:  Path to local file containing LFNs
LFN:        Logical File Name
LFN:        Logical File Name (optional)


$ dirac-dms-data-size  /formation/user/v/vhamar/Example.txt
Files          |      Size (GB)
1              |            0.0


Provides basic rsync functionality for DIRAC

Syncs the source destination folder recursivly into the target destination

If option –sync is used contend that is not in the source directory but is only in the target directory will be deleted.


dirac-dms-directory-sync [options] ... <LFN|Path> <Path|LFN> SE

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-D  --sync                   : Make target directory identical to source
-j  --parallel <value>       : Multithreaded download and upload


LFN:   Logical File Name (Path to directory)
Path:  Local path to the file (Path to directory)
SE:    DIRAC Storage Element (optional)


e.g.: Download
  dirac-dms-directory-sync LFN Path
or Upload
  dirac-dms-directory-sync Path LFN SE


Launch the File Catalog shell


dirac-dms-filecatalog-cli [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-f  --file-catalog <value>   :    Catalog to use (default - Catalog defined for the users' VO)


$ dirac-dms-filecatalog-cli
Starting DIRAC FileCatalog client

File Catalog Client $Revision: 1.17 $Date::


Documented commands (type help <topic>)::

add    chmod  find   guid  ls     pwd       replicate  rmreplica   user
cd     chown  get    id    meta   register  rm         size
chgrp  exit   group  lcd   mkdir  replicas  rmdir      unregister

Undocumented commands::




Find files in the FileCatalog using file metadata


$ dirac-dms-find-lfns Path=/lhcb/user "Size>1000" "CreationDate<2015-05-15"


dirac-dms-find-lfns [options] ... metaspec [metaspec]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


--Path=                  :     Path to search for
--SE=                    :     (comma-separated list of) SEs/SE-groups to be searched


metaspec:  metadata index specification (of the form: "meta=value" or "meta<value", "meta!=value", etc.) (optional)


Create a DIRAC MoveReplica request to be executed by the RMS


dirac-dms-move-replica-request [options] ... sourceSE LFN targetSE [targetSE]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


sourceSE:  source SE
LFN:       LFN or file containing a List of LFNs
targetSE:  target SEs


Generate a matrix of:

* protocols used for interactive TPC
* protocols used for FTS transfers
* Intermediate hop for multihop transfer

The output is a CSV file containing a matrix source/destination.

By default, all the SEs are taken into account, but the matrix is factorized by using baseSEs. If you want the detail per se, use –Full

Suppose you have the following in your CS:

    BaseSE = IN2P3-Disk
    BaseSE = IN2P3-Disk

You can have the following combinations:

Using sources: IN2P3-Disk, AnotherDisk
Using target: IN2P3-Disk, AnotherDisk

DIRAC-PROD>dirac-dms-protocol-matrix --FromSE=IN2P3-User
Using sources: IN2P3-User
Using target: IN2P3-Disk, AnotherDisk

DIRAC-PROD>dirac-dms-protocol-matrix --FromSE=IN2P3-User --Bidirection
Using sources: IN2P3-User
Using target: IN2P3-User


dirac-dms-protocol-matrix [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


--FromSE=                : SE1[,SE2,...]
--TargetSE=              : SE1[,SE2,...]
--OutputFile=            : CSV output file (default /tmp/protocol-matrix.csv)
--Bidirection            : If FromSE or TargetSE are specified, make a square matrix
--FTS                    : Display the protocols sent to FTS
--TPC                    : Display the protocols tried for interactive TPC
--Multihop               : Display the intermediate hop
--Full                   : Do not factorize with base SE
--ExcludeSE=             : SEs to not take into account for the matrix


Create and put ‘PutAndRegister’ request with a single local file

warning: make sure the file you want to put is accessible from DIRAC production hosts,

i.e. put file on network fs (AFS or NFS), otherwise operation will fail!!!


dirac-dms-put-and-register-request [options] ... requestName LFN localFile targetSE

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


requestName:  a request name
LFN:          logical file name
localFile:    local file you want to put
targetSE:     target SE


Remove the given file or a list of files from the File Catalog


dirac-dms-remove-catalog-files [options] ... <LocalFile|LFN>

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


LocalFile:  Path to local file containing LFNs
LFN:        Logical File Names


$ dirac-dms-remove-catalog-files   /formation/user/v/vhamar/1/1134/StdOut
Successfully removed 1 catalog files.


Remove the given file replica or a list of file replicas from the File Catalog This script should be used with great care as it may leave dark data in the storage! Use dirac-dms-remove-replicas instead


dirac-dms-remove-catalog-replicas [options] ... <LocalFile|LFN> SE

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


LocalFile:  Path to local file containing LFNs
LFN:        Logical File Names
SE:         Storage element


Remove the given file or a list of files from the File Catalog and from the storage


dirac-dms-remove-files [options] ... <LocalFile|LFN> LFN [LFN]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


LocalFile:  Path to local file containing LFNs
LFN:        Logical File Names
LFN:        Logical File Names (optional)


$ dirac-dms-remove-files /formation/user/v/vhamar/Test.txt


Remove the given file replica or a list of file replicas from the File Catalog and from the storage.


dirac-dms-remove-replicas [options] ... <LocalFile|LFN> SE [SE]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


LocalFile:  Path to local file containing LFNs
LFN:        Logical File Names
SE:         Storage element


$ dirac-dms-remove-replicas /formation/user/v/vhamar/Test.txt IBCP-disk
Successfully removed DIRAC-USER replica of /formation/user/v/vhamar/Test.txt


Get the given file replica metadata from the File Catalog


dirac-dms-replica-metadata [options] ... <LocalFile|LFN> SE

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


LocalFile:  Path to local file containing LFNs
LFN:        Logical File Names
SE:         Storage element


Create and put ‘ReplicateAndRegister’ request.


dirac-dms-replicate-and-register-request [options] ... requestName LFNs targetSE [targetSE]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-C  --Catalog <value>        : Catalog to use


requestName:  a request name
LFNs:         single LFN or file with LFNs
targetSE:     target SE


Returns the LFN matching given GUIDs


dirac-dms-resolve-guid [options] ... GUIDs

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


GUIDs:  GUIDs separated by a comma


Set the status of the replicas of given files at the provided SE


dirac-dms-set-replica-status [options] ... <LFN|File> SE Status

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


LFN:     LFN
File:    File name containing a list of affected LFNs
SE:      Name of Storage Element
Status:  New Status for the replica


Get status of the available Storage Elements


dirac-dms-show-se-status [<options>]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-V  --vo <value>             : Virtual Organization
-a  --all                    : All Virtual Organizations flag
-n  --noVO                   : No Virtual Organizations assigned flag


$ dirac-dms-show-se-status
Storage Element               Read Status    Write Status
DIRAC-USER                         Active          Active
IN2P3-disk                         Active          Active
IPSL-IPGP-disk                     Active          Active
IRES-disk                        InActive        InActive
M3PEC-disk                         Active          Active
ProductionSandboxSE                Active          Active


Get the list of all the user files.


dirac-dms-user-lfns [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-D  --Days <value>           : Match files older than number of days [0]
-M  --Months <value>         : Match files older than number of months [0]
-Y  --Years <value>          : Match files older than number of years [0]
-w  --Wildcard <value>       : Wildcard for matching filenames [All]
-b  --BaseDir <value>        : Base directory to begin search (default /[vo]/user/[initial]/[username])
-e  --EmptyDirs              : Create a list of empty directories


$ dirac-dms-user-lfns
/formation/user/v/vhamar: 14 files, 6 sub-directories
/formation/user/v/vhamar/newDir2: 0 files, 0 sub-directories
/formation/user/v/vhamar/testDir: 0 files, 0 sub-directories
/formation/user/v/vhamar/0: 0 files, 6 sub-directories
/formation/user/v/vhamar/test: 0 files, 0 sub-directories
/formation/user/v/vhamar/meta-test: 0 files, 0 sub-directories
/formation/user/v/vhamar/1: 0 files, 4 sub-directories
/formation/user/v/vhamar/0/994: 1 files, 0 sub-directories
/formation/user/v/vhamar/0/20: 1 files, 0 sub-directories
16 matched files have been put in formation-user-v-vhamar.lfns


Get the currently defined user data volume quotas


dirac-dms-user-quota [options]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


$ dirac-dms-user-quota
Current quota found to be 0.0 GB



Refresh the local copy of the CA certificates and revocation lists.

Connects to the BundleDelivery service to obtain the tar balls. Needed when proxies appear to be invalid.


dirac-admin-get-CAs [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


$ dirac-admin-get-CAs


Retrieve a delegated proxy for the given user and group


dirac-admin-get-proxy [options] ... <DN|user> group

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-v  --valid <value>          : Valid HH:MM for the proxy. By default is 24 hours
-l  --limited                : Get a limited proxy
-u  --out <value>            : File to write as proxy
-a  --voms                   : Get proxy with VOMS extension mapped to the DIRAC group
-m  --vomsAttr <value>       : VOMS attribute to require


DN:     DN of the user
user:   DIRAC user name (will fail if there is more than 1 DN registered)
group:  DIRAC group name


$ dirac-admin-get-proxy vhamar dirac_user
Proxy downloaded to /afs/


Upload proxy.


dirac-admin-proxy-upload [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-v  --valid <value>          : Valid HH:MM for the proxy. By default is one month
-C  --Cert <value>           : File to use as user certificate
-K  --Key <value>            : File to use as user key
-P  --Proxy <value>          : File to use as proxy
-f  --onthefly               : Generate a proxy on the fly
-p  --pwstdin                : Get passwd from stdin


$ dirac-admin-proxy-upload


System administrator client.


dirac-admin-sysadmin-cli [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-H  --host <value>           :    Target host


$ dirac-admin-sysadmin-cli --host
DIRAC Root Path = /afs/ >


Script to apply update to all or some dirac servers and restart them


dirac-admin-update-instance [options] ... version

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


--hosts=                 : Comma separated list of hosts or file containing row wise list of hosts targeted for update (leave empty for all)
--excludeHosts=          : Comma separated list of hosts or file containing row wise list of hosts excluded from update
--retry=                 : Number of retry attempts on hosts that have failed to update


version:  version of DIRAC you want to update to


Script to update pilot version in CS


dirac-admin-update-pilot [options] ... version

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-v  --vo <value>             : Location of pilot version in CS /Operations/<vo>/Pilot/Version (default value specified in CS under /DIRAC/DefaultSetup)


version:  pilot version you want to update to


Print list of users with proxies.


dirac-admin-users-with-proxy [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-v  --valid <value>          : Required HH:MM for the users


$ dirac-admin-users-with-proxy
* vhamar
DN         : /O=GRID-FR/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=CPPM/CN=Vanessa Hamar
group      : dirac_admin
not after  : 2011-06-29 12:04:25
persistent : False
DN         : /O=GRID-FR/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=CPPM/CN=Vanessa Hamar
group      : dirac_pilot
not after  : 2011-06-29 12:04:27
persistent : False
DN         : /O=GRID-FR/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=CPPM/CN=Vanessa Hamar
group      : dirac_user
not after  : 2011-06-29 12:04:30
persistent : True


2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework ALWAYS: Can’t load /home/docs/checkouts/ 2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework ALWAYS: Might be OK if setting up the site 2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework WARN: MySQL root password not found 2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework WARN: Using ‘Dirac’ as MySQL user name 2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework WARN: MySQL password not found 2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework WARN: Using the same host for MySQL as dirac services 2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework WARN: Using port ‘3306’ as MySQL port 2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework WARN: Using ‘root’ as root MySQL user 2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework WARN: Using the same host for NoSQL as dirac services 2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework WARN: Using the default port 9200 2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework WARN: NoSQL user not found 2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework WARN: NoSQL password not found 2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework WARN: NoSQL SSL choice not found

Do the initial installation and configuration of a DIRAC component


dirac-install-component [options] ... <System/Component|System> Component

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-w  --overwrite              : Overwrite the configuration in the global CS
-m  --module <value>         : Python module name for the component code
-p  --parameter <value>      : Special component option


System/Component:  Full component name (ie: WorkloadManagement/Matcher)
System:            Name of the DIRAC system (ie: WorkloadManagement)
Component:         Name of the DIRAC service (ie: Matcher) (optional)


2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework ALWAYS: Can’t load /home/docs/checkouts/ 2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework ALWAYS: Might be OK if setting up the site 2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework WARN: MySQL root password not found 2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework WARN: Using ‘Dirac’ as MySQL user name 2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework WARN: MySQL password not found 2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework WARN: Using the same host for MySQL as dirac services 2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework WARN: Using port ‘3306’ as MySQL port 2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework WARN: Using ‘root’ as root MySQL user 2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework WARN: Using the same host for NoSQL as dirac services 2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework WARN: Using the default port 9200 2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework WARN: NoSQL user not found 2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework WARN: NoSQL password not found 2024-04-25 09:02:25 UTC Framework WARN: NoSQL SSL choice not found

Do the initial installation and configuration of a DIRAC service based on tornado. If the component is not specified, just install Tornado as such (note that the installation will fail if there are no suited services in the CS)


dirac-install-tornado-service [options] ... <System/Component|System> Component

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-w  --overwrite              : Overwrite the configuration in the global CS
-m  --module <value>         : Python module name for the component code
-p  --parameter <value>      : Special component option


System/Component:  Full component name (ie: WorkloadManagement/Matcher) (optional)
System:            Name of the DIRAC system (ie: WorkloadManagement) (optional)
Component:         Name of the DIRAC service (ie: Matcher) (optional)


With this command you can log in to DIRAC.

There are two options:

- using a user certificate, creating a proxy.
- go through DIRAC Authorization Server by selecting your Identity Provider.


dirac-login [options] ... group scope [scope]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-T  --lifetime <value>       : set access lifetime in hours
-O  --out <value>            : where to save the authorization result(e.g: proxy or tokens). By default we will try to find a standard place.
-I  --issuer <value>         : set issuer.
    --use-certificate        : in case you want to generate a proxy using a certificate. By default.
    --use-diracas            : in case you want to authorize with DIRAC Authorization Server.
-C  --certificate <value>    : user certificate location
-K  --key <value>            : user key location
    --proxy                  : return proxy in case of successful authorization
    --token                  : return tokens in case of successful authorization
    --status                 : print user authorization status
    --nocs                   : disable CS.


group:  select a DIRAC group for authorization, can be determined later. (optional)
scope:  scope to add to authorization request. (optional)


# Login with default group
$ dirac-login
# Choose another group
$ dirac-login dirac_user
# Return token
$ dirac-login dirac_user --token




dirac-logout [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-I  --issuer <value>         : set issuer
-F  --file <value>           : set target file location


$ dirac-logout



dirac-myproxy-upload [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-f  --file <value>           : File to use as proxy
-D  --DN                     : Use DN as myproxy username


Populates the database with the current installations of components This script assumes that the InstalledComponentsDB, the ComponentMonitoring service and the Notification service are installed and running


dirac-populate-component-db [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-e  --exclude <value>        : Comma separated list of hosts to be excluded from the scanning process


Command line tool to remove local and remote proxies


dirac-proxy-destroy [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-a  --all                    : Delete the local and all uploaded proxies (the nuclear option)
-v  --vo <value>             : Delete uploaded proxy for vo name given


$ dirac-proxy-destroy -a


Print information about uploaded proxies.


dirac-proxy-get-uploaded-info [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-u  --user <value>           : User to query (by default oneself)


$ dirac-proxy-get-uploaded-info
Checking for DNs /O=GRID-FR/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=CPPM/CN=Vanessa Hamar
| UserDN                                          | UserGroup   | ExpirationTime      | PersistentFlag |
| /O=GRID-FR/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=CPPM/CN=Vanessa Hamar | dirac_user  | 2011-06-29 12:04:25 | True           |


Print information about the current proxy.


dirac-proxy-info [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-f  --file <value>           : File to use as user key
-n  --novoms                 : Disable VOMS
-v  --checkvalid             : Return error if the proxy is invalid
-x  --nocs                   : Disable CS
-e  --steps                  : Show steps info
-m  --uploadedinfo           : Show uploaded proxies info


$ dirac-proxy-info
subject      : /O=GRID-FR/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=CPPM/CN=Vanessa Hamar/CN=proxy/CN=proxy
issuer       : /O=GRID-FR/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=CPPM/CN=Vanessa Hamar/CN=proxy
identity     : /O=GRID-FR/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=CPPM/CN=Vanessa Hamar
timeleft     : 23:53:55
DIRAC group  : dirac_user
path         : /tmp/x509up_u40885
username     : vhamar
VOMS         : True
VOMS fqan    : ['/formation']


Creating a proxy.


dirac-proxy-init [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-v  --valid <value>          : Valid HH:MM for the proxy. By default is 24 hours
-g  --group <value>          : DIRAC Group to embed in the proxy
-b  --strength <value>       : Set the proxy strength in bytes
-l  --limited                : Generate a limited proxy
-t  --strict                 : Fail on each error. Treat warnings as errors.
-S  --summary                : Enable summary output when generating proxy
-C  --Cert <value>           : File to use as user certificate
-K  --Key <value>            : File to use as user key
-u  --out <value>            : File to write as proxy
-x  --nocs                   : Disable CS check
-p  --pwstdin                : Get passwd from stdin
-N  --no-upload              : Do not upload a long lived proxy to the ProxyManager
-M  --VOMS                   : Add voms extension


$ dirac-proxy-init -g dirac_user
Enter Certificate password: **************


Restart DIRAC component using runsvctrl utility


dirac-restart-component [options] ... System <Service|Agent>

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


System:   Name of the system for the component (default *: all) [default: *] (optional)
Service:  Name of the particular component (default *: all) [default: *] (optional)
Agent:    Name of the particular component (default *: all) [default: *] (optional)


Start DIRAC component using runsvctrl utility


dirac-start-component [options] ... System <Service|Agent>

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


System:   Name of the system for the component (default *: all) [default: *] (optional)
Service:  Name of the particular component (default *: all) [default: *] (optional)
Agent:    Name of the particular component (default *: all) [default: *] (optional)


Status of DIRAC components using runsvstat utility


dirac-status-component [options] ... System <Service|Agent>

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


System:   Name of the system for the component (default *: all) [default: *] (optional)
Service:  Name of the particular component (default *: all) [default: *] (optional)
Agent:    Name of the particular component (default *: all) [default: *] (optional)


$ dirac-status-component
DIRAC Root Path = /vo/dirac/versions/Lyon-HEAD-1296215324
                                         Name : Runit    Uptime    PID
          WorkloadManagement_PilotStatusAgent : Run        4029     1697
           WorkloadManagement_JobHistoryAgent : Run        4029     167


Stop DIRAC component using runsvctrl utility


dirac-stop-component [options] ... System <Service|Agent>

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


System:   Name of the system for the component (default *: all) [default: *] (optional)
Service:  Name of the particular component (default *: all) [default: *] (optional)
Agent:    Name of the particular component (default *: all) [default: *] (optional)


Utility to send an e-mail using DIRAC notification service.


dirac-sys-sendmail [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


Formated text message. The message consists of e-mail headers and e-mail body
separated by two newline characters. Headers are key : value pairs separated
by newline character. Meaningful headers are "To:", "From:", "Subject:".
Other keys will be ommited.
Message body is an arbitrary string.


$ dirac-sys-sendmail "From:\nTo:\nSubject: Test\n\nMessage body"
echo "From:\nSubject: Test\n\nMessage body" | dirac-sys-sendmail


2024-04-25 09:02:30 UTC Framework ALWAYS: Can’t load /home/docs/checkouts/ 2024-04-25 09:02:30 UTC Framework ALWAYS: Might be OK if setting up the site 2024-04-25 09:02:30 UTC Framework WARN: MySQL root password not found 2024-04-25 09:02:30 UTC Framework WARN: Using ‘Dirac’ as MySQL user name 2024-04-25 09:02:30 UTC Framework WARN: MySQL password not found 2024-04-25 09:02:30 UTC Framework WARN: Using the same host for MySQL as dirac services 2024-04-25 09:02:30 UTC Framework WARN: Using port ‘3306’ as MySQL port 2024-04-25 09:02:30 UTC Framework WARN: Using ‘root’ as root MySQL user 2024-04-25 09:02:30 UTC Framework WARN: Using the same host for NoSQL as dirac services 2024-04-25 09:02:30 UTC Framework WARN: Using the default port 9200 2024-04-25 09:02:30 UTC Framework WARN: NoSQL user not found 2024-04-25 09:02:30 UTC Framework WARN: NoSQL password not found 2024-04-25 09:02:30 UTC Framework WARN: NoSQL SSL choice not found

Uninstallation of a DIRAC component


dirac-uninstall-component [options] ... <System/Component|System> Component

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-f  --force                  : Forces the removal of the logs


System/Component:  Full component name (ie: WorkloadManagement/Matcher)
System:            Name of the DIRAC system (ie: WorkloadManagement)
Component:         Name of the DIRAC service (ie: Matcher) (optional)



Change current DIRAC File Catalog working directory


$ dcd /dirac/user
$ dcd


dcd [options] ... Path

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


Path:  path to new working directory (defaults to home directory) (optional)


Change file owner’s group in file catalog.


$ dchgrp atsareg ././some_lfn_file
$ dchgrp -R pgay ./


dchgrp [options] ... group Path [Path]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-R  --recursive              : recursive


group:  new group name
Path:   path to file


Change file mode bits in the file catalog


$ dchmod 755 ././some_lfn_file
$ dchmod -R 700 ./


dchmod [options] ... mode Path [Path]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-R  --recursive              : recursive


mode:  octal mode bits
Path:  path to file


Change file owner


$ dchown atsareg ././some_lfn_file
$ dchown -R pgay ./


dchown [options] ... owner Path [Path]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-R  --recursive              : recursive


owner:  new owner name
Path:   path to file


Configures ~/dirac/dcommands.conf. If run without arguments, lists contents of configuration file.


$ dconfig -m (creates minimal config file in ~/dirac/dcommands.conf)
$ dconfig (lists contents of ~/dirac/dcommands.conf)


dconfig [options] ... section[.option[=value]] [section[.option[=value]]]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-m  --minimal                : verify and fill minimal configuration


section[.option[=value]]:  section:              display all options in section
                        section.option:       display option
                        section.option=value: set option value (optional)


find files in the FileCatalog


$ dfind . "some_integer_metadata>1"


dfind [options] ... lfn metaspec [metaspec]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


lfn:       directory entry in the FileCatalog
metaspec:  metadata index specifcation (of the form: "meta=value" or "meta<value", "meta!=value", etc.) (optional)


download files from storage element


dget lfn... [local_dir]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-r  --recursive              : recursively get contents of lfn


lfn:          file to download
local_dir:   destination directory


$ dget ./some_lfn_file /tmp


print DCommands session environment variables


dgetenv [options] ... [section.]option

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


[section.]option:  section:              display all options in section
                section.option:       display section specific option (optional)


initialize DCommands/Shorthand Commands session


dinit [options] ... profile name

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-p  --fromProxy              : build session from existing proxy
-D  --destroy                : destroy session information


profile name:  existing profile section in DCommands config (optional)


Add or Modify a Group info in DIRAC


dirac-admin-add-group [options] ... Property=<Value> [Property=<Value>]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-G  --GroupName <value>      : Name of the Group (Mandatory)
-U  --UserName <value>       : Short Name of user to be added to the Group (Allow Multiple instances or None)
-P  --Property <value>       : Property to be added to the Group (Allow Multiple instances or None)


Property=<Value>:  Other properties to be added to the Group like (VOMSRole=XXXX) (optional)


$ dirac-admin-add-group -G dirac_test


Add or Modify a Host info in DIRAC


dirac-admin-add-host [options] ... Property=<Value> [Property=<Value>]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-H  --HostName <value>       : Name of the Host (Mandatory)
-D  --HostDN <value>         : DN of the Host Certificate (Mandatory)
-P  --Property <value>       : Property to be added to the Host (Allow Multiple instances or None)


Property=<Value>:  Other properties to be added to the Host like (Responsible=XXX) (optional)


$ dirac-admin-add-host -H -D /O=GRID-FR/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=CC-IN2P3/


Add or Modify a User info in DIRAC


dirac-admin-add-user [options] ... Property=<Value> [Property=<Value>]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-N  --UserName <value>       : Short Name of the User (Mandatory)
-D  --UserDN <value>         : DN of the User Certificate (Mandatory)
-M  --UserMail <value>       : eMail of the user (Mandatory)
-G  --UserGroup <value>      : Name of the Group for the User (Allow Multiple instances or None)


Property=<Value>:  Properties to be added to the User like (Phone=XXXX) (optional)


$ dirac-admin-add-user -N vhamar -D /O=GRID/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=CPPM/CN=Vanessa Hamar -M -G dirac_user


Add Site to Active mask for current Setup


dirac-admin-allow-site [options] ... Site Comment

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-E  --email <value>          : Boolean True/False (True by default)


Site:     Name of the Site
Comment:  Reason of the action


$ dirac-admin-allow-site "FRANCE"


Remove Site from Active mask for current Setup


dirac-admin-ban-site [options] ... Site Comment

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-E  --email <value>          : Boolean True/False (True by default)


Site:     Name of the Site
Comment:  Reason of the action


$ dirac-admin-ban-site "Pilot installation problems"


Retrieve Site Associated to a given CE


dirac-admin-ce-info [options] ... CE

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


CE:  Name of the CE


$ dirac-admin-ce-info


Remove User from Configuration


dirac-admin-delete-user [options] ... User [User]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


User:  User name


$ dirac-admin-delete-user vhamar


Get banned sites


dirac-admin-get-banned-sites [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


$ dirac-admin-get-banned-sites                      Site not present in logging table


Retrieve the output of the pilot that executed a given job


dirac-admin-get-job-pilot-output [options] ... JobID [JobID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


JobID:  DIRAC ID of the Job


$ dirac-admin-get-job-pilot-output 34


Retrieve info about pilots that have matched a given Job


dirac-admin-get-job-pilots [options] ... JobID [JobID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


JobID:  DIRAC ID of the Job


$ dirac-admin-get-job-pilots 1848
{'': {'AccountingSent': 'False',
                                                        'BenchMark': 8.1799999999999997,
                                                        'Broker': '',
                                                        'DestinationSite': '',
                                                        'GridSite': '',
                                                        'GridType': 'gLite',
                                                        'Jobs': [1848L],
                                                        'LastUpdateTime': datetime.datetime(2011, 2, 21, 12, 39, 10),
                                                        'OutputReady': 'True',
                                                        'OwnerDN': '/O=GRID/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=LPC/CN=Sebastien Guizard',
                                                        'OwnerGroup': '/biomed',
                                                        'ParentID': 0L,
                                                        'PilotID': 2247L,
                                                        'PilotJobReference': '',
                                                        'PilotStamp': '',
                                                        'Status': 'Done',
                                                        'SubmissionTime': datetime.datetime(2011, 2, 21, 12, 27, 52),
                                                        'TaskQueueID': 399L}}


Retrieve available info about the given pilot


dirac-admin-get-pilot-info [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-e  --extended               : Get extended printout


$ dirac-admin-get-pilot-info
{'': {'AccountingSent': 'False',
                                                        'BenchMark': 0.0,
                                                        'Broker': '',
                                                        'DestinationSite': '',
                                                        'GridSite': '',
                                                        'GridType': 'gLite',
                                                        'LastUpdateTime': datetime.datetime(2011, 2, 21, 12, 49, 14),
                                                        'OutputReady': 'False',
                                                        'OwnerDN': '/O=GRID/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=LPC/CN=Sebastien Guizard',
                                                        'OwnerGroup': '/biomed',
                                                        'ParentID': 0L,
                                                        'PilotID': 2241L,
                                                        'PilotJobReference': '',
                                                        'PilotStamp': '',
                                                        'Status': 'Done',
                                                        'SubmissionTime': datetime.datetime(2011, 2, 21, 12, 27, 52),
                                                        'TaskQueueID': 399L}}


Retrieve logging info of a Grid pilot


dirac-admin-get-pilot-logging-info [options] ... PilotID [PilotID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


PilotID:  Grid ID of the pilot


$ dirac-admin-get-pilot-logging-info
Pilot Reference: dirac-admin-get-pilot-logging-info
===================== glite-job-logging-info Success =====================


Printing info for the Job :
Event: RegJob
- Arrived   =  Mon Feb 21 13:27:50 2011 CET
- Host      =
- Jobtype   =  SIMPLE
- Level     =  SYSTEM
- Ns        =
- Nsubjobs  =  0
- Parent    =
- Priority  =  asynchronous
- Seqcode   =  UI=000000:NS=0000000001:WM=000000:BH=0000000000:JSS=000000:LM=000000:LRMS=000000:APP=000000:LBS=000000
- Source    =  NetworkServer


Retrieve output of a Grid pilot


dirac-admin-get-pilot-output [options] ... PilotID [PilotID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


PilotID:  Grid ID of the pilot


$ dirac-admin-get-pilot-output
$ ls -la
drwxr-xr-x  2 hamar marseill      2048 Feb 21 14:13 pilot_26KCLKBFtxXKHF4_ZrQjkw


Get the list of sites enabled in the mask for job submission


dirac-admin-get-site-mask [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


$ dirac-admin-get-site-mask


List hosts


dirac-admin-list-hosts [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-e  --extended               : Show extended info


$ dirac-admin-list-hosts


Lists the users in the Configuration. If no group is specified return all users.


dirac-admin-list-users [options] ... Group [Group]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-e  --extended               : Show extended info


Group:  Only users from this group (default: all) [default: ['all']] (optional)


$ dirac-admin-list-users

All users registered::



Modify a user in the CS.


dirac-admin-modify-user [options] ... user DN group [group]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-p  --property <value>       : Add property to the user <name>=<value>
-f  --force                  : create the user if it doesn't exist


user:   User name
DN:     DN of the User
group:  Add the user to the group


$ dirac-admin-modify-user vhamar /C=FR/O=Org/CN=User dirac_user


Pilot summary


dirac-admin-pilot-summary [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


$ dirac-admin-pilot-summary
CE                Status  Count Status Count Status Count Status  Count Status    Count Status    Count Status  Count   Done    31  Done    111 Done    81 Aborted 81    Done   18 Done    275  Done    156 Done    75    Aborted 1     Done   235 Done    63   Aborted 3     Done   90  Aborted 3     Done   3     Done   90   Done    87
Total             Aborted 89    Done   1423  Ready  0     Running 0     Scheduled 0     Submitted 0     Waiting 0 Aborted 1     Done   111


Reset a job or list of jobs in the WMS


dirac-admin-reset-job [options] ... JobID [JobID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help




$ dirac-admin-reset-job 1848
Reset Job 1848


Print the service ports for the specified setup


dirac-admin-service-ports [options] ... Setup

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


Setup:  Name of the setup (optional)


$ dirac-admin-service-ports
{'Framework/ProxyManager': 9152,
 'Framework/SystemAdministrator': 9162,
 'Framework/UserProfileManager': 9155,
 'WorkloadManagement/JobManager': 9132,
 'WorkloadManagement/PilotManager': 9171,
 'WorkloadManagement/Matcher': 9170,
 'WorkloadManagement/SandboxStore': 9196,
 'WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator': 9145}


Defined protocols for each SE for a given site.


dirac-admin-set-site-protocols [options] ... Protocol [Protocol]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


--Site=                  : Site for which protocols are to be set (mandatory)


Protocol:  SE access protocol (optional)


$ dirac-admin-set-site-protocols SRM2


Print Configuration information for a given Site


dirac-admin-site-info [options] ... Site [Site]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


Site:  Name of the Site


$ dirac-admin-site-info
{'CE': ',,',
 'Coordinates': '4.8655:45.7825',
 'Mail': '',
 'MoUTierLevel': '1',
 'Name': 'IN2P3-CC',
 'SE': 'IN2P3-disk, DIRAC-USER'}


Retrieves site mask logging information.


dirac-admin-site-mask-logging [options] ... Site [Site]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


Site:  Name of the Site


$ dirac-admin-site-mask-logging
Site Mask Logging Info for
Active  2010-12-08 21:28:16 ( atsareg )


Sync users in Configuration with the cfg contents.


dirac-admin-sync-users-from-file [options] ... UserCfg

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-t  --test                   : Only test. Don't commit changes


UserCfg:  Cfg FileName with Users as sections containingDN, Groups, and other properties as options


$ dirac-admin-sync-users-from-file file_users.cfg


Retrieve a single file or list of files from Grid storage to the current directory.


dirac-dms-get-file [options] ... LFN [LFN]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


LFN:  Logical File Name or file containing LFNs


$ dirac-dms-get-file /formation/user/v/vhamar/Example.txt
{'Failed': {},
 'Successful': {'/formation/user/v/vhamar/Example.txt': '/afs/'}}


Retrieve an access URL for an LFN replica given a valid DIRAC SE.


dirac-dms-lfn-accessURL [options] ... LFN SE PROTO

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


LFN:    Logical File Name or file containing LFNs
SE:     Valid DIRAC SE
PROTO:  Optional protocol for accessURL (optional)


$ dirac-dms-lfn-accessURL /formation/user/v/vhamar/Example.txt DIRAC-USER
{'Failed': {},
 'Successful': {'/formation/user/v/vhamar/Example.txt': 'dips://   /formation/user/v/vhamar/Example.txt'}}


Obtain replica metadata from file catalogue client.


dirac-dms-lfn-metadata [options] ... LFN [LFN]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


LFN:  Logical File Name or file containing LFNs


$ dirac-dms-lfn-metadata /formation/user/v/vhamar/test.txt
{'Failed': {},
 'Successful': {'/formation/user/v/vhamar/test.txt': {'Checksum': 'eed20d47',
                                                      'ChecksumType': 'Adler32',
                                                      'CreationDate': datetime.datetime(2011, 2, 11, 14, 52, 47),
                                                      'FileID': 250L,
                                                      'GID': 2,
                                                      'GUID': 'EDE6DDA4-3344-3F39-A993-8349BA41EB23',
                                                      'Mode': 509,
                                                      'ModificationDate': datetime.datetime(2011, 2, 11, 14, 52, 47),
                                                      'Owner': 'vhamar',
                                                      'OwnerGroup': 'dirac_user',
                                                      'Size': 34L,
                                                      'Status': 1,
                                                      'UID': 2}}}


Obtain replica information from file catalogue client.


dirac-dms-lfn-replicas [options] ... LFN [LFN]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-a  --All                    :   Also show inactive replicas


LFN:  Logical File Name or file containing LFNs


$ dirac-dms-lfn-replicas /formation/user/v/vhamar/Test.txt
{'Failed': {},
 'Successful': {'/formation/user/v/vhamar/Test.txt':   {'M3PEC-disk': 'srm://'}}}


Retrieve an access URL for a PFN given a valid DIRAC SE


dirac-dms-pfn-accessURL [options] ... PFN SE

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


PFN:  Physical File Name or file containing PFNs
SE:   Valid DIRAC SE


Retrieve metadata for a PFN given a valid DIRAC SE


dirac-dms-pfn-metadata [options] ... PFN SE

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


PFN:  Physical File Name or file containing PFNs
SE:   Valid DIRAC SE


Replicate an existing LFN to another Storage Element


dirac-dms-replicate-lfn [options] ... LFN Dest Source Cache

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


LFN:     Logical File Name or file containing LFNs
Dest:    Valid DIRAC SE
Source:  Valid DIRAC SE (optional)
Cache:   Local directory to be used as cache (optional)


$ dirac-dms-replicate-lfn /formation/user/v/vhamar/Test.txt DIRAC-USER
{'Failed': {},
 'Successful': {'/formation/user/v/vhamar/Test.txt': {'register': 0.50833415985107422,
                                                      'replicate': 11.878520965576172}}}


Ping the given DIRAC Service


dirac-framework-ping-service [options] ... <URL|System/Service|System> Service

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


URL:             URL of the service to ping (instead of System and Service)
System/Service:  Full component name (ie: WorkloadManagement/Matcher)
System:          Name of the DIRAC system (ie: WorkloadManagement)
Service:         Name of the DIRAC service (ie: Matcher) (optional)


$ dirac-framework-ping-service WorkloadManagement PilotManager
{'OK': True,
 'Value': {'cpu times': {'children system time': 0.0,
                         'children user time': 0.0,
                         'elapsed real time': 8778481.7200000007,
                         'system time': 54.859999999999999,
                         'user time': 361.06999999999999},
           'host uptime': 4485212L,
           'load': '3.44 3.90 4.02',
           'name': 'WorkloadManagement/PilotManager',
           'service start time': datetime.datetime(2011, 2, 21, 8, 58, 35, 521438),
           'service uptime': 85744,
           'service url': 'dips://',
           'time': datetime.datetime(2011, 3, 14, 11, 47, 40, 394957),
           'version': 'v5r12-pre9'},
 'rpcStub': (('WorkloadManagement/PilotManager',
              {'delegatedDN': '/O=GRID-FR/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=CPPM/CN=Vanessa Hamar',
               'delegatedGroup': 'dirac_user',
               'skipCACheck': True,
               'timeout': 120}),


Performs a DIPS ping on a given target and exit with the return code.

It uses the local host certificate The target is specified as “”<port>/System/Service” The script does not print anything, and just exists with 0 in case of success, or 1 in case of error


dirac-framework-self-ping [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


Monitor the jobs present in the repository


dirac-repo-monitor [options] ... RepoDir

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


RepoDir:  Location of Job Repository


Calculate alder32 of the supplied file


dirac-utils-file-adler [options] ... File [File]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


File:  File Name


$ dirac-utils-file-adler Example.tgz
Example.tgz 88b4ca8b


Calculate md5 of the supplied file


dirac-utils-file-md5 [options] ... File [File]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


File:  File Name


$ dirac-utils-file-md5 Example.tgz
Example.tgz 5C1A1102-EAFD-2CBA-25BD-0EFCCFC3623E


Report Normalized CPU length of queue

This script was used by the dirac-pilot script to set the CPUTime limit for the matching but now this is no more the case.


dirac-wms-get-normalized-queue-length [options] ... Queue [Queue]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


Queue:  GlueCEUniqueID of the Queue (ie,


$ dirac-wms-get-normalized-queue-length 857400.0


Report Normalization Factor applied by Site to the given Queue


dirac-wms-get-queue-normalization [options] ... Queue [Queue]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


Queue:  GlueCEUniqueID of the Queue (ie,


$ dirac-wms-get-queue-normalization 2500.0


Retrieve attributes associated with the given DIRAC job


dirac-wms-job-attributes [options] ... JobID [JobID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help




$ dirac-wms-job-attributes  1
{'AccountedFlag': 'False',
 'ApplicationNumStatus': '0',
 'ApplicationStatus': 'Unknown',
 'CPUTime': '0.0',
 'DIRACSetup': 'EELA-Production',
 'DeletedFlag': 'False',
 'EndExecTime': '2011-02-14 11:28:01',
 'FailedFlag': 'False',
 'HeartBeatTime': '2011-02-14 11:28:01',
 'ISandboxReadyFlag': 'False',
 'JobGroup': 'NoGroup',
 'JobID': '1',
 'JobName': 'DIRAC_vhamar_602138',
 'JobSplitType': 'Single',
 'JobType': 'normal',
 'KilledFlag': 'False',
 'LastUpdateTime': '2011-02-14 11:28:11',
 'MasterJobID': '0',
 'MinorStatus': 'Execution Complete',
 'OSandboxReadyFlag': 'False',
 'Owner': 'vhamar',
 'OwnerDN': '/O=GRID-FR/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=CPPM/CN=Vanessa Hamar',
 'OwnerGroup': 'eela_user',
 'RescheduleCounter': '0',
 'RescheduleTime': 'None',
 'RetrievedFlag': 'False',
 'RunNumber': '0',
 'Site': '',
 'StartExecTime': '2011-02-14 11:27:48',
 'Status': 'Done',
 'SubmissionTime': '2011-02-14 10:12:40',
 'SystemPriority': '0',
 'UserPriority': '1',
 'VerifiedFlag': 'True'}


Delete DIRAC job from WMS, if running it will be killed


dirac-wms-job-delete [options] ... JobID [JobID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-f  --File <value>           : Get output for jobs with IDs from the file
-g  --JobGroup <value>       : Get output for jobs in the given group


JobID:  DIRAC Job ID (optional)


$ dirac-wms-job-delete 12
Deleted job 12


Retrieve input sandbox for DIRAC Job


dirac-wms-job-get-input [options] ... JobID [JobID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-D  --Dir <value>            : Store the output in this directory




$ dirac-wms-job-get-input 13
Job input sandbox retrieved in InputSandbox13/


Retrieve the current JDL of a DIRAC job


dirac-wms-job-get-jdl [options] ... JobID ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-O  --Original               : Gets the original JDL




$ dirac-wms-job-get-jdl 1
{'Arguments': '-ltrA',
 'CPUTime': '86400',
 'DIRACSetup': 'EELA-Production',
 'Executable': '/bin/ls',
 'JobID': '1',
 'JobName': 'DIRAC_vhamar_602138',
 'JobRequirements': '[OwnerDN = /O=GRID-FR/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=CPPM/CN=Vanessa Hamar;
                      OwnerGroup = eela_user;
                      Setup = EELA-Production;
                      UserPriority = 1;
                      CPUTime = 0 ]',
 'OutputSandbox': ['std.out', 'std.err'],
 'Owner': 'vhamar',
 'OwnerDN': '/O=GRID-FR/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=CPPM/CN=Vanessa Hamar',
 'OwnerGroup': 'eela_user',
 'OwnerName': 'vhamar',
 'Priority': '1'}


Retrieve output sandbox for a DIRAC job


dirac-wms-job-get-output [options] ... JobID [JobID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-D  --Dir <value>            : Store the output in this directory
-f  --File <value>           : Get output for jobs with IDs from the file
-g  --JobGroup <value>       : Get output for jobs in the given group


JobID:  DIRAC Job ID or a name of the file with JobID per line (optional)


$ dirac-wms-job-get-output 1
Job output sandbox retrieved in 1/


Retrieve the output data files of a DIRAC job


dirac-wms-job-get-output-data [options] ... JobID [JobID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-D  --Dir <value>            : Store the output in this directory




Issue a kill signal to a running DIRAC job


dirac-wms-job-kill [options] ... JobID [JobID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help




$ dirac-wms-job-kill 1918
Killed job 1918


  • jobs will not disappear from JobDB until JobCleaningAgent has deleted them

  • jobs will be deleted “immediately” if they are in the status ‘Deleted’

  • USER jobs will be deleted after a grace period if they are in status Killed, Failed, Done

What happens when you hit the “kill job” button

  • if the job is in status ‘Running’, ‘Matched’, ‘Stalled’ it will be properly killed, and then its status will be marked as ‘Killed’

  • otherwise, it will be marked directly as ‘Killed’.


Retrieve history of transitions for a DIRAC job


dirac-wms-job-logging-info [options] ... JobID [JobID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help




$ dirac-wms-job-logging-info 1
Status                        MinorStatus                         ApplicationStatus             DateTime
Received                      Job accepted                        Unknown                       2011-02-14 10:12:40
Received                      False                               Unknown                       2011-02-14 11:03:12
Checking                      JobSanity                           Unknown                       2011-02-14 11:03:12
Checking                      JobScheduling                       Unknown                       2011-02-14 11:03:12
Waiting                       Pilot Agent Submission              Unknown                       2011-02-14 11:03:12
Matched                       Assigned                            Unknown                       2011-02-14 11:27:17
Matched                       Job Received by Agent               Unknown                       2011-02-14 11:27:27
Matched                       Submitted To CE                     Unknown                       2011-02-14 11:27:38
Running                       Job Initialization                  Unknown                       2011-02-14 11:27:42
Running                       Application                         Unknown                       2011-02-14 11:27:48
Completed                     Application Finished Successfully   Unknown                       2011-02-14 11:28:01
Completed                     Uploading Output Sandbox            Unknown                       2011-02-14 11:28:04
Completed                     Output Sandbox Uploaded             Unknown                       2011-02-14 11:28:07
Done                          Execution Complete                  Unknown                       2011-02-14 11:28:07


Retrieve parameters associated to the given DIRAC job


dirac-wms-job-parameters [options] ... JobID [JobID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help




$ dirac-wms-job-parameters 1
{'CPUNormalizationFactor': '6.8',
 'GridCEQueue': '',
 'HostName': 'wn05.labmc',
 'JobPath': 'JobPath,JobSanity,JobScheduling,TaskQueue',
 'JobSanityCheck': 'Job: 1 JDL: OK,InputData: No input LFNs,  Input Sandboxes: 0, OK.',
 'JobWrapperPID': '599',
 'LocalAccount': 'prod006',
 'LocalBatchID': '',
 'LocalJobID': '',
 'MatcherServiceTime': '2.27646398544',
 'Memory(kB)': '858540kB',
 'ModelName': 'Intel(R)Xeon(R)CPU5110@1.60GHz',
 'NormCPUTime(s)': '1.02',
 'OK': 'True',
 'OutputSandboxMissingFiles': 'std.err',
 'PayloadPID': '604',
 'PilotAgent': 'EELADIRAC v1r1; DIRAC v5r12',
 'Pilot_Reference': '',
 'ScaledCPUTime': '115.6',
 'TotalCPUTime(s)': '0.15'}


Peek StdOut of the given DIRAC job


dirac-wms-job-peek [options] ... JobID [JobID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help




$ dirac-wms-job-peek 1


Reschedule the given DIRAC job


dirac-wms-job-reschedule [options] ... JobID [JobID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help




$ dirac-wms-job-reschedule 1
Rescheduled job 1


Retrieve status of the given DIRAC job


dirac-wms-job-status [options] ... JobID [JobID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-f  --File <value>           : Get status for jobs with IDs from the file
-g  --JobGroup <value>       : Get status for jobs in the given group


JobID:  DIRAC Job ID (optional)


$ dirac-wms-job-status 2
JobID=2 Status=Done; MinorStatus=Execution Complete;;


Submit jobs to DIRAC WMS


dirac-wms-job-submit [options] ... JDL [JDL]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-f  --File <value>           : Writes job ids to file <value>
-r  --UseJobRepo <value>     : Use the job repository


JDL:  Path to JDL file


$ dirac-wms-job-submit Simple.jdl
JobID = 11


Select DIRAC jobs matching the given conditions


dirac-wms-select-jobs [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


--Status=                : Primary status
--MinorStatus=           : Secondary status
--ApplicationStatus=     : Application status
--Site=                  : Execution site
--Owner=                 : Owner (DIRAC nickname)
--JobGroup=              : Select jobs for specified job group
--Date=                  : Date in YYYY-MM-DD format, if not specified default is today
--Maximum=               : Maximum number of jobs shown (default 100, 0 means all)


Kill or delete DIRAC job


dkill [options] ... JobID [JobID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-D  --delete                 : delete job
-a  --all                    : select all jobs
-v  --verbose                : verbose output




Retrieve logging information for a DIRAC job


dlogging [options] ... JobID [JobID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-f  --Fmt <value>            : display format (pretty, csv, json)




Lists files or directories in the file catalogue. Uses the user’s home directory as specified in dcommands.conf as its base directory.


$ dls
$ dls ..
$ dls /


dls [options] ... Path [Path]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-l  --long                   : detailled listing
-L  --list-replicas          : detailled listing with replicas
-t  --time                   : time based order
-r  --reverse                : reverse sort order
-n  --numericid              : numeric UID and GID
-S  --size                   : size based order
-H  --human-readable         : size human readable


Path:  path to file (optional)


Manipulate metadata in the FileCatalog.


list metadata indices: dmeta -I
add metadata index: dmeta -i f|d meta=(int|float|string|date)
delete metadata index: dmeta -i -r [metadata]
manipulate metadata for lfn: dmeta add|rm|ls [lfn] meta[=value]


$ dmeta add ./some_lfn_file some_meta="some_value"',
$ dmeta -i f testindex=int
$ dmeta ls ./some_lfn_file",
$ dmeta rm ./some_lfn_file some_meta",

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-i  --index <value>          : set or remove metadata indices
-I  --list-index             : list defined metadata indices


Creates a directory in the FileCatalog. Takes either an absolute path or a path relative to the user’s current file catalogue directory.


$ dmkdir some_lfn_dir (relative path)
$ dmkdir ./some_lfn_dir (relative path)
$ dmkdir /voname/somesubdir/anotherone/newdir


dmkdir [options] ... Path [Path]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


Path:  path to new directory


Retrieve output sandbox for a DIRAC job


doutput [options] ... JobID [JobID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-D  --OutputDir <value>      : destination directory
    --Data                   : download output data instead of output sandbox
    --Sandbox                : download output sandbox, even if data was required
-v  --verbose                : verbose output
-n  --NoJobDir               : do not create job directory
-g  --JobGroup <value>       : Get output for jobs in the given group
-i  --input-file <value>     : read JobIDs from file


JobID:  DIRAC Job ID (optional)


Uploads a file to an SE and registers it in the file catalog.


dput [options] local_path[... lfn]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-D  --destination-se <value>  : Storage Element where to put replica
-r  --recursive              : recursively put contents of local_path


local_path:   local file
lfn:          file or directory entry in the file catalog


$ dput some_local_file ./some_lfn_file
$ dput local_file1 local_file2 ./some_lfn_dir/


Prints the current file datalogue directory.


dpwd [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


replicate file in the FileCatalog

Can work in two modes.

In the first mode, yuser provides the destination SE with option “-D”. In the second mode, when no destination is given, drepl will look for configuration options “replication_scheme” and “replication_ses”. If found, those variables will define a list of SEs where to put replicas. If not found drepl will fallback to configuration option “default_se”.

Supported schemes for automated replication (in option “replication_scheme”) are:

* all() - replicate file to all SEs listed in option "replication_ses"
* first(N) - replicate file to N first SEs listed in option "replication_ses"
* random(N) - replicatefile to N randomly chosen SEs from the list in option "replication_ses"

$ drepl ./some_lfn_file $ drepl -D SOME-DESTINATION-SE-disk ./some_lfn_file


drepl [options] ... lfn [lfn]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-D  --destination-se <value>  : Storage Element where to put replica (or a comma separated list)
-S  --source-se <value>      : source Storage Element for replication


lfn:  file entry in the FileCatalog


Print list replicas for files in the FileCatalog


dreplicas [options] ... lfn [lfn]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


lfn:  logical file name


Remove files from the FileCatalog (and all replicas from Storage Elements)


$ drm /your/lfn/goes/here
$ drm -F myfilecontaininglfns.txt


drm [options] ... lfn [lfn]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-F  --lfnFile <value>        : file containing a list of LFNs
-D  --destination-se <value>  : Storage Element from where to remove replica
-r  --                       : remove directory recursively


lfn:  logical file name (optional)


remove FileCatalog directories. Attention ! This command does not remove directories and files on the physical storage.


$ drmdir ./some_lfn_directory


drmdir [options] ... Path [Path]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


Path:  directory path


Print file or directory disk usage as recorded in the file catalog.


dsize [options] [path]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-l  --long                   : detailled listing
-f  --raw-files              : reverse sort order


path:  file/directory path (optional)


Retrieves job status according to given criteria.


$ dstat -a -u your.dirac.username


dstat [options] ... JobID [JobID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-u  --User <value>           : job owner
-S  --Status <value>         : select job by status (comma separated list of statuses in: Submitting,Received,Checking,Scouting,Staging,Waiting,Matched,Rescheduled,Running,Stalled,Completing,Done,Completed,Failed,Deleted,Killed)
-a  --StatusAll              : display jobs of any status
-g  --JobGroup <value>       : select job by job group
-n  --JobName <value>        : select job by job name
-f  --Fmt <value>            : display format (pretty, csv, json)
-D  --JobDate <value>        : age of jobs to display (in days)
-F  --Fields <value>         : display list of job fields (comma separated list of fields. e.g. Owner,JobName,OwnerGroup,JobGroup,Site,Status,MinorStatus,SubmissionTime,JobType,ApplicationStatus,StartExecTime,EndExecTime,CPUTime)
-i  --input-file <value>     : read JobIDs from file


JobID:  DIRAC Job ID (optional)


$ dstat -a -u your.dirac.username


Submit jobs to DIRAC WMS

Default JDL can be configured from session in the “JDL” option


dsub [options] ... executable arguments [arguments]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-J  --JDL <value>            : JDL file or inline
-N  --JobName <value>        : job name
-E  --StdError <value>       : job standard error file
-O  --StdOutput <value>      : job standard output file
    --OutputSandbox=         : job output sandbox
    --InputSandbox=          : job input sandbox
    --OutputData=            : job output data
    --InputData=             : job input data
    --OutputPath=            : job output data path prefix
    --OutputSE=              : job output data SE
    --CPUTime=               : job CPU time limit (in seconds)
    --Site=                  : job Site list
    --BannedSite=            : job Site exclusion list
    --Platform=              : job Platform list
    --Priority=              : job priority
    --JobGroup=              : job JobGroup
    --Parametric=            : comma separated list or named parameters or number loops (in the form<start>:<stop>[:<step>[:<factor>]])
    --ForceExecUpload        : Force upload of executable with InputSandbox
-v  --verbose                : verbose output


executable:  command to be run inside the job.
          If a relative path, local file will be included in InputSandbox
          If no executable is given and JDL (provided or default) doesn't contain one,
          standard input will be read for executable contents (optional)
arguments:   arguments to pass to executable
         if some arguments are to begin with a dash '-', prepend '--' before them (optional)



Add an existing transformation to an existing production. Transformations already belonging to another production cannot be added.


dirac-prod-add-trans [options] ... prodID transID parentTransID

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


prodID:         Production ID
transID:        Transformation ID
parentTransID:  Parent Transformation ID (optional)


Clean a given production


dirac-prod-clean [options] ... prodID

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


prodID:  Production ID


Complete a given production


dirac-prod-complete [options] ... prodID

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


prodID:  Production ID


$ dirac-prod-complete 312


Delete a given production


dirac-prod-delete [options] ... prodID

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


prodID:  Production ID


Get informations for a given production


dirac-prod-get [options] ... prodID

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


prodID:  Production ID


$ dirac-prod-get 381


Get summary informations of all productions


dirac-prod-get-all [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


Get the description of a given production


dirac-prod-get-description [options] ... prodID

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


prodID:  Production ID


$ dirac-prod-get-description 381


Get the transformations belonging to a given production


dirac-prod-get-trans [options] ... prodID

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


prodID:  Production ID


$ dirac-prod-get-trans 381


Start a given production


dirac-prod-start [options] ... prodID

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


prodID:  Production ID


$ dirac-prod-start 381


Stop a given production


dirac-prod-stop [options] ... prodID

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


prodID:  Production ID


$ dirac-prod-stop 381



List the number of requests in the caches of all the ReqProxyies


dirac-rms-list-req-cache [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


--Full                   :    Print full list of requests


Show ReqDB summary


dirac-rms-reqdb-summary [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


Show request given its ID, a jobID or a transformation and a task


dirac-rms-request [options] ... <file|request> request [request]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


--Job=                   :    JobID[,jobID2,...]
--Transformation=        :    transformation ID
--Tasks=                 :       Associated to --Transformation, list of taskIDs
--Verbose                :    Print more information
--Terse                  :    Only print request status
--Full                   :    Print full request content
--Status=                :    Select all requests in a given status
--Since=                 :       Associated to --Status, start date yyyy-mm-dd or nb of days (default= -one day
--Until=                 :       Associated to --Status, end date (default= now
--Maximum=               :       Associated to --Status, max number of requests
--Reset                  :    Reset Failed files to Waiting if any
--Force                  :    Force reset even if not Failed
--All                    :       (if --Status Failed) all requests, otherwise exclude irrecoverable failures
--FixJob                 :    Set job Done if the request is Done
--Cancel                 :    Cancel the request
--ListJobs               :  List the corresponding jobs
--TargetSE=              :  Select request only if that SE is in the targetSEs


file:     a file containing a list of requests (Comma-separated on each line) (optional)
request:  a request ID or a unique request name (optional)



Script that dumps the DB information for the elements into the standard output. If returns information concerning the StatusType and Status attributes.


dirac-rss-list-status [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


--element=               : Element family to be Synchronized ( Site, Resource or Node )
--elementType=           : ElementType narrows the search; None if default
--name=                  : ElementName; None if default
--tokenOwner=            : Owner of the token; None if default
--statusType=            : StatusType; None if default
--status=                : Status; None if default
--VO=                    : Virtual organisation; None if default


Script that dumps the DB information for the elements into the standard output. If returns information concerning the StatusType and Status attributes.


dirac-rss-query-db [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


--element=               : Element family to be Synchronized ( Site, Resource, Node )
--tableType=             : A valid table type (Status, Log, History)
--name=                  : ElementName (comma separated list allowed); None if default
--statusType=            : A valid StatusType argument (it admits a comma-separated list of statusTypes); None if default
--status=                : A valid Status argument ( Active, Probing, Degraded, Banned, Unknown, Error ); None if default
--elementType=           : ElementType narrows the search; None if default
--reason=                : Decision that triggered the assigned status
--lastCheckTime=         : Time-stamp setting last time the status & status were checked
--tokenOwner=            : Owner of the token ( to specify only with select/delete queries
--VO=                    : Virtual organisation; None if default


Select/Add/Delete a new DownTime entry for a given Site or Service.


dirac-rss-query-dtcache [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


--downtimeID=            : ID of the downtime
--element=               : Element (Site, Service) affected by the downtime
--name=                  : Name of the element
--startDate=             : Starting date of the downtime
--endDate=               : Ending date of the downtime
--severity=              : Severity of the downtime (Warning, Outage)
--description=           : Description of the downtime
--link=                  : URL of the downtime announcement
--ongoing                : To force "select" to return the ongoing downtimes


Script that facilitates the modification of a element through the command line. However, the usage of this script will set the element token to the command issuer with a duration of 1 day.


dirac-rss-set-status [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


--element=               : Element family to be Synchronized ( Site, Resource or Node )
--name=                  : Name (or comma-separeted list of names) of the element where the change applies
--statusType=            : StatusType (or comma-separeted list of names), if none applies to all possible statusTypes
--status=                : Status to be changed
--reason=                : Reason to set the Status
--VO=                    : VO to change a status for. When omitted, status will be changed for all VOs


Script that helps setting the token of the elements in RSS. It can acquire or release the token.

If the releaseToken switch is used, no matter what was the previous token, it will be set to rs_svc (RSS owns it). If not set, the token will be set to whatever username is defined on the proxy loaded while issuing this command. In the second case, the token lasts one day.


dirac-rss-set-token [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


--element=               : Element family to be Synchronized ( Site, Resource or Node )
--name=                  : Name, name of the element where the change applies
--statusType=            : StatusType, if none applies to all possible statusTypes
--reason=                : Reason to set the Status
--days=                  : Number of days the token is acquired
--releaseToken           : Release the token and let the RSS take control
--VO=                    : VO to set a token for. When omitted token will be set for all VOs


Script that synchronizes the resources described on the CS with the RSS. By default, it sets their Status to Unknown, StatusType to all and reason to Synchronized. However, it can copy over the status on the CS to the RSS. Important: If the StatusType is not defined on the CS, it will set it to Banned !


dirac-rss-sync [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


--init                   : Initialize the element to the status in the CS ( applicable for StorageElements )
--element=               : Element family to be Synchronized ( Site, Resource or Node ) or `all`
--defaultStatus=         : Default element status if not given in the CS



Get parameters assigned to the CE


dirac-resource-get-parameters [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-N  --Name <value>           : Computing Element Name (Mandatory)
-S  --Site <value>           : Site Name (Mandatory)
-Q  --Queue <value>          : Queue Name (Mandatory)


Get information on resources available for the given VO: Computing and Storage. By default, resources for the VO corresponding to the current user identity are displayed


dirac-resource-info [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-C  --ce                     : Get CE info
-S  --se                     : Get SE info
-V  --vo <value>             : Get resources for the given VO. If not set, taken from the proxy



Give monitoring information regarding a staging file uniquely identified with (LFN,SE)

  • status

  • last update

  • jobs requesting this file to be staged

  • SRM requestID

  • pin expiry time

  • pin length


dirac-stager-monitor-file [options] ... LFN SE

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


LFN:  LFN of the staging file
SE:   Storage Element for the staging file


$ /lhcb/LHCb/Collision12/FULL.DST/00020846/0005/0_1.full.dst GRIDKA-RDST
LFN     : /lhcb/LHCb/Collision12/FULL.DST/00020846/0005/0_1.full.dst
PFN     : srm://
Status  : StageSubmitted
LastUpdate: 2013-06-11 18:13:40
Reason  : None
Jobs requesting this file to be staged: 48518896
------SRM staging request info--------------
SRM RequestID: -1768636375
SRM StageStatus: StageSubmitted
SRM StageRequestSubmitTime: 2013-06-11 18:13:38
SRM StageRequestCompletedTime: None
SRM PinExpiryTime: None
SRM PinLength: 43200


Report the summary of the staging progress of jobs


dirac-stager-monitor-jobs [options] ... JobID [JobID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help




$ 5688643 5688644

JobID               : 5688643
Status              : Offline
SubmitTime          : 2013-06-10 15:21:03
CompleteTime        : None

Staging files for this job::

    LFN     : /lhcb/LHCb/Collision10/SDST/01/0000/01_00003705_1.sdst
    SE      : IN2P3-RDST
    PFN     : srm://
    Status  : Offline
    Reason  : None
    LFN     : /lhcb/LHCb/Collision10/SDST/01/0000/01_00001918_1.sdst
    SE      : IN2P3-RDST
    PFN     : srm://
    Status  : Offline
    Reason  : None
    LFN     : /lhcb/LHCb/Collision10/SDST/01/0000/01_00002347_1.sdst
    SE      : IN2P3-RDST
    PFN     : srm://
    Status  : Offline
    Reason  : None
    LFN     : /lhcb/LHCb/Collision10/SDST/01/0000/01_00003701_1.sdst
    SE      : IN2P3-RDST
    PFN     : srm://
    Status  : Offline
    Reason  : None
JobID               : 5688644
Status              : Offline
SubmitTime          : 2013-06-10 15:21:07
CompleteTime        : None

Staging files for this job::

    LFN     : /lhcb/LHCb/Collision10/SDST/01/0000/01_00005873_1.sdst
    SE      : IN2P3-RDST
    PFN     : srm://
    Status  : Offline
    Reason  : None
    LFN     : /lhcb/LHCb/Collision10/SDST/01/0000/01_00004468_1.sdst
    SE      : IN2P3-RDST
    PFN     : srm://
    Status  : Offline
    Reason  : None
    LFN     : /lhcb/LHCb/Collision10/SDST/01/0000/01_00000309_1.sdst
    SE      : IN2P3-RDST
    PFN     : srm://
    Status  : Offline
    Reason  : None
    LFN     : /lhcb/LHCb/Collision10/SDST/01/0000/01_00005911_1.sdst
    SE      : IN2P3-RDST
    PFN     : srm://
    Status  : Offline
    Reason  : None
    LFN     : /lhcb/LHCb/Collision10/SDST/01/0000/01_00003296_1.sdst
    SE      : IN2P3-RDST
    PFN     : srm://
    Status  : Offline
    Reason  : None


Report the summary of the stage task from the DB.


dirac-stager-monitor-request [options] ... Request

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


Request:  ID of the Stage request in the StorageManager


Report the details of file staging requests, based on selection filters

WARNING: Query may be heavy, please use –limit switch!


dirac-stager-monitor-requests [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


--status=                : Filter per file status=(New, Offline, Waiting, Failed, StageSubmitted, Staged).
                           If not used, all status values will be taken into account
--se=                    : Filter per Storage Element. If not used, all storage elements will be taken into account.
--limit=                 : Limit the number of entries returned.
--showJobs=              : Whether to ALSO list the jobs asking for these files to be staged


$ --status=Staged --se=GRIDKA-RDST --limit=10 --showJobs=YES
Query limited to 10 entries

Status          LastUpdate           LFN              SE       Reason     Jobs       PinExpiryTime        PinLength
Staged   2013-06-05 20:10:50 /lhcb/LHCb/5.full.dst GRIDKA-RDST None    ['48498752']  2013-06-05 22:10:50  86400
Staged   2013-06-06 15:54:29 /lhcb/LHCb/1.full.dst GRIDKA-RDST None    ['48516851']  2013-06-06 16:54:29  43200
Staged   2013-06-07 02:35:41 /lhcb/LHCb/3.full.dst GRIDKA-RDST None    ['48520736']  2013-06-07 03:35:41  43200
Staged   2013-06-06 04:16:50 /lhcb/LHCb/3.full.dst GRIDKA-RDST None    ['48510852']  2013-06-06 06:16:50  86400
Staged   2013-06-07 03:44:04 /lhcb/LHCb/3.full.dst GRIDKA-RDST None    ['48520737']  2013-06-07 04:44:04  43200
Staged   2013-06-05 23:37:46 /lhcb/LHCb/3.full.dst GRIDKA-RDST None    ['48508687']  2013-06-06 01:37:46  86400
Staged   2013-06-10 08:50:09 /lhcb/LHCb/5.full.dst GRIDKA-RDST None    ['48518896']  2013-06-10 09:50:09  43200
Staged   2013-06-06 11:03:25 /lhcb/LHCb/2.full.dst GRIDKA-RDST None    ['48515583']  2013-06-06 12:03:25  43200
Staged   2013-06-06 11:11:50 /lhcb/LHCb/2.full.dst GRIDKA-RDST None    ['48515072']  2013-06-06 12:11:50  43200
Staged   2013-06-07 03:19:26 /lhcb/LHCb/2.full.dst GRIDKA-RDST None    ['48515600']  2013-06-07 04:19:26  43200


Reports breakdown of file(s) number/size in different staging states across Storage Elements. Currently used Cache per SE is also reported. (active pins)


dirac-stager-show-stats [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


$ dirac-stager-show-stats

 Status               SE                   NumberOfFiles        Size(GB)
 Staged               GRIDKA-RDST          1                    4.5535
 StageSubmitted       GRIDKA-RDST          5                    22.586
 Waiting              PIC-RDST             3                    13.6478

WARNING: the Size for files with Status=New is not yet determined at the point of selection!

 --------------------- current status of the SE Caches from the DB-----------
 GRIDKA-RDST    :      6 replicas with a size of 29.141 GB.


Submit staging requests for a particular Storage Element! Default DIRAC JobID will be =0. (not visible in the Job monitoring list though)


dirac-stager-stage-files <LFN> <SE>

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


<LFN>: LFN to Stage (or local file with list of LFNs)
<SE>:  Name of Storage Element


$ filesToStage.txt GRIDKA-RDST

Stage request submitted for LFNs::

You can check their status and progress with dirac-stager-monitor-file <LFN> <SE>

$ /lhcb/LHCb/Collision12/FULL.DST/00020846/0003/00020846_00032641_1.full.dst GRIDKA-RDST

Stage request submitted for LFNs::

You can check their status and progress with dirac-stager-monitor-file <LFN> <SE>



Module created to run failed jobs locally on a CVMFS-configured machine. It creates the necessary environment, downloads the necessary files, modifies the necessary files and runs the job


dirac-production-runjoblocal [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-D  --Download <value>       : Set jobID here. Defines data acquisition as DownloadInputData
-I  --Protocol <value>       : Set jobID here. Defines data acquisition as InputDataByProtocol


Add files to an existing transformation


dirac-transformation-add-files [options] ... TransID <LFN|FileName>

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


TransID:   transformation ID
LFN:       LFN
FileName:  file containing LFNs


Archive a transformation


dirac-transformation-archive [options] ... transID [transID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


transID:  transformation ID


Clean a tranformation


dirac-transformation-clean [options] ... transID [transID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


transID:  transformation ID


Command to launch the Transformation Shell


dirac-transformation-cli [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


Get the files attached to a transformation


dirac-transformation-get-files [options] ... transID

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


transID:  transformation ID


This script allows one to print information about a (list of) transformations.


dirac-transformation-information [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


--Information=           :    Specify which information is required


Script to call the DataRecoveryAgent functionality by hand.


dirac-transformation-recover-data [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-T  --TransID <value>        : TransID to Check/Fix
-X  --Enabled                : Enable the changes


Remove the outputs produced by a transformation


dirac-transformation-remove-output [options] ... transID [transID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


transID:  transformation ID


Create one replication transformation for each MetaValue given Is running in dry-run mode, unless enabled with -x MetaValue and TargetSEs can be comma separated lists


dirac-transformation-replication <MetaValue1[,val2,val3]> <TargetSEs> [-G<Files>] [-S<SourceSEs>][-N<ExtraName>] [-T<Type>] [-M<Key>] [-K...] -x

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-G  --GroupSize <value>      : Number of Files per transformation task
-R  --GroupName <value>      : TransformationGroup Name
-S  --SourceSEs <value>      : SourceSE(s) to use, comma separated list
-N  --Extraname <value>      : String to append to transformation name
-P  --Plugin <value>         : Plugin to use for transformation
-T  --Flavour <value>        : Flavour to create: Replication or Moving
-K  --MetaKey <value>        : Meta Key to use: TransformationID
-M  --MetaData <value>       : MetaData to use Key/Value Pairs: 'DataType:REC,'
-x  --Enable                 : Enable the transformation creation, otherwise dry-run


Move files that are Unused or MaxReset from a parent production to its derived production. The argument is a list of productions: comma separated list of ranges (a range has the form p1:p2)


dirac-transformation-update-derived [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


--NoReset                : Don't reset the MaxReset files to Unused (default is to reset)


Runs checkTransformationIntegrity from ValidateOutputDataAgent on selected Tranformation


dirac-transformation-verify-outputdata [options] ... transID [transID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


transID:  transformation ID



This command is here mainly to be used by running Pilots. Its goal is to add a PilotReference in PilotAgentsDB, and to update its status.

While SiteDirectors normally add pilots in PilotAgentsDB, the same can’t be true for pilots started in the vacuum (i.e. without SiteDirectors involved). This script is here to solve specifically this issue, even though it can be used for other things too.


dirac-admin-add-pilot [options] ... pilotRef ownerDN ownerGroup gridType pilotStamp

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


    --status=                : sets the pilot status
-t  --taskQueueID <value>    : sets the taskQueueID


pilotRef:    pilot reference
ownerDN:     pilot owner DN
ownerGroup:  pilot owner group
gridType:    grid type
pilotStamp:  DIRAC pilot stamp


$ dirac-admin-add-pilot htcondor:123456 user_DN user_group DIRAC A11D8D2E-60F8-17A6-5520-E2276F41 --Status=Running


Kill the specified pilot


dirac-admin-kill-pilot [options] ... PilotRef

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


PilotRef:  pilot reference


Get Pilots Logging for specific Pilot UUID or Job ID.

WARNING: Only one option (either uuid or jobid) should be used.


dirac-admin-pilot-logging-info [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-u  --uuid <value>           : get PilotsLogging for given Pilot UUID
-j  --jobid <value>          : get PilotsLogging for given Job ID


Show details of currently active Task Queues


dirac-admin-show-task-queues [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-v  --verbose                : give max details about task queues
-t  --taskQueue <value>      : show this task queue only


$ dirac-admin-show-task-queues
Getting TQs..
* TQ 401
        CPUTime: 360
           Jobs: 3
        OwnerDN: /O=GRID-FR/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=CPPM/CN=Vanessa Hamar
     OwnerGroup: dirac_user
       Priority: 1.0
          Setup: Dirac-Production


This is a simple script that can be used for synchronizing pilot files to the current directory.


dirac-admin-sync-pilot [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-n  --noMasterCS             : do not include master CS


The dirac-jobexec script is equipped to execute workflows that

are specified via their XML description. The main client of this script is the Job Wrapper.


dirac-jobexec [options] ... jobXMLfile

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-p  --parameter <value>      : Parameters that are passed directly to the workflow


jobXMLfile:  specify path to the Job XML file description



dirac-vm-cli [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


Get VM instances available in the configured cloud sites


dirac-vm-endpoint-status [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-S  --Site <value>           : Site Name
-C  --CE <value>             : Cloud Endpoint Name
-I  --Image <value>          : Image Name
-v  --vo <value>             : VO name


Get pilot output from a VM


dirac-vm-get-pilot-output [options] ... pilotRef

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


pilotRef:  pilot reference


Get VM instances available in the configured cloud sites


dirac-vm-instance-stop [options] ... site CE node

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


site:  Site name
CE:    Cloud Endpoint Name
node:  node name


Determine Normalization for current CPU. The main users of this script are the pilot jobs.

Pilots invoke dirac-wms-cpu-normalization which - runs 1 iteration of singleDiracBenchmark(1) (for single processors only)

  • stores in local cfg the following:

      CPUNormalizationFactor = 23.7 # corrected value (by JobScheduling/CPUNormalizationCorrection)
      DB12measured = 15.4


dirac-wms-cpu-normalization [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-N  --NumberOfProcessors <value>  : Run n parallel copies of the benchmark
-U  --Update                 : Update dirac.cfg with the resulting value
-R  --Reconfig <value>       : Update given configuration file with the resulting value


Report CPU length of queue, in seconds This script is used by the dirac-pilot script to set the CPUTime left, which is a limit for the matching


dirac-wms-get-queue-cpu-time [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-C  --CPUNormalizationFactor <value>  : CPUNormalizationFactor, in case it is known


Get WNs for a selection of jobs


dirac-wms-get-wn [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


--Site=                  :    Select site (default:
--Status=                :    Select status (default: ['Running'])
--MinorStatus=           :    Select minor status
--WorkerNode=            :   Select WN
--BatchID=               :   Select batch jobID
--Since=                 :    Date since when to select jobs, or number of days (default: today)
--Date=                  :    Specify the date (check for a full day)
--Full                   :    Printout full list of job (default: False except if --WorkerNode)


Determine number of processors and memory for the worker node


dirac-wms-get-wn-parameters [options] ...

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-N  --Name <value>           : Computing Element Name (Mandatory)
-S  --Site <value>           : Site Name (Mandatory)
-Q  --Queue <value>          : Queue Name (Mandatory)


Get computing resources capable to execute a job with the given description.

Note that only statically defined computing resource parameters are considered although sites can fail matching due to their dynamic state, e.g. occupancy by other jobs. Also input data proximity is not taken into account.


dirac-wms-match [options] ... job_JDL

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


-F  --full-match             : Check all the matching criteria
-S  --site <value>           : Check matching for these sites (comma separated list)


job_JDL:  file with job JDL description


Retrieve info about jobs run by the given pilot


dirac-wms-pilot-job-info [options] ... PilotID [PilotID]

General options:

-o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
-s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
-c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
-d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
    --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
    --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
    --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
-h  --help                   : Shows this help


--Parameters=            :    List of strings to be matched by job parameters or attributes


PilotID:  Grid ID of the pilot